Tuesday I trained, rode the bike and ran before driving to my hotel in East Atlanta. Kim met me in the city that evening and we had dinner at Bacchanalia (we've had a gift card for six months and finally got the chance to use it). Dinner was probably one of the top 5 meals of my life. Lots of little treats from the chefs during dinner, along with a four course meal. I had a crab fritter (outstanding), pork loin, anduie sausage, crispy pork belly, arugula with gorgonzola, and finally bread pudding for dessert. Of course the pasty chef sent out additional treats, so we ended up with about 3 desserts total. If you're ever in Atlanta, you owe it to yourself to eat here. $75 prix fixe menu.
I brought training clothes and running shoes with me so I could run on the treadmill while at the hotel. It was a great idea. Didn't work out so well. After checking in to the hotel I walked down to the "gym" to look at the treadmills. I knew it was a bad sign when I saw the giant blue pads attached to the wall behind the treadmills. Evidently so many people fell off the treadmills and were then thrown into the wall, the hotel installed pads to soften the blow. That along with the fact the "gym" was in the same room as the very hot and humid indoor pool was enough for me to decide to forgo the morning run. It was a good thing as it turned out. As I mentioned above, the workshop lasted over 17 hours. I was beat when I rolled back into the room after 3AM.
This morning I awoke early (loud construction noises and the blinding light of the sun shining on my face) and decided to get up and head home. Since I knew I was to tired to train today I made the most of it and hit one of the new, highly touted doughnut shops in Atlanta. Sublime Doughnuts is near Georgia Tech, and while not much to look at, they make some freaky good doughnuts. Peanut Butter Cup doughnuts, Oreo & Cream doughnuts, and Butterfinger Doughnuts ROCK. The pink lemonade doughnut was not my favorite thing in the world though. Again, if you're nearby (and have a little self control) check 'em out.
Finally back in town, I met my parents for lunch and then came home to go to bed. It never worked out. My phone kept ringing. Kim got home from work and I gave up on sleep so we could walk the dogs. Never again will we walk the Jack Russell and the Pug at the same time. The Jack tries to take the Pug off into the middle of nowhere and leave her for dead. Bad dog, bad dog. I did get in a nice walk to ease my way back into training.
Dinner this evening was a roasted pepper soup by Kim and a bowl of granola cereal. I've been on a granola kick lately. No explanation other than I'm craving cereal.
Included throughout the post are a few pics I shot of some of the models at the workshop. Finally a new pic of me. I set up the lights and another workshop member used my camera for the shot. Shot in a bright, white room. I kinda like it....
Good to be home and back to my NS!
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