Once finished with the gym I cleaned up and then drove to my grandmother's house to pick her up for lunch. Mom, dad, my grandmother & I celebrated her 81st birthday with lunch at an Olive Garden. I had a salad with lite dressing, no croutons, a single tomato, and not much else. I later looked up the calories in the regular salad everyone else had and was shocked. They might as well have had a pizza. Lots of calories & LOTS of sodium. My soup had a few hundred calories & a boatload of sodium. The bread sticks were where I bombed. I meant to eat 1/2 of one. I ate 3, @ 150 calories each. Damn. For sure gonna run again now. The rest of the day I had some granola, some very low fat-high protein beef jerky, and NS sloppy joe for dinner.
After Kim got home from work we went back to the gym. The final treadmill session went much better than the morning run. It was noticeably cooler in the gym. I ended the day with 7+ miles of running, & 8.5 miles on the bike.
I've got my bag packed and ready for our trip. Kim is to have her bag packed tomorrow evening so we can weigh it and make sure it is under the weight limit for checked bags. I've made check lists, shopping lists, packing lists, etc. I don't want us to be up all night Friday night trying to pack and get ready to leave. I want to be able to be ready tomorrow night so Friday I don't have to worry about it. Friday I want to be able to train, come home and sleep some during the afternoon, run again in the evening, then go to bed early so we can get up and be at the airport EARLY Saturday morning. I'm so excited about this trip. If I don't see a monkey I'll cut someone!
Another pic of me below. Shot at the OneLight workshop in Atlanta last week. Nong Cavender shot the photo.

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