We decided to train early on Friday, before Kim had to be at her new job. One of Kim's coworkers described his starting time as "First Thing in the Morning, around 10:30 AM." This sounds like a perfect scenario for Kim. Anyway, we arrived at the gym around 8AM and began with 30 minutes on the treadmill. This is a deprature from my usual routine of riding the spin bike for 30 minutes before the gym. I ran for 30 minutes in my new Mizuno Wave Nexus 4 running shoes. Loved 'em. They felt so light and didn't hurt my aggrivated tendon at all. I think the Nike Shox I was wearing just fit me weird and caused pain on the tendon leading to my big toe. So good cardio to start the workout, then we trained arms. 3 sets of triceps press downs & 3 sets of overhead presses. The biceps workout began with 3 sets of seated incline curls followed by 3 sets of cable rope curls. We returned home for Kim to get ready for work and I completed all of my bookwork for the day before she left the house. I knocked out 30 minutes on the spin bike before cleaning up and finishing all of the errands I needed to take care of for the day.
I decided to stop at the local grocery store on my way home (snow was forecast for our area which means everyone here freaks out) to find some Valentine's Day flowers for Kim. The grocery store was insane. The line to check out reached out the front door. CRAZY. I gave up and went to StarBucks. Double espresso and one of the new Skinny Vanilla Lattes. I went home and had my lunch and then went out to another, smaller grocery store in search of roses. By this time snow was falling. This store was insane as well, just not so much so as the first store. Found flowers (& two tiny cupcakes for us to share), bought them, and returned home. Kim got home late and accidentally found the flowers I bought for her (Doh!) so she got her flowers a little early. I think we received about 2 inches of snow. That amount is a blizzard for Georgia. The state DOT is advising people not to drive. Crazy.
The Pug hates the snow. Most of our big dogs don't care for it either. I walked out around the lake as the snow began to fall and got a few decent pics. We also learned yesterday that the back gate to our property had been torn down due to a police chase that happened while we were in MB. DAMN IT! Why couldn't we have been here! The idiot apparently drove through the steel gate barrier, then crashed his vehicle into the lake. We assumed some crazed fisherman had destroyed the gate to go fishing. This is such a much better story. Maybe they tazed the guy, repeatedly, in the neck. Well, we wanted the lock cut off of the gate anyway, so this kinda helped, but we really didn't want the entire gate destroyed. Oh well. Now I guess we'll get a new gate, or a heavy chain, or some type of barrier to put up. I wish I could install land mines, turret mounted automatic guns, terminators, etc. to help keep out poachers, trespassers, and other scum of the earth who love to hang out at our lake.
I had a great food day, until after dinner. On plan all day and Kim and I had a great dinner (veggie fajitas for me, and she turned her veggie fajitas into a gumbo type of meal - she poured the mixture + veggie chorizo over okra, it was mighty tasty). After dinner things deteriorated. I had to many calories early in the day (skinny latte, and an extra granola bar) that didn't do much to fill me up. I was hungry all evening and ended up eating a chocolate crunch bar I didn't intend on eating along with another granola bar, plus part of a cupcake split with Kim for Valentine's. I ended up with about 2000 calories on the day. I burned over 3700, so I still had a good deficit going on the day. I don't need to get in a habit of hitting the local StarBucks often. The Skinny Vanilla Lattes are good though (130 calories for a grande).
I don't know if we'll get to train tomorrow or not. The snow may paralyze our town for days to come.
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