We've spent the weekend trying to eat those things I love before starting the program tomorrow. Friday evening we tried to eat at a local BBQ restaurant, but it was so crowded we were unable to get into the parking lot. Same story at a Mexican place. We finally ended up at another Mexican restaurant and thoroughly enjoyed it. While there we ran into a local sheriff's deputy and after talking to him for a few minutes we are now hosting a part of this year's K-9 competition. We'll be hosting the cadaver dog portion of the event. They needed a large area with a body of water, so our lake fits the bill well.

Last night we bought a new set of scales and kitchen scales. For dinner we had some wonderful Indian food. Today I'll finish off the left overs from last night and head to the grocery store to buy the fruits & veggies I'll need for the program. We've also purged the pantry and refrigerator. Everything that is not part of the program is out. Instead of throwing everything away, we've loaded it into the box the NS food came in and are going to donate the items to the local Voluntary Action Center. So the box is now "The Things I Can't Eat 4 the Next Month (or for however long) R N This Box."
In a show of support, and an effort to eliminate our daily debate of "what do you want for dinner?", my girlfriend has decided to start the program as well. She absolutely doesn't need to as she's a skinny mini. Obviously she loves me bunches to do this. Thanks sweetie!
Tomorrow We Start.
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