After a few days of entering my food on the BodyBugg food log I've come to a couple of realizations. The first, which I already suspected, is that my protein consumption is low. Very low compared to what I used to take in when training hard. No problem to correct that. I'll replace some snacks with protein shakes and all should be good. The second realization is the amount of sodium I'm taking in. WHOA! Super high & we don't even own a salt shaker. Most of the sodium is of course from NS foods. I knew they were high, but when combining them with some of the vegetarian burgers, frozen veggies, and granola it really totals up. Not much I can do about the amount of sodium in the NS meals so I'll have to really watch my choices concerning veggies & proteins.
Hopefully the protein shakes will help me with feeling weak and HUNGRY at night. Last night we had to go to shopping for Kim some work related books and we were both so hungry (I'd already had dinner) we stopped to eat on the way home. I had a salad with fat free dressing and a dozen raw oysters. That helped, but I still had to eat another snack before bed. I feel positive the hunger is a result of my workouts. Yesterday I ran 3.6 miles at the gym, trained chest (12 sets total), & ran a little over 2 miles around the lake after lunch. I'll try the shakes tomorrow and see how it goes.
Kim and I have decided to enter our first race. It's called the Warrior Dash. Basically you run 3.22 miles and have to navigate 11 various obstacles throughout the course. Sounds fun. You get a "warrior helmet" and shirt upon completion. They have prizes for best costume, best warrior beard (since I forgot my razor on vacation and have a beard going already I've decided to see what kind of warrior beard I can have ready for the race, which is over 2 months away). I'm excited, I think Kim is too.
My Jack Russell looked like he had run in the Warrior Dash when I found him setting on the front porch after my run around the lake. He was covered from end to end in mud. He even had mud in his eyes. No clue what he was chasing, but he looked like he had fun. No pic of the dirty dog, I just grabbed him and gave him a bath as soon as we came in the door.
Pic is another from Costa Rica....
I just found out about this warrior dash..looks fun!
ReplyDeleteAs for the sodium...I started thinking that it could have been the reason that I gained while out of town...I felt a little more "puffy" than normal and then that feeling went away pretty quick once I got home. I don't eat much sodium at home (not really any processed food) but on the road they use it to preserve everything. Hmm, food for thought.
I've recently become sodium conscious. No reason other than tracking it via BB. Still shocked as to how much salt is in stuff....