Busy day today. I spent hours this morning working on some computer/work stuff before finally being able to start my Insanity workout around 10AM. About an hour later I was finished and had to hurry to make it to lunch with my mother, sister, and nephew. We ate at Drena's favorite place, Peng's Pavilion, a local Chinese joint.
After lunch I went directly to the gym. I lifted first today. 3 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench, 3 sets of incline dumbbell curls, and finally 3 sets of push-ups super sets (regular push-ups followed promptly with push-ups done with my feet balanced on a large workout ball). After the lifting I jumped onto a treadmill. Again today I ran barefoot style in my Vibrams. I learned to never run after eating such a large lunch. D'oh. I felt terrible every step.
The final evxercise of the day was a walk around the lake with Kim and JJF. The temps are much better here now. Another week or two and we can start taking some big dogs with us on walks.
Food today was good. Muffin for breakfast, Chinese for lunch, muffin for snack, LC for dinner, cereal and a muffin late. Not to bad at all.
Tomorrow I'm gonna hit Insanity early, do some book work, run, and double up muscle training at the gym. I'm gonna try to do back and biceps together so I can shorten the workout week down a day and train legs on Thursday. I don't want to miss a leg workout this week and be in an ill mood because I did.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Sunday Leg Day
Since I'm running 2 days behind this week, I got to train legs today, on Sunday. Usually I like to just walk the dogs or get in an easy run. I did take it easy with the workout sine I had to miss last week's leg workout altogether and really don't want to be freaky sore this week.
When I arrived at the gym I began with a slow paced, barefoot (Vibrams) hill run (program) on the treadmill. I got in about 3.3 miles before slowing to a walk for a few minutes to cool down before the workout. I only did 2 exercises per muscle group today. 3 sets of heavy(ish) leg extensions followed by 3 sets of moderate true squats for quads. Hamstrings began with 3 sets of heavy seated leg curls and ended with 3 sets of heavy hyper-extensions.
The rest of the day was rest. I tried to do an Insanity workout, but my calves were exhausted from the barefoot runs of the past few days, so I gave up and decided to call it a day.
Food in the AM was good. A muffin for breakfast, protein shake before the gym, red curry chicken after the gym (kashi), and then the last of the left over chana sag. Dinner was awful. A Tombstone pizza. I suck. It was awesome!
I made some muffins late tonight to have for breakfast this week. I used a new measuring cup while preparing the mix. I didn't pay attention to the actual markings and used pints instead of cups. The muffins suck. At least I won't be tempted to eat them all day long now. I'm gonna plan out next week's meals tonight and tomorrow so I can have a good week before leaving out for the beach.
Chest, 3-4 mile run, Insanity, and a dog walk are on the schedule for tomorrow.
When I arrived at the gym I began with a slow paced, barefoot (Vibrams) hill run (program) on the treadmill. I got in about 3.3 miles before slowing to a walk for a few minutes to cool down before the workout. I only did 2 exercises per muscle group today. 3 sets of heavy(ish) leg extensions followed by 3 sets of moderate true squats for quads. Hamstrings began with 3 sets of heavy seated leg curls and ended with 3 sets of heavy hyper-extensions.
The rest of the day was rest. I tried to do an Insanity workout, but my calves were exhausted from the barefoot runs of the past few days, so I gave up and decided to call it a day.
Food in the AM was good. A muffin for breakfast, protein shake before the gym, red curry chicken after the gym (kashi), and then the last of the left over chana sag. Dinner was awful. A Tombstone pizza. I suck. It was awesome!
I made some muffins late tonight to have for breakfast this week. I used a new measuring cup while preparing the mix. I didn't pay attention to the actual markings and used pints instead of cups. The muffins suck. At least I won't be tempted to eat them all day long now. I'm gonna plan out next week's meals tonight and tomorrow so I can have a good week before leaving out for the beach.
Chest, 3-4 mile run, Insanity, and a dog walk are on the schedule for tomorrow.
6 Miles in the Terra Plana
Yesterday I had a decent day training. I began the morning with an Insanity Workout, Core Cardio and Balance. It was easy, as far as Insanity goes. I didn't remember which particular workout I had to do, so it was a nice surprise to discover it was a milder workout for the day.
After the Insanity, I went to the gym to train arms and run. The arm workout was typical, maybe just a little heavier than usual. 3 sets of close grip triceps press downs, 3 sets of heavy overhead presses, and 3 sets of rope press downs began the workout. I finished up with 3 sets of rope curls, 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls (heavy), and ended the biceps workout with 3 sets of very heavy standing dumbbell curls. I had planned on running 6 miles when I left the house. By the time I got on the treadmill I had decided I'd just run 60 minutes and see how far that got me. I had a decent pace (for me) and had 6 miles in just under 50 minutes. I was gonna keep going, but I had developed a NEW blister from the Terra Plana shoes on my left heel. So I slowed at about 51 minutes, walked another minute or so, and then stopped altogether. The run in the TP's felt good. Occasionally I could tell I was landing to much on one side or the other of one foot, but I almost immediately corrected it. A day later, other than the blister(s) the only issue I have is possibly some tenderness (bruising) on the pinky toe side of my foot. I think I ran about 10 miles in the TP's in a 24 hour period, so I guess the blister and tenderness are to be expected. Here's a pic of the new Terra Plana shoes below.
Food on the day was great, until dinner. Breakfast was a bowl of cereal, lunch was some left over chana masala (chick peas) and chana sag (chick peas in spinach). Dinner was a bust. I had a small, meaty pizza from this new FANTASTIC pizza place, which is unfortunately very close to our house. Like the closest restaurant in existence to our house. I can see having a small pizza during UGA games happening a lot this fall. Damn. Anyway, small, delicious pizza for dinner along with a couple of bread sticks. Then I really ruined the day with some ice cream for dessert. The sign outside the ice cream place said it all, "Treat Yourself". I saw the sing and agreed wholeheartedly. In actuality (the past week would be an exception due to the fact I was out of town in Atlanta two days) I follow a very good, healthy diet Monday through Friday. I do relax it on the weekends to keep my sanity. Once we set a date for our wedding I'll go back to full time "on" diet.
Sunday is leg day. I think I'm only gonna run about 3 miles of hills at a relatively slow pace to start the workout. It's supposed to be my off day from Insanity, but I'm thinking about pushing ahead and starting the final week a day early. If I do (and I skip the ever hated Max Recovery workout) I can FINISH the program sometime Thursday! I desperately want to be done with it then because I think we're headed out of town for the weekend and I don't want to bring Shaun T. and his Insanity along with us. No offense, but I need some time apart from him and his crazy, that was bananas stupid hard workouts.
After the Insanity, I went to the gym to train arms and run. The arm workout was typical, maybe just a little heavier than usual. 3 sets of close grip triceps press downs, 3 sets of heavy overhead presses, and 3 sets of rope press downs began the workout. I finished up with 3 sets of rope curls, 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls (heavy), and ended the biceps workout with 3 sets of very heavy standing dumbbell curls. I had planned on running 6 miles when I left the house. By the time I got on the treadmill I had decided I'd just run 60 minutes and see how far that got me. I had a decent pace (for me) and had 6 miles in just under 50 minutes. I was gonna keep going, but I had developed a NEW blister from the Terra Plana shoes on my left heel. So I slowed at about 51 minutes, walked another minute or so, and then stopped altogether. The run in the TP's felt good. Occasionally I could tell I was landing to much on one side or the other of one foot, but I almost immediately corrected it. A day later, other than the blister(s) the only issue I have is possibly some tenderness (bruising) on the pinky toe side of my foot. I think I ran about 10 miles in the TP's in a 24 hour period, so I guess the blister and tenderness are to be expected. Here's a pic of the new Terra Plana shoes below.
