Saturday began Kim's training for the Warrior Dash. We're gonna use the Couch to 5k program for her. Check it out at Her treadmill workout began with a 5 minute warm up, then an interval of 60 seconds jogging, followed by 90 seconds walking, then repeating the interval for 20 minutes. We finished up with another 5 minute walk. I did the routine along with her. It was nice. I still got a little running in but more importantly I rested my knees a bit. Kim was dreading the first workout (her first since before our vacation), but felt great afterward. After the treadmill she had a quick but intense upper body workout. Shoulders, triceps, chest, and biceps all trained in a huge super-set. Two cycles through the routine at a quick pace wiped her out. We both trained abs next. Fast paced with little rest for 12 sets. We began with decline crunches and hammer strength machine crunches in a super set, and finished off with 3 sets of v-sits. Continuing the theme of resting my knees and hips, the only other cardio I did Saturday was about 10 miles on the spin bike and a 2+ mile walk around the lake with Kim.
Great food day on Saturday. I began with some NS granola cereal (I LOVE that stuff), some Fage' yogurt, and a granola bar. I had a protein shake later in the morning and then a grilled chicken breast for lunch. Before we grilled out for dinner I had another 1/2 grilled chicken breast as a snack (trying to work on the protein consumption). For dinner Kim and I had grilled salmon and shrimp with a small salad. Outstanding! So happy to have some warm weather and be able to break out the grill. Finally for dessert I tried a Skinny Cow Chocolate Truffle Bar. Pretty good. The entire day I had around 1800 calories.
Tomorrow we head South to the big city to celebrate my mother's birthday. Her birthday was a few days ago, but she didn't feel well that day so she moved her bday dinner to this weekend. I've already planned out my meal. Salad and raw oysters. Happy Birthday Mom!
Finally, I shot a new pic of myself on Saturday. Well, Kim shot it & I lit it. Anyway, in preperation for the Warrior Dash, I'm growing a Warrior Beard (there's a contest for best Warrior Beard at the run). So I'm gonna shoot a pic every few weeks to document the progress of the Warrior Beard. Here's the Bearded Warrior at about 3 weeks in.
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