Thursday morning I woke early thinking about an upcoming insurance audit and was unable to fall back asleep. So I got up, ate breakfast, worked on some bookwork, and waited on the sun to rise so I could run around the lake. As the sun finally made an appearance I decided it was still a little cool to run so I hit the spin bike for 30 minutes instead. I planned to clean up and go to the gym after the bike, but Kim was getting ready for work as I finished with the bike so I decided to run before the gym. The Jack Russell and I trotted off on a 2.3 mile run and made it back before Kim came downstairs for breakfast. I was sorta tired at this point, so I rested a few minutes with the dog on the front porch and had a small protein shake. Once I felt somewhat recovered I cleaned up and headed to the gym. I began my workout with a run on the treadmill, and it was just terrible. I've never tried to do my treadmill work last (not without resting hours beforehand) and I was beat. I manged to get in 3.2 miles, but it was a struggle. My arm workout afterward was none to impressive. 3 sets of press downs, 3 sets of overhead presses, and 3 sets of rope press downs for triceps. Biceps began with 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls, and ended with 3 sets of hammer curls.
Friday's workout was brutal. I met DJ at the gym for a treadmill workout. 10 minute warm up, then his 5x5x5 for 15 minutes, followed by 10 more minutes of a recover walk, then repeating the 5x5x5, and finally a 10 minute walk to recover again. Brutal. I did well until the final 5 minutes at the highest speed (8mph). I got in about 2/5 of the time at 8, about 1/2 at 7, and the rest at 6. During the final cool down walk I realized it was Friday and I had to train legs. WHAT? I've NEVER forgotten leg day before. I've been so geared towards cardio training and was so happy to have someone to run with this morning that I absolutely forgot it was leg day. I contemplated waiting until tomorrow, but ended up deciding to go ahead and train after the HOUR on the treadmill. 3 sets of leg extensions, 3 sets of leg presses, & 3 sets of hack squats for quads. Hamstrings began with 3 sets of seated leg curls, 3 sets of hyper-extensions, and finally 3 sets of stiff leg dead lifts. After the workout I got on the elliptical for 20 more minutes. More of a final cool down than any real cardio work.
I've been trying to balance my food intake better. Lower sodium, more protein, same calories. Everything I look at has something I don't like in it now. If it has low sodium, high protein, decent calories, then it's loaded with cholesterol. Low in fat, carbs, and calories, then it's full of sodium. AAAHHH!!!
I rolled out the grill for the first time since last fall today. Grilled chicken (just chicken, nothing else, no marinade, nothing) and made a wonderful small salad. I had some shrimp yesterday for lunch and was very happy with it as well. I think I'm gonna try to have only 1 or maybe 2 NS meals per day. I'm good on non NS breakfasts now, I just happen to really dig the NS granola, muffins, and pancakes. NS lunches will be easy for me to do without. As long as I've got time I can grill some chicken/fish/shrimp and have a salad every day. The lunches were always my least favorite. I plan on still eating NS dinners pretty consistently for awhile. I love the veggie fajitas, some of the new wraps, the pizza. It's just so easy to have these meals and not have to worry about what to do for dinner.
Pic below is yet another from Costa Rica.
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