Food on the day was great, until dinner. Breakfast was a bowl of cereal, lunch was some left over chana masala (chick peas) and chana sag (chick peas in spinach). Dinner was a bust. I had a small, meaty pizza from this new FANTASTIC pizza place, which is unfortunately very close to our house. Like the closest restaurant in existence to our house. I can see having a small pizza during UGA games happening a lot this fall. Damn. Anyway, small, delicious pizza for dinner along with a couple of bread sticks. Then I really ruined the day with some ice cream for dessert. The sign outside the ice cream place said it all, "Treat Yourself". I saw the sing and agreed wholeheartedly. In actuality (the past week would be an exception due to the fact I was out of town in Atlanta two days) I follow a very good, healthy diet Monday through Friday. I do relax it on the weekends to keep my sanity. Once we set a date for our wedding I'll go back to full time "on" diet.
Sunday is leg day. I think I'm only gonna run about 3 miles of hills at a relatively slow pace to start the workout. It's supposed to be my off day from Insanity, but I'm thinking about pushing ahead and starting the final week a day early. If I do (and I skip the ever hated Max Recovery workout) I can FINISH the program sometime Thursday! I desperately want to be done with it then because I think we're headed out of town for the weekend and I don't want to bring Shaun T. and his Insanity along with us. No offense, but I need some time apart from him and his crazy, that was bananas stupid hard workouts.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Ruined The Day With an Indain Feast
Today was strange. I began the day with a yogurt, some coffee, and bookwork. After a couple of hours I finished my work for the day and decided to get my Insanity Workout in early. I did the Max Interval Circuit. Doing it first makes it so much easier. I'm not wanting to collapse into a coma the entire workout. I'm actually able to complete most of the exercises. If I do the workout later in the day I fail out on every set.
After Insanity I went to the gym and trained shoulders. 3 sets of shoulder presses, 3 sets of side lateral raises, 3 sets of upright rows, 3 sets of rear delts, and finally 3 sets of shoulder shrugs. Next I ran 4.3 miles on the treadmill. The first 3.something miles were on the random hill setting. The remaining was on a flat surface. I ran in my new Terra Planar shoes today. They too are a "barefoot" shoe. I think I'm gonna like these shoes as well. No issues with regards to blisters as yet either.
I had planned to walk this evening, but Kim and I had to go to work on a leak at one of our properties so the walk never happened. Since we were half way there already working, we drove on to our favorite Indian restaurant for dinner. I ruined what was otherwise a pretty good day with my diet. I had a chicken curry dish is a tomato cream gravy, along with a mango lassi, some chai tea, puri, and a sweet coconut naan. Delicious. Of course I had my usual dessert as well, GULAB JAMUN! We brought home chana sag and chana masala. Tomorrow's lunch/dinner!
Tomorrow is another round of Insanity, then an arm workout, followed by a run. Might run 6 miles tomorrow. I've gotta train legs on Sunday, so I know I won't be running much then.
After Insanity I went to the gym and trained shoulders. 3 sets of shoulder presses, 3 sets of side lateral raises, 3 sets of upright rows, 3 sets of rear delts, and finally 3 sets of shoulder shrugs. Next I ran 4.3 miles on the treadmill. The first 3.something miles were on the random hill setting. The remaining was on a flat surface. I ran in my new Terra Planar shoes today. They too are a "barefoot" shoe. I think I'm gonna like these shoes as well. No issues with regards to blisters as yet either.
I had planned to walk this evening, but Kim and I had to go to work on a leak at one of our properties so the walk never happened. Since we were half way there already working, we drove on to our favorite Indian restaurant for dinner. I ruined what was otherwise a pretty good day with my diet. I had a chicken curry dish is a tomato cream gravy, along with a mango lassi, some chai tea, puri, and a sweet coconut naan. Delicious. Of course I had my usual dessert as well, GULAB JAMUN! We brought home chana sag and chana masala. Tomorrow's lunch/dinner!
Tomorrow is another round of Insanity, then an arm workout, followed by a run. Might run 6 miles tomorrow. I've gotta train legs on Sunday, so I know I won't be running much then.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Crappy Luncy Followed by a Crappy Run
Crappy. That sums up my day.
Breakfast was ok. A muffin and some granola. Lunch was no good. We ended up at the Cheesecake Factory. Blah. I tried the fish tacos. I should have just gotten a slice of cheesecake instead. They were blah. I ended up eating bread with butter afterward, which was delicious.
Once home from my day riding around in Atlanta I went on a run OUTSIDE. The temperature felt great. My new Vibram Bikila's felt great. I ran a decent pace from the house out to the end of the big dam of our lake (.94 miles) and stopped to return a phone call (I heard my dad's ring tone and knew I needed to call back or else I wouldn't have stopped). Once off the phone I noticed my right heel was hurting a little. I slipped off the back part of my shoe to find the blister which I thought had already healed to be bleeding. Lovely. I had to walk home with my right shoe half on/half off. Maybe a few more days and I'll be able to run in the Vibrams again. Blisters suck. I thought I was gonna get lucky with these new shoes. This seems to always happen to me when I get a new pair. Oh well, a few days of blisters, then a year or so of good use.
TOMORROW I make my return to the gym and Insanity. Two days off and I'm hating it. I could tell this evening I was in a bad mood (partially from the terrible fish tacos). I should be all better in the AM after a good workout. Maybe I'll even get up and run (wearing socks and shoes) before running at the gym.
Breakfast was ok. A muffin and some granola. Lunch was no good. We ended up at the Cheesecake Factory. Blah. I tried the fish tacos. I should have just gotten a slice of cheesecake instead. They were blah. I ended up eating bread with butter afterward, which was delicious.
Once home from my day riding around in Atlanta I went on a run OUTSIDE. The temperature felt great. My new Vibram Bikila's felt great. I ran a decent pace from the house out to the end of the big dam of our lake (.94 miles) and stopped to return a phone call (I heard my dad's ring tone and knew I needed to call back or else I wouldn't have stopped). Once off the phone I noticed my right heel was hurting a little. I slipped off the back part of my shoe to find the blister which I thought had already healed to be bleeding. Lovely. I had to walk home with my right shoe half on/half off. Maybe a few more days and I'll be able to run in the Vibrams again. Blisters suck. I thought I was gonna get lucky with these new shoes. This seems to always happen to me when I get a new pair. Oh well, a few days of blisters, then a year or so of good use.
TOMORROW I make my return to the gym and Insanity. Two days off and I'm hating it. I could tell this evening I was in a bad mood (partially from the terrible fish tacos). I should be all better in the AM after a good workout. Maybe I'll even get up and run (wearing socks and shoes) before running at the gym.
Nothing. That's basically what I've done since Tuesday. I managed to walk around the lake last night, but that's it. I've been busy with work for the past 36 hours and it continues today. Hopefully I'll get back home by the middle of the afternoon so I can get some sorta workout in. My new shoes, the Terra Planar (not sure on the spelling) came in. All I've done in them so far is walk to the mail box. Pics and notes from my first run in them tomorrow. Shaun T is gonna try to kill me when I do my next Insanity workout tonight. I'm almost scared....
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Running In the new Vibram Bikila
Last night I only got to walk the dog around the lake to break in the new Vibram Bikila shoes. Today I got in a little 3 mile run on the treadmill and I was thrilled with them. Much more comfortable than the Vibram KSO's I've been using from time to time. The material is a little different, the fit is more snug and cushiony, and much more padding/gripping material on the front of the foot. I had a few people stop me and ask about them while I was training. 1 guy even knew what they were and had been trying to find a pair. I got lucky finding these (at the 10th place I tried). Maybe not so much lucky, just determined to find a pair....
My workout to day was very fast paced. I began with 3 sets of pull ups, then 3 sets of t-bar rows, then 3 sets of hammer strength pull downs, then ended with 3 sets of lat pull downs. I finished the workout in under 10 minutes, so I was moving quick with little rest. I was in such a hurry so that I made sure I had time to run for 30 minutes before having to get ready to meet my mother and sister for lunch. The run was great. No pain, no issues with the new shoes, just a good, decent paced run. I didn't push at all (making sure I was comfortable in the shoes) but by running after the fast workout, my heart rate stayed pretty high the entire workout. I guess the real test of how I fared will come tomorrow when I find out if my calves are wrecked or not.
