Monday, August 24, 2009

1st Weigh In

I weighed myself this morning & after 1 week on the program I have lost.........10lbs. WooHoo! Lots more to go, but a great start if I do say so myself. Hopefully after the first week or so I'll settle into a steady 1-2lb per week loss, which is supposed to be more sustainable. But Yay anyway.


  1. Wow, nice going. Do you find you spend more time preparing food? Linda

  2. @Drena - Thanks.

    @Linda - Thanks. Somewhat, well yes, since I usually don't cook much at all. Kim preps the salads and fruits, but I've found some delicious frozen veggies that are single serving I just throw in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Most other stuff is either NS in microwave or canned veggies, either stove top or microwave.

  3. great job!! I am a little jealous :-) Oh well, I guess I will have to stick with my .4 a week. Great job!!
