I woke early planning to do my usual thing of walking the Pug, releasing the remaining hounds, feeding the cats, waking Kim, and then heading out on a 3+ mile run. The weather didn't like my plans. I spent my morning bringing dogs in and out very quickly as thunderstorms moved into the area. Shortly after all the animals had been tended to, the rain began. No running outside. I began a little bookwork that stretched into multiple hours. I did get in 30 minutes on the spin bike during the morning though. Well into the afternoon I finally finished (to a point, it never really ends) my bookwork and headed out into the world.
Still raining, so still not outside running at all. Arriving at the gym about 4 hours (and 3 meals) later than normal I jumped onto a treadmill with the intention of running 3.5 miles at a constant speed. The gym didn't agree with my plans this time. Firehouse Gym has installed new large HD TVs in the cardio area (which are not in HD because they would have had to rewire 1/2 the building to get HDMI cables to reach from the receivers to the TVs, but they look pretty darn good) and one of the employees tried to change the channel to find the Masters on at the request of another member riding an elliptical behind me. She changed the channel on the TV, not the receiver, leaving us with a wonderful static image to watch. She tried & tried in vain to get something back on the screen. Nothing. Finally, reluctantly I waved her over to my treadmill and took one of the remotes and found the signal. During this time my paused treadmill timed out. Yay! I think I'd done about 18 minutes at this point. I switched to an elliptical for 10 minutes, and then switched back to the treadmill for another 15 minutes. I think I got in over 3 miles total on the treadmill alone, so I guess it was a decent cardio workout. Unfortunately, we never got to see the Masters coverage while I was there. We ended up on the Golf Network. They were talking about the Masters, just not covering it at that time. After the cardio I trained back. I was out of sorts, training so late in the day. I began with 3 sets of hammer strength high rows, then 3 sets of hammer strength pull downs, followed by 3 sets of t-bar rows, and finally 3 sets of straight arm press downs. I burned about 3800 calories on the day. Not bad for running about 1/2 of what I've been doing as of late. I'll push tomorrow and try to get in a bike ride, six miles or so of running, and a workout.
Food was good the entire day, until dinner. Kim was not feeling great and wanted to eat something other than grilled fish. So we went to eat Mexican. I was excited too. Something different made my mouth water. She had a shrimp soupy thing and I had a carnitas burrito. Very tasty. Really bad. Whatever. Up to that point in the day I'd only had about 1000 calories (a little less actually) so I probably ended up with a negative balance on the day, but not by much. I informed Kim the rest of the weekend for me would be clean eating. Either grilled chicken, fish, or NS.
Below is a pic or two of Kim's engagement ring. A few people had asked for a pic a while back, so here you are....
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