I spent the rest of the day either working for my father after my lunch with Joyce and Drena. I had a chicken, spinach, shrimp, curried peach dish over rice. Very good. Really good considering that I forgot to eat breakfast for the first time in over a year. I guess I just got busy trying to do some bookwork and getting ready to train. Crazy. I wondered why I was so hungry before lunch.
My only other training on the day was a walk around the lake. I developed a very painful blister on my foot after the walk. Every time I get some new shoes I always get a blister or two.
Tomorrow is already wrecked. I've gotta work for a bit in Atlanta, deal with the blister, and try to train before the gym gets crowded tomorrow evening. Might have to skip the gym entirely and just spin, walk, and do Insanity.
My workout to day was very fast paced. I began with 3 sets of pull ups, then 3 sets of t-bar rows, then 3 sets of hammer strength pull downs, then ended with 3 sets of lat pull downs. I finished the workout in under 10 minutes, so I was moving quick with little rest. I was in such a hurry so that I made sure I had time to run for 30 minutes before having to get ready to meet my mother and sister for lunch. The run was great. No pain, no issues with the new shoes, just a good, decent paced run. I didn't push at all (making sure I was comfortable in the shoes) but by running after the fast workout, my heart rate stayed pretty high the entire workout. I guess the real test of how I fared will come tomorrow when I find out if my calves are wrecked or not.
I spent the rest of the day either working for my father after my lunch with Joyce and Drena. I had a chicken, spinach, shrimp, curried peach dish over rice. Very good. Really good considering that I forgot to eat breakfast for the first time in over a year. I guess I just got busy trying to do some bookwork and getting ready to train. Crazy. I wondered why I was so hungry before lunch.
My only other training on the day was a walk around the lake. I developed a very painful blister on my foot after the walk. Every time I get some new shoes I always get a blister or two.
Tomorrow is already wrecked. I've gotta work for a bit in Atlanta, deal with the blister, and try to train before the gym gets crowded tomorrow evening. Might have to skip the gym entirely and just spin, walk, and do Insanity.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Feeling Better
After a weekend of being sick I'm back feeling better today. The only exercise I managed over the weekend was the most difficult 3.5 mile run I've ever done. Don't think I'll try running while sick much more.
Today I changed the order of my training. I began the day with the Insanity Max Cardio workout. MUCH easier doing it first. I completed almost every set at a good pace. Amazing what training fresh will do for you.
Next up was the gym. I trained chest first instead of running first. 3 sets of incline presses, 3 sets of decline presses, 3 sets of machine flies, and 3 sets of seated chest press. I ran at a moderate pace and finished about 3.6 miles in 30 minutes. I walked a little more and ended up with 3.85 miles total.
After working some this afternoon I came home and finished up my Insanity for the day with Cardio Abs. 16 minutes of a decent ab workout.
One of my new pair of running shoes arrived today. The Vibram Bikila's are specifically designed for running (whereas my other Vibrams are designed for general use). The fit is a little different and some of the materials are different (these are more comfortable feeling, at least so far). I'll try them out when we walk JJF later this evening. Just walking at first tonight and maybe I'll get to run in them tomorrow at the gym.

Today I changed the order of my training. I began the day with the Insanity Max Cardio workout. MUCH easier doing it first. I completed almost every set at a good pace. Amazing what training fresh will do for you.
Next up was the gym. I trained chest first instead of running first. 3 sets of incline presses, 3 sets of decline presses, 3 sets of machine flies, and 3 sets of seated chest press. I ran at a moderate pace and finished about 3.6 miles in 30 minutes. I walked a little more and ended up with 3.85 miles total.
After working some this afternoon I came home and finished up my Insanity for the day with Cardio Abs. 16 minutes of a decent ab workout.
One of my new pair of running shoes arrived today. The Vibram Bikila's are specifically designed for running (whereas my other Vibrams are designed for general use). The fit is a little different and some of the materials are different (these are more comfortable feeling, at least so far). I'll try them out when we walk JJF later this evening. Just walking at first tonight and maybe I'll get to run in them tomorrow at the gym.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Today's plan was to do my Insanity workout this morning, then go to the gym to run and train, then home to rest and watch the Braves play. It wasn't even close.
This morning I spent a few hours doing bookwork instead of Insanity. I readjusted my plan and went to the gym around lunch. I began the workout with a 3.5 barefoot hill run. My arm workout followed the run. 3 sets of overhead presses, and 3 sets of triceps press downs. Biceps began with 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls and ended with 3 sets of hammer curls.
Back at home I rested for an hour or so before I attempted Insanity. I didn't make it through the warm up. I felt tired, weak, and knew I just didn't have it in me to do the workout. At the time I thought maybe it was because it is the end of the week & I'm tired, or tired from running extra earlier in the week, or maybe because I knew there was a baseball game on, but for whatever reason, I was very unimpressed with myself for not pushing and getting the workout in. An hour later the reason became obvious. I have some sorta stomach virus (guessing). I've been nauseous, sick to my stomach, weak, and unable to eat. I'm also not thirsty, which is usually a sign that I'm sick. I'm forcing down water, but I know I need more. Hopefully I'll be better in the morning and can have a good weekend. I'll be in a horrible mood if I can't run, workout, and find something fun for Kim and I to do tomorrow because of this....
This morning I spent a few hours doing bookwork instead of Insanity. I readjusted my plan and went to the gym around lunch. I began the workout with a 3.5 barefoot hill run. My arm workout followed the run. 3 sets of overhead presses, and 3 sets of triceps press downs. Biceps began with 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls and ended with 3 sets of hammer curls.
Back at home I rested for an hour or so before I attempted Insanity. I didn't make it through the warm up. I felt tired, weak, and knew I just didn't have it in me to do the workout. At the time I thought maybe it was because it is the end of the week & I'm tired, or tired from running extra earlier in the week, or maybe because I knew there was a baseball game on, but for whatever reason, I was very unimpressed with myself for not pushing and getting the workout in. An hour later the reason became obvious. I have some sorta stomach virus (guessing). I've been nauseous, sick to my stomach, weak, and unable to eat. I'm also not thirsty, which is usually a sign that I'm sick. I'm forcing down water, but I know I need more. Hopefully I'll be better in the morning and can have a good weekend. I'll be in a horrible mood if I can't run, workout, and find something fun for Kim and I to do tomorrow because of this....
Quick Post a Day Late
Workout - ran 3.5 miles barefoot (well, I was wearing my Vibrams), trained shoulders, Insanity Max Interval Plyo (sucked as bad as always), walked dog.
Food - muffin & yogurt, protein shake, frozen Indian meal, turkey sandwich, almonds, muffin, rice cakes.
I'm a day behind on everything this week. Workouts, posting, work....
Tomorrow is arms (should be legs), another barefoot run, Max Cardio and Cardio Abs, and a dog walk.
Workout - ran 3.5 miles barefoot (well, I was wearing my Vibrams), trained shoulders, Insanity Max Interval Plyo (sucked as bad as always), walked dog.
Food - muffin & yogurt, protein shake, frozen Indian meal, turkey sandwich, almonds, muffin, rice cakes.
I'm a day behind on everything this week. Workouts, posting, work....
Tomorrow is arms (should be legs), another barefoot run, Max Cardio and Cardio Abs, and a dog walk.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Another Fit Test
After pushing yesterday's Insanity Fit Test and Workout back a day due to the 10 mile run, I had to suck it up and do it today. I am a little sore from the 10 miles. My quads and hams feel like I had a really good leg workout about 4 days ago. My ankles and calves fell somewhat fatigued and weak, but otherwise I'm not hurting too bad. Last night I was TIRED though.
