Monday, August 17, 2009

Day 1

I began the NS program this morning. Thus far, things are great. The Apple Scone I had with breakfast was good, the chocolate peanut butter crunch bar was good, and the white chocolate chunk cookie for my afternoon snack was really good. For dinner I tried the lasagna with meat sauce. It was very good. Don't get me wrong, you're not going to think you're at Maggiano's or anything, but it was tasty. Finally, for my last snack of the evening I tried the Nutrichocolates. Not to be confused with chocolates. Not bad, but not great either. All in all, the NS food has been good.

What I've really enjoyed about the program so far is the constant eating all day. It's very similar to years ago when I was in college and ate (protein shakes) throughout the day. I've also rediscovered my love of vanilla yogurt. I haven't had any in years. I called Kim and told her how the eating was going this afternoon, but I noticed I kept talking about the yogurt.

I had a good workout (trained chest) and then walked on the treadmill for 1/2 hour this morning. I decline pressed 3 sets of 12-15 reps @272, 292, & 312 followed by 3 sets of incline @ 295, 285, 265. Finished off with a Bodymasters fly machine for 3 sets @ 160. I did a few dips before I started cardio. Hopefully Kim & I will be able to walk a few of the dogs this evening when she gets home from work, but it's raining now so it's not looking so good.


  1. Found this due to your Facebook post and think that it is great. I recently had a similar realization (and actually it was a few months ago that I supposedly started but I was bad about it and sort of had a few false starts). I am now in week 3 of my restart :-) Oh well, I thought about deleting the other entries and starting over but then I thought that maybe people reading a "real" account of trying to lose weight might help someone out there so I left it.

    I have decided to do weight watchers because I don't really like packaged food and I have had success with ww before. My biggest challenge is that when I start to lose I lose some motivation to be "good" but I think that ww works for me because I don't eat poorly, I just eat a lot and when I am not hungry. Their points help me to control my portions.

    Anyway, if you want to read my babbling it is at

    Good luck!
