Today is the beginning of my third week on NS. I read somewhere once that it takes two weeks of behavior to create a habit. Following that thought I hope my new way of eating has become a habit. Week 2 was just as easy as the first with regards to following the program. I hope the results become a habit as well (13 #s lost in the first 14 days).
Monday means chest day at the gym. I added an exercise today. I didn't really mean to, I just did it before I realized I had already finished 9 sets. I began with 3 sets of bench press (8-12 reps per set @ 200, 250, 250). Next was 3 sets of incline presses (8-12 reps again @ 230) followed by 3 sets of decline presses (10-15 reps @ 272). I accidentally added 3 sets of cable flies (10-12 reps @ 80 per side). Cardio at the gym was a little more intense than usual (by design). I finished up with 30 minutes on the treadmill, incline 11.5, speed, 3.4. This evening after dinner Kim and I walked the dogs for around 30 minutes for my final bit of cardio for the day.

Today's meals began with Nutrifrosted Crunch Cereal (NS), a banana, 2 oz. sliced turkey breast, and a slice of bread. This was my first try with this cereal & as with the others it was delightful (or maybe I'm just not that particular). My morning snack was a typical one, yogurt and strawberries. Lunch today I tried something new, the chicken salad (NS) on a single slice of bread along with two servings of carrots & broccoli with cheese sauce. The chicken salad wasn't bad, added a little mustard and fake salt (which I now call "falt"). Today's afternoon snack was nacho crisps with a dash of hot sauce. Dinner tonight was a salad with peppers and olives, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce, and cajun style chicken with sausage and brown rice (NS). I was stuffed after eating all of the dinner tonight. For my evening snack I enjoyed the chocolate peanut butter bar (NS) heated in the microwave for a bit.