I started the day with a muffin and some granola cereal. The muffin was a new cinnamon type muffin I baked last night. Each muffin has a little under 200 calories so when I combine a muffin with something else I get plenty of calories to get through my morning workout.
At the gym this morning I began with a 3.5 mile hill run on the treadmill. I kept the pace slow and incline moderate. My body responded nicely to running again. I was afraid my feet and calves would cramp up on me. After the run I began today's back workout (I'm a day behind this week) with 3 sets of pull-ups, then 3 sets of lat pull downs, followed by 3 sets of heavy T-bar rows, and finally 3 sets of seated rows. My post workout meal was a protein shake with a room temp banana mixed in. NEVER AGAIN. I must have frozen bananas! Thus I'll be going to the grocery store this evening.
Next up (after a small amount of book work so I could rest a little) was the Insanity Fit Test. This is my 4th time doing the test. It never gets any easier. Actually, it gets harder every time because I can push myself harder each time. Ugh. Results below:
Marginally better in everything except Globe Jumps. Maybe in two more weeks I can get one more jump in. I'm kinda tired by that point though.
After the fit test I rested a bit (creating this post and updating my results) before going back for more Insanity. Today is the Max Interval Circuit. This is day 50 of the program. The Max workouts are still kicking my ass. I fail out every time. Maybe at the end of the next two weeks I'll get to where I can stay in every set. I do think doing Insanity has increased my overall cardio/endurance/stamina. Pushing hard for an hour (or 45 minutes the first month) really helped me with the run yesterday. Today's actual workout was just as bad as usual. By the time I got to the final set of intervals I was exhausted. I ended up cutting it a set short. The only other workout of the day was a walk around the lake with Kim and JJF late this evening. BodyBugg has me burning over 4700 calories on the day. Pretty good considering I didn't ride the bike today.
Dinner this evening was jerked Salmon, sauteed mushrooms with green beans and onions, and some scalloped potatoes. Dessert was a protein bar and a muffin.
Tomorrow is my shoulder day at the gym. I'm gonna have to alter my cardio a little tomorrow. My ankle is sore from having on my running shoes all day (they were tied too tight). Maybe I'll run in my Vibrams tomorrow!
I started the day with a muffin and some granola cereal. The muffin was a new cinnamon type muffin I baked last night. Each muffin has a little under 200 calories so when I combine a muffin with something else I get plenty of calories to get through my morning workout.
At the gym this morning I began with a 3.5 mile hill run on the treadmill. I kept the pace slow and incline moderate. My body responded nicely to running again. I was afraid my feet and calves would cramp up on me. After the run I began today's back workout (I'm a day behind this week) with 3 sets of pull-ups, then 3 sets of lat pull downs, followed by 3 sets of heavy T-bar rows, and finally 3 sets of seated rows. My post workout meal was a protein shake with a room temp banana mixed in. NEVER AGAIN. I must have frozen bananas! Thus I'll be going to the grocery store this evening.
Next up (after a small amount of book work so I could rest a little) was the Insanity Fit Test. This is my 4th time doing the test. It never gets any easier. Actually, it gets harder every time because I can push myself harder each time. Ugh. Results below:
Exercise | Day 1 | Day 15 | Day 36 | Day 50 |
Switch Kicks | 59 | 68 | 76 | 77 |
Power Jacyk | 56 | 69 | 71 | 72 |
Power Knees | 85 | 120 | 125 | 130 |
Power Jumps | 35 | 57 | 65 | 72 |
Globe Jumps | 7 | 12 | 13 | 13 |
Suicide Jumps | 13 | 21 | 23 | 25 |
Push Up Jacks | 35 | 45 | 55 | 59 |
Low Plank Oblique | 40 | 60 | 72 | 74 |
Marginally better in everything except Globe Jumps. Maybe in two more weeks I can get one more jump in. I'm kinda tired by that point though.
After the fit test I rested a bit (creating this post and updating my results) before going back for more Insanity. Today is the Max Interval Circuit. This is day 50 of the program. The Max workouts are still kicking my ass. I fail out every time. Maybe at the end of the next two weeks I'll get to where I can stay in every set. I do think doing Insanity has increased my overall cardio/endurance/stamina. Pushing hard for an hour (or 45 minutes the first month) really helped me with the run yesterday. Today's actual workout was just as bad as usual. By the time I got to the final set of intervals I was exhausted. I ended up cutting it a set short. The only other workout of the day was a walk around the lake with Kim and JJF late this evening. BodyBugg has me burning over 4700 calories on the day. Pretty good considering I didn't ride the bike today.
Dinner this evening was jerked Salmon, sauteed mushrooms with green beans and onions, and some scalloped potatoes. Dessert was a protein bar and a muffin.
Tomorrow is my shoulder day at the gym. I'm gonna have to alter my cardio a little tomorrow. My ankle is sore from having on my running shoes all day (they were tied too tight). Maybe I'll run in my Vibrams tomorrow!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Celebrating With a 10 Mile Run.
To celebrate my 1 year anniversary of The Diet I decided to do something I've never done before....I ran 10 miles.
Before the run I had a quick chest workout with mom. 3 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench, and 3 sets of machine flies. Then I made my way to the treadmill. I've never attempted to run much more than 6 miles before. I've run 6 quite a few times, and then would walk the remaining time I had on the treadmill (until I hit 60 minutes). The first 7 miles were easy. I finished in under 60 minutes. I then had to stop and reset the treadmill (it will only allow you to use it for a max of 60 minutes). I then started my final 3 miles. No problem at all. I did slow my pace somewhat during the last 3 miles, finishing the entire run in around 86 minutes. So that was 7 miles in just under 60 (like 59:40 or something) and then the final 3 miles in around 26 minutes. The only bad part of the run was during the last mile and a half. My socks and shoes were soaked with sweat and I could feel my feet sloshing around in my shoes. But overall it was great. Very rewarding. Last year, I would have been unable to do anything near 10 miles. If someone was chasing me with a gun and was going to shoot me if I quit running, I'd be dead. I don't think I could have run a VERY slow mile last year. So again, very rewarding...
As a result of the longer run, I'm skipping Insanity today. Well, not skipping it, just pushing it to tomorrow. I've felt pretty good all afternoon, I just know there's no way I could possibly do one of the workouts with good form. Plus I'm scheduled to do a Fit Test as well. No thanks. I am gonna walk around the lake with JJF when it cools off a bit.
Food on the day has been good. Muffin and a NS scone for breakfast. Protein shake after the run. A NS lunch soup a little later. Dinner was a frozen Indian entree. Snacks were a sugar free jello pudding and a small cup of Greek yogurt. My last meal of the day was a bowl of granola and a muffin (I made a fresh batch and had to try one).
Before the run I had a quick chest workout with mom. 3 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench, and 3 sets of machine flies. Then I made my way to the treadmill. I've never attempted to run much more than 6 miles before. I've run 6 quite a few times, and then would walk the remaining time I had on the treadmill (until I hit 60 minutes). The first 7 miles were easy. I finished in under 60 minutes. I then had to stop and reset the treadmill (it will only allow you to use it for a max of 60 minutes). I then started my final 3 miles. No problem at all. I did slow my pace somewhat during the last 3 miles, finishing the entire run in around 86 minutes. So that was 7 miles in just under 60 (like 59:40 or something) and then the final 3 miles in around 26 minutes. The only bad part of the run was during the last mile and a half. My socks and shoes were soaked with sweat and I could feel my feet sloshing around in my shoes. But overall it was great. Very rewarding. Last year, I would have been unable to do anything near 10 miles. If someone was chasing me with a gun and was going to shoot me if I quit running, I'd be dead. I don't think I could have run a VERY slow mile last year. So again, very rewarding...
As a result of the longer run, I'm skipping Insanity today. Well, not skipping it, just pushing it to tomorrow. I've felt pretty good all afternoon, I just know there's no way I could possibly do one of the workouts with good form. Plus I'm scheduled to do a Fit Test as well. No thanks. I am gonna walk around the lake with JJF when it cools off a bit.
Food on the day has been good. Muffin and a NS scone for breakfast. Protein shake after the run. A NS lunch soup a little later. Dinner was a frozen Indian entree. Snacks were a sugar free jello pudding and a small cup of Greek yogurt. My last meal of the day was a bowl of granola and a muffin (I made a fresh batch and had to try one).
Monday, August 16, 2010
One Year Ago (before and after with pics)
One year ago today I began my effort to get back in shape. At the time I weighed somewhere between 280-290. The scales stopped at 270 so I'm really not sure what I weighed. I know my heaviest was around the 290 mark, but that may have been a little earlier. Anyway, here's a photo of me the day before I started (@280+) above a photo of me from a few days ago (~200).

I began the endeavor by using NutriSystem. From August through the end of February I ate nothing but NS foods (except for Thanksgiving and Xmas). It was the easiest thing I've ever done. Simple eating plan and it worked great. NS wasn't the only thing I was doing. I was working out as well. I had been working out for a year or so before beginning the diet, but I hadn't lost a pound.
When the diet began I thought I was really doing a lot of cardio. I was walking on the treadmill for about 30 minutes a day, and a couple of nights a week I was walking the dogs with Kim. As I started to lose weight I started to enjoy the cardio more and more. I joked with Kim one evening that maybe a good goal would be for me to get into good enough shape to run around the lake one day. The urge to attempt to run kept getting stronger and stronger and after a few days of running on the treadmill I ran a little one evening outside. 2 nights later I ran the entire route I'd hoped to complete one day. Before this I couldn't run from the living room to the kitchen. Now I could run ~2 miles! Today I run at least 3.5 everyday. Some days I run 6. To celebrate the one year anniversary of the diet I'm gonna run 10 miles. Along with the weight training and running I now also typically ride a spin bike around 30 minutes a day. For the past month and a half I've been doing Insanity Workouts as well. All that plus a 2 miles walking of the dogs most evenings makes up my daily workout.
I no longer drive myself crazy with trying to weigh and make sure I'm still losing weight. I've slowly transitioned from being all about losing weight each week to being healthy, fit, active, and happy. Now if I miss a day of training or eat unhealthy I feel bad. I feel almost sick. I can't eat the way/things I used to either. I've become a part time accidental vegetarian. Kim doesn't eat meat, and when I was eating only very restrictive foods it was easier to eat fake meats with her and I kinda grew to like them. Before the diet I would eat multiple steaks each week, maybe some BBQ ribs, and lots of fast food. I can't really eat steak anymore. It makes me sick. I haven't had ribs in over a year (sorry Dubs). About once a month, or while on vacation we'll have a bite of fast food. I'm never happy afterward, usually looking forward to getting back to my healthy eating. My diet is pretty clean and any greasy fatty food doesn't sit well with me. That's ok. I really don't miss it at all. I now enjoy lots of fish, grilled chicken, turkey, some salads, cereals, protein shakes, etc.
During the past year my body fat has dropped around 13%. Total pounds lost are somewhere around 80. I wore a size 40 waist, now a 32-33. I was having to buy XX-XXXL shirts. Now I wear L or XL. Crazy. I've gone from my workouts being mainly resistance (lifting) to now a good variety of intense cardio, pretty intense lifting, INSANE interval training, and enjoyable outdoor activities (like walking the dogs in the summer heat).
One of the main things that motivated me to start a diet was when Kim and I were on vacation in San Francisco last summer and she had to help carry some of my camera gear up a trail. She was afraid I was gonna have a heart attack. That along with the fact I saw a photo I was in and didn't recognize myself. Now I'm confident I can outlast Kim hiking and playing around outdoors. I'm really amazed at how much happier I am doing anything outside in the summer now. Last summer I just simply stayed indoors. This summer has been different. I'm not saying I love the crazy hot humid days we've been having, but I'm ok with it. When fall gets here I may go outside, start running and playing out with the dogs, and not come in until winter.
This spring Kim and ran in the South East Warrior Dash. I NEVER, EVER thought I'd run in any kinda race. Now I'd like to find a few different 5k or 10k races to run just so I can have something to motivate myself to train for. The Tough Mudder, USMC Mud Run, and Black Foot Mud Run (night run) all look fun too. Well, the Tough Mudder looks awful, but something to shoot for.
Here's a few more before/after photos.
And the after...
But here is my favorite new photo....
Of all the things that have happened over the past year that I'm so happy with (losing weight, running, being more fit, more healthy, etc.) the one that blows them all away is of course our engagement. Maybe when the wedding rolls around I'll push harder and "dig deeper" and get in even better shape! I'm so thankful that I'm in better overall health and look forward to a long, happy, healthy life with Kim!
So to any of you that are just starting your journey to better health, it can be done. If you're interested in following my daily exercise blog (and all of my past posts over the past year of eating and training) check it out here.
When the diet began I thought I was really doing a lot of cardio. I was walking on the treadmill for about 30 minutes a day, and a couple of nights a week I was walking the dogs with Kim. As I started to lose weight I started to enjoy the cardio more and more. I joked with Kim one evening that maybe a good goal would be for me to get into good enough shape to run around the lake one day. The urge to attempt to run kept getting stronger and stronger and after a few days of running on the treadmill I ran a little one evening outside. 2 nights later I ran the entire route I'd hoped to complete one day. Before this I couldn't run from the living room to the kitchen. Now I could run ~2 miles! Today I run at least 3.5 everyday. Some days I run 6. To celebrate the one year anniversary of the diet I'm gonna run 10 miles. Along with the weight training and running I now also typically ride a spin bike around 30 minutes a day. For the past month and a half I've been doing Insanity Workouts as well. All that plus a 2 miles walking of the dogs most evenings makes up my daily workout.
I no longer drive myself crazy with trying to weigh and make sure I'm still losing weight. I've slowly transitioned from being all about losing weight each week to being healthy, fit, active, and happy. Now if I miss a day of training or eat unhealthy I feel bad. I feel almost sick. I can't eat the way/things I used to either. I've become a part time accidental vegetarian. Kim doesn't eat meat, and when I was eating only very restrictive foods it was easier to eat fake meats with her and I kinda grew to like them. Before the diet I would eat multiple steaks each week, maybe some BBQ ribs, and lots of fast food. I can't really eat steak anymore. It makes me sick. I haven't had ribs in over a year (sorry Dubs). About once a month, or while on vacation we'll have a bite of fast food. I'm never happy afterward, usually looking forward to getting back to my healthy eating. My diet is pretty clean and any greasy fatty food doesn't sit well with me. That's ok. I really don't miss it at all. I now enjoy lots of fish, grilled chicken, turkey, some salads, cereals, protein shakes, etc.
During the past year my body fat has dropped around 13%. Total pounds lost are somewhere around 80. I wore a size 40 waist, now a 32-33. I was having to buy XX-XXXL shirts. Now I wear L or XL. Crazy. I've gone from my workouts being mainly resistance (lifting) to now a good variety of intense cardio, pretty intense lifting, INSANE interval training, and enjoyable outdoor activities (like walking the dogs in the summer heat).
One of the main things that motivated me to start a diet was when Kim and I were on vacation in San Francisco last summer and she had to help carry some of my camera gear up a trail. She was afraid I was gonna have a heart attack. That along with the fact I saw a photo I was in and didn't recognize myself. Now I'm confident I can outlast Kim hiking and playing around outdoors. I'm really amazed at how much happier I am doing anything outside in the summer now. Last summer I just simply stayed indoors. This summer has been different. I'm not saying I love the crazy hot humid days we've been having, but I'm ok with it. When fall gets here I may go outside, start running and playing out with the dogs, and not come in until winter.
This spring Kim and ran in the South East Warrior Dash. I NEVER, EVER thought I'd run in any kinda race. Now I'd like to find a few different 5k or 10k races to run just so I can have something to motivate myself to train for. The Tough Mudder, USMC Mud Run, and Black Foot Mud Run (night run) all look fun too. Well, the Tough Mudder looks awful, but something to shoot for.
Here's a few more before/after photos.
And the after...
But here is my favorite new photo....
Of all the things that have happened over the past year that I'm so happy with (losing weight, running, being more fit, more healthy, etc.) the one that blows them all away is of course our engagement. Maybe when the wedding rolls around I'll push harder and "dig deeper" and get in even better shape! I'm so thankful that I'm in better overall health and look forward to a long, happy, healthy life with Kim!
So to any of you that are just starting your journey to better health, it can be done. If you're interested in following my daily exercise blog (and all of my past posts over the past year of eating and training) check it out here.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Weekend Fare
This weekend was about average as far as exercise goes. 4 mile run on Saturday. Dog walk, bike ride, Insane Abs, and rest on Sunday.
Eating was weird.
Saturday I got and had a bagel before the gym. Kim had planned to work all weekend, but her plans changed. Once I got in from the gym on Saturday we decided to go out for the evening in Chattanooga.
We ate dinner at 3 different restaurants, plus ice cream afterward. If you're interested in our Great Eating Adventure, check it out on our non-exercise blog here.
Sunday we ate at Harvest Moon Cafe in Rome for brunch. That was basically all I ate all day. Probably still ate too much on the day though.
Tomorrow's workout schedule is already altered. Kim & I have to go to Chattanooga in the AM. I'm sure we'll have Indian for lunch, then back home in time to workout (I hope). If not everything gets pushed back one day.
Eating was weird.
Saturday I got and had a bagel before the gym. Kim had planned to work all weekend, but her plans changed. Once I got in from the gym on Saturday we decided to go out for the evening in Chattanooga.
We ate dinner at 3 different restaurants, plus ice cream afterward. If you're interested in our Great Eating Adventure, check it out on our non-exercise blog here.
Sunday we ate at Harvest Moon Cafe in Rome for brunch. That was basically all I ate all day. Probably still ate too much on the day though.
Tomorrow's workout schedule is already altered. Kim & I have to go to Chattanooga in the AM. I'm sure we'll have Indian for lunch, then back home in time to workout (I hope). If not everything gets pushed back one day.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Woke Up Tired On Leg Day
I woke this morning a little before 8AM, checked my email (I'm waiting on a few important emails for my father), checked twitter, and decided to rest for just a minute more before getting breakfast. A moment later when I opened my eyes it was 10:30. WHAT? I felt exhausted still. Not really a great way to start the day. I ran downstairs, kissed the Pug, drank some coffee, had my breakfast of a muffin & a NS apple scone, forced down some water and got ready to train.
I'm already sore in weird places (like the inner and outer portions of my lower calves?) before the run and workout. Not really a good sign of things to come. Once at the gym I ran 3.5 miles of hills on the treadmill. I kept the pace relatively slow and steady for the entire run. The leg workout began with 3 sets of smith squats, then 3 sets of hack squats, followed by 3 sets of leg presses, and finally 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings work began with 3 sets of lying leg curls (heavy) and then 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. The workout overall wasn't that bad today. I did have one terrible calf cramp in the middle of the workout, but otherwise everything felt pretty good.

Back at home I tried to slow down and drink some extra water as I let the dogs inside and took the Pug on a walk. It's hot, crazy hot here. After tending to the hounds I had a protein shake with a banana as my post workout/pre-Insanity meal. My workout got pushed a few hours later than I wanted due to some work I had to finish. Kinda ended up being a good thing as I was much more recovered by the time I started. Today's Insanity workout was Max Cardio Conditioning. It was again very hard. I failed out on lots of sets. My form was much better today on football drills and suicide drills. All in all a good workout. Tomorrow is Core Cardio and Balance.
Dinner this evening was tortilla soup, NS veggie fajitas and veggie chorizo served on lite bread. We shared a small amount of ice cream after dinner. No walk this evening as rain showers have moved in.
I plan on running tomorrow, as long as my legs aren't freaky sore (they're already a little sore tonight). The run, plus a ride on the bike, a walk, and Insanity should make for an eventful day.
I'm already sore in weird places (like the inner and outer portions of my lower calves?) before the run and workout. Not really a good sign of things to come. Once at the gym I ran 3.5 miles of hills on the treadmill. I kept the pace relatively slow and steady for the entire run. The leg workout began with 3 sets of smith squats, then 3 sets of hack squats, followed by 3 sets of leg presses, and finally 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings work began with 3 sets of lying leg curls (heavy) and then 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. The workout overall wasn't that bad today. I did have one terrible calf cramp in the middle of the workout, but otherwise everything felt pretty good.

Back at home I tried to slow down and drink some extra water as I let the dogs inside and took the Pug on a walk. It's hot, crazy hot here. After tending to the hounds I had a protein shake with a banana as my post workout/pre-Insanity meal. My workout got pushed a few hours later than I wanted due to some work I had to finish. Kinda ended up being a good thing as I was much more recovered by the time I started. Today's Insanity workout was Max Cardio Conditioning. It was again very hard. I failed out on lots of sets. My form was much better today on football drills and suicide drills. All in all a good workout. Tomorrow is Core Cardio and Balance.
Dinner this evening was tortilla soup, NS veggie fajitas and veggie chorizo served on lite bread. We shared a small amount of ice cream after dinner. No walk this evening as rain showers have moved in.
I plan on running tomorrow, as long as my legs aren't freaky sore (they're already a little sore tonight). The run, plus a ride on the bike, a walk, and Insanity should make for an eventful day.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
6 Miles & Crazy Sweat
No Insanity today. Luckily that was the plan all along. I had a good bit of bookwork to do this morning and an appointment late this evening, so I knew it was gonna be hard to squeeze it in. My only workout of the day was done at the gym. I ran 6 miles in around 53 minutes, then I walked for about 15 more minutes trying to cool off. After the run I trained arms. 3 sets of triceps press downs, 3 sets of rope press downs, and 3 sets of reverse grip press downs. Biceps was 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls & 3 sets of standing dumbbell curls. I noticed while doing my seated biceps work I had perspired so much I was leaving little (large) puddles everywhere I stood as I trained. I was actually sweating so much the puddles of sweat had suds/bubbles (for lack of better term). That's an impressive amount of sweat, even for me. I was a good gym person & mopped up all of the sweat with my gym towel. I might sweat like crazy, but I'm not nasty and rude with it.
Food today was not so great. Breakfast was a muffin and yogurt. Lunch was a protein bar and post workout meal was a frozen Indian Dinner. Late afternoon I had part of another muffin before going to my meeting. After the meeting my first dinner was 4 small Real Mexican Tacos! Al Pastor, Cabeza, Barbocoa, and Lengua! My second dinner was a little (or a lot) of some type of baked spaghetti my mother made. My third dinner was a bowl of cereal and a protein bar after I got home tonight. Plus another 1/2 muffin. I was crazy hungry tonight.

Tomorrow is another good run followed by a leg workout. Then Insanity later in the day. Somewhere during the day I gotta squeeze in a bike ride and a dog walk. Hope I sleep well...
Food today was not so great. Breakfast was a muffin and yogurt. Lunch was a protein bar and post workout meal was a frozen Indian Dinner. Late afternoon I had part of another muffin before going to my meeting. After the meeting my first dinner was 4 small Real Mexican Tacos! Al Pastor, Cabeza, Barbocoa, and Lengua! My second dinner was a little (or a lot) of some type of baked spaghetti my mother made. My third dinner was a bowl of cereal and a protein bar after I got home tonight. Plus another 1/2 muffin. I was crazy hungry tonight.
Tomorrow is another good run followed by a leg workout. Then Insanity later in the day. Somewhere during the day I gotta squeeze in a bike ride and a dog walk. Hope I sleep well...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
I had a decent run around lunch today to begin my training. The first two miles were in just under 15:20, and then I slowed a little for the third mile. After the third mile I walked a bit to cool off before starting my shoulder workout. The workout began with 3 sets of hammer strength shoulder presses, then 3 sets of side lateral raises, followed by 3 sets of rope pulley upright rows, then 3 sets of machine rear delts, and finally 3 sets of shoulder shrugs.
The next part of my daily routine was the Insanity Max Interval Plyo workout. I did good for the first 1/2 of the workout. The next 10 minutes I ground to a halt. With around 20 minutes left I had to stop, hit pause, and rest in the floor. I thought that maybe if I waited around 5 or 10 minutes and recovered I could finish the workout. I tried and made it about a minute. I felt completely drained. I'd had about 64 oz of water just before and during the workout, so I wasn't dehydrated, I was just tired. I decided I needed food and ate a frozen Indian dinner.
When Kim got home this evening we went grocery shopping before going on our evening walk with Jumping Jack Flash. The walk was my only other exercise of the day. I skipped the spin bike all together.
I'm probably gonna skip the Insanity Recovery workout tomorrow. I think I'll run a little more than usual instead. I have a good bit of work to do tomorrow, so it'll be hard to squeeze in the Insanity anyway.
The next part of my daily routine was the Insanity Max Interval Plyo workout. I did good for the first 1/2 of the workout. The next 10 minutes I ground to a halt. With around 20 minutes left I had to stop, hit pause, and rest in the floor. I thought that maybe if I waited around 5 or 10 minutes and recovered I could finish the workout. I tried and made it about a minute. I felt completely drained. I'd had about 64 oz of water just before and during the workout, so I wasn't dehydrated, I was just tired. I decided I needed food and ate a frozen Indian dinner.
When Kim got home this evening we went grocery shopping before going on our evening walk with Jumping Jack Flash. The walk was my only other exercise of the day. I skipped the spin bike all together.
I'm probably gonna skip the Insanity Recovery workout tomorrow. I think I'll run a little more than usual instead. I have a good bit of work to do tomorrow, so it'll be hard to squeeze in the Insanity anyway.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Full Hungry Day
Today has been one of those days where I have been hungry all day long. I've manged it well, to a point. I've eaten healthy foods all day, just too much of them.
My day began with a muffin and yogurt. I then rode the spin bike for thirty minutes before my morning conference call. Afterward I had half a granola bar and got ready for my daily visit to the gym. A 3+ mile started my workout before training back. I began with 3 sets of pull-ups, followed by 3 sets of pull-downs, then 3 sets of hammer strength iso-lateral rows, and finished with 3 sets of T-bar rows.
Back at home I had a turkey sandwich before my Insanity workout. Today was the Max Interval Circuit. Very hard. Again I did better than last week, but still hard. I drank 4 pounds of water during the workout (and nearly vomited the last half right at the end). After the Insanity I had a protein shake (with a banana thrown in) to recover.
For dinner I basically started eating (after I could stand again after the Max Interval Circuit) and didn't stop for hours. I first had some left over chana sag (spinach and chick peas) with rice. Not much, but it was good. Then I ate a frozen Mexican meal (around 400 calories). Then I ate a large bowl of granola cereal. So now for dinner I've had well over 1000 calories.
I made myself stop eating and go on a walk around 8PM. JJF and I walked about 2 1/2 miles around the lake. Once back home I continued eating. A muffin, a NS cinnamon bun, a little cheese, and finally a NS brownie. The bad thing is I'm still hungry as I'm finishing up this post and going to bed. At least I can eat breakfast when I get up in the morning. Which may be very early, 'cause I'm STARVING!
My day began with a muffin and yogurt. I then rode the spin bike for thirty minutes before my morning conference call. Afterward I had half a granola bar and got ready for my daily visit to the gym. A 3+ mile started my workout before training back. I began with 3 sets of pull-ups, followed by 3 sets of pull-downs, then 3 sets of hammer strength iso-lateral rows, and finished with 3 sets of T-bar rows.
Back at home I had a turkey sandwich before my Insanity workout. Today was the Max Interval Circuit. Very hard. Again I did better than last week, but still hard. I drank 4 pounds of water during the workout (and nearly vomited the last half right at the end). After the Insanity I had a protein shake (with a banana thrown in) to recover.
For dinner I basically started eating (after I could stand again after the Max Interval Circuit) and didn't stop for hours. I first had some left over chana sag (spinach and chick peas) with rice. Not much, but it was good. Then I ate a frozen Mexican meal (around 400 calories). Then I ate a large bowl of granola cereal. So now for dinner I've had well over 1000 calories.
I made myself stop eating and go on a walk around 8PM. JJF and I walked about 2 1/2 miles around the lake. Once back home I continued eating. A muffin, a NS cinnamon bun, a little cheese, and finally a NS brownie. The bad thing is I'm still hungry as I'm finishing up this post and going to bed. At least I can eat breakfast when I get up in the morning. Which may be very early, 'cause I'm STARVING!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Catching Up
So I missed an Insanity Workout over the weekend. I knew my schedule today was gonna be altered due to a conference call at 11AM, so I decided to catch up on my missed workout this morning. Around 9:30 I started Max Plyo and finished up just as my father arrived for the call. We waited around for 30 minutes before contacting the other party only to realize the call was actually scheduled for Tuesday at 11. So we'll be meeting again tomorrow morning for the call. The good news is the Max Plyo workout was easier today. Not so much easier, well not at all really, but I handled it much better. I did fail out and need rest on some of the exercises, but overall I did fairly well.
I didn't make it to the gym until around 1PM. It felt considerably hotter than usual inside. Not sure if it really was or if I was just already hot from earlier. It really doesn't matter, it's so hot outside here (96-98 today) you can only cool a building so much. Anyway, I started with a 3+ mile jog (varied speeds between 6-8mph) then walked about 10 minutes to cool down. My chest workout today consisted of 3 sets of flat hammer strength presses, 3 sets of incline presses, 3 sets of decline presses, and 2 sets of machine flies. After my second set of flies I felt like I was pretty well spent and called it quits one set early.
Back at home I readied myself for the second round of Insanity on the day. Max Cardio. Again, MUCH better this time than last week. I was really a little worried about how poorly I preformed last week with the new workouts, but now I feel much better after doing better on both workouts today. This is how I'll do the Fit Test from now on as well. Fit Test in the AM, workout in the PM. Kim, JJF, and I walked around the lake as the sun went down and the temps dropped for my final exercise of the day.
Diet was pretty good today. Muffin and yogurt for breakfast. Granola as a snack before the gym. Left over chana sag after the gym. Turkey late in the afternoon. Dinner was a tiny bite of fake chicken, green beans, squash, and salad. After dinner I had some granola cereal and 1/2 a muffin. The BodyBugg has me burning over 4500 calories on the day. Not too shabby.
Tomorrow is Max Interval Circuit for Insanity & a back workout at the gym.
I didn't make it to the gym until around 1PM. It felt considerably hotter than usual inside. Not sure if it really was or if I was just already hot from earlier. It really doesn't matter, it's so hot outside here (96-98 today) you can only cool a building so much. Anyway, I started with a 3+ mile jog (varied speeds between 6-8mph) then walked about 10 minutes to cool down. My chest workout today consisted of 3 sets of flat hammer strength presses, 3 sets of incline presses, 3 sets of decline presses, and 2 sets of machine flies. After my second set of flies I felt like I was pretty well spent and called it quits one set early.
Back at home I readied myself for the second round of Insanity on the day. Max Cardio. Again, MUCH better this time than last week. I was really a little worried about how poorly I preformed last week with the new workouts, but now I feel much better after doing better on both workouts today. This is how I'll do the Fit Test from now on as well. Fit Test in the AM, workout in the PM. Kim, JJF, and I walked around the lake as the sun went down and the temps dropped for my final exercise of the day.
Diet was pretty good today. Muffin and yogurt for breakfast. Granola as a snack before the gym. Left over chana sag after the gym. Turkey late in the afternoon. Dinner was a tiny bite of fake chicken, green beans, squash, and salad. After dinner I had some granola cereal and 1/2 a muffin. The BodyBugg has me burning over 4500 calories on the day. Not too shabby.
Tomorrow is Max Interval Circuit for Insanity & a back workout at the gym.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
This weekend I ended up skipping my Insanity workout. I was a little tired on Friday evening and planned to move the Insanity from Saturday to Sunday.
Saturday morning I got some breakfast for Kim and I at a local little burger stand called Big Dang Burgers (& Biscuits). They have some big dang biscuits.... I brought our breakfast home so Kim could have breakfast in bed. Later in the afternoon I went to the gym for some cardio. 6 miles later I was finished. I now have a new rule concerning running; never run after eating gravy and biscuits. Back at home I later rode the spin bike for half an hour before walking with Kim and JJF around dark.
Sunday I decided not to do Insanity because my left knee was bothering me. I did make it to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio. I ran for 15 and then hit the elliptical for 15. I made myself leave after the 30. I felt like I wasn't doing enough, but I really wanted to rest my knee. The only other exercise on the day was a walk around the lake this evening with Kim and Jumping Jack Flash.
All in all not a bad weekend. Much better than last. Eating wasn't great, but again, better than last weekend. Friday night we had Indian, Saturday night was grilled chicken with my parents (Kim had a grilled veggie burger), and Sunday (our only real meal) was at the Chinese Buffet. I actually showed some self restraint at the buffet and left not feeling so miserable.
Back at it full tilt tomorrow.
Saturday morning I got some breakfast for Kim and I at a local little burger stand called Big Dang Burgers (& Biscuits). They have some big dang biscuits.... I brought our breakfast home so Kim could have breakfast in bed. Later in the afternoon I went to the gym for some cardio. 6 miles later I was finished. I now have a new rule concerning running; never run after eating gravy and biscuits. Back at home I later rode the spin bike for half an hour before walking with Kim and JJF around dark.
Sunday I decided not to do Insanity because my left knee was bothering me. I did make it to the gym for 30 minutes of cardio. I ran for 15 and then hit the elliptical for 15. I made myself leave after the 30. I felt like I wasn't doing enough, but I really wanted to rest my knee. The only other exercise on the day was a walk around the lake this evening with Kim and Jumping Jack Flash.
All in all not a bad weekend. Much better than last. Eating wasn't great, but again, better than last weekend. Friday night we had Indian, Saturday night was grilled chicken with my parents (Kim had a grilled veggie burger), and Sunday (our only real meal) was at the Chinese Buffet. I actually showed some self restraint at the buffet and left not feeling so miserable.
Back at it full tilt tomorrow.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Run & Skunk
Today began with me actually waking up nearly on time. A muffin and some granola cereal for breakfast then I was off to the gym.
I had been arguing with myself all night as to what I would do for cardio today and I hadn't come up with an answer when I stepped onto the treadmill. I decided I'd just start running and stop when I got tired, train legs, then run some more. I ran nearly 6.7 miles before I stopped. I finished 6 miles in ~51 minutes then slowed a little at the end and walked a little to cool down. Legs began with 3 sets of leg presses, then 3 sets of true squats, followed by 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings consisted of only 2 exercises. 3 sets of seated leg curls & 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. While at the gym I took in 4 pounds of water.
Back at home I had a protein shake, rested a little, then got ready for Insanity. Today was Max Interval Circuit. I did decent with the workout. Towards the end I was quite tired, but pushed through as best I could. The full body drill at the end kills me. It's a combination of 4 various drills in the plank position, done in one big set, 3 times each interval. After that I'm just spent.
Once I finished up with Insanity for the day I cooled off yet again, I decided I had time to get on the spin bike before Kim got home. I made it 15 minutes. I gave up on any more cardio and decided to eat some turkey as a snack. I was trying very hard not to eat too much during the day.
We went out for dinner this evening. Sitar in Chattanooga. It's our favorite little Indian place. Kim had fish tikka masala and I had chicken tikka masala. Of course I had to have a mango lasi and some chai tea. We also ordered some garlic naan and puri. I also ordered some chana sag to bring home and eat tomorrow. Dessert was a few bites of Ice Cream back here in Ctown.
Just as we were pulling in the driveway on our way home, the horrible, powerful, sickening smell of wet skunk hit us (in the car with the windows rolled up!). We got out of the car and were greeted by our Jack Russell. Yep, he'd been sprayed by a skunk again. This is the second time in as many weeks. You'd think he'd learn to leave skunks alone....
I had been arguing with myself all night as to what I would do for cardio today and I hadn't come up with an answer when I stepped onto the treadmill. I decided I'd just start running and stop when I got tired, train legs, then run some more. I ran nearly 6.7 miles before I stopped. I finished 6 miles in ~51 minutes then slowed a little at the end and walked a little to cool down. Legs began with 3 sets of leg presses, then 3 sets of true squats, followed by 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings consisted of only 2 exercises. 3 sets of seated leg curls & 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. While at the gym I took in 4 pounds of water.
Back at home I had a protein shake, rested a little, then got ready for Insanity. Today was Max Interval Circuit. I did decent with the workout. Towards the end I was quite tired, but pushed through as best I could. The full body drill at the end kills me. It's a combination of 4 various drills in the plank position, done in one big set, 3 times each interval. After that I'm just spent.
Once I finished up with Insanity for the day I cooled off yet again, I decided I had time to get on the spin bike before Kim got home. I made it 15 minutes. I gave up on any more cardio and decided to eat some turkey as a snack. I was trying very hard not to eat too much during the day.
We went out for dinner this evening. Sitar in Chattanooga. It's our favorite little Indian place. Kim had fish tikka masala and I had chicken tikka masala. Of course I had to have a mango lasi and some chai tea. We also ordered some garlic naan and puri. I also ordered some chana sag to bring home and eat tomorrow. Dessert was a few bites of Ice Cream back here in Ctown.
Just as we were pulling in the driveway on our way home, the horrible, powerful, sickening smell of wet skunk hit us (in the car with the windows rolled up!). We got out of the car and were greeted by our Jack Russell. Yep, he'd been sprayed by a skunk again. This is the second time in as many weeks. You'd think he'd learn to leave skunks alone....
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Max Recovery
Thursday again began with me oversleeping a little. I beginning to think I'm just exhausted from training. I began the day with a muffin, yogurt, and a NS Cinniamon Bun Bar before heading to the gym
I decided to do something different with my cardio. Instead of just 30 minutes and then training, I'd do 30, train, then 30 more. I started off doing 1/2 of the 10K personal training program on the treadmill before training arms. The lifting started with 3 sets of overhead presses, then 3 sets of dumbbell overhead presses, and finally 3 sets of press downs for triceps. Biceps began with 3 sets of seated incline curls and ended with 3 sets of standing hammer curls. I returned to the treadmill for 10 minutes, then moved on to the elliptical for 20 more.
Once back at home I had my lunch of a turkey sandwich and a NS oatmeal cookie before resting for a bit. Then it was time for Insanity. Today's Insanity Workout was Max Recovery. ~ 50 minutes of stretching, light cardio, and somewhat difficult plank/push-up/squat work. The most difficult part of any of the workouts for me (other than the initial shock of the workout in general) has been trying to do push-ups while already being sore, and being sure of my footing/hand positions while jumping/pushing on the floor. I've caught myself twice falling (almost face/nose first) because I've perspired so much my hands are slick while doing push-ups. I need a yoga mat or something.
After Insanity I had some left over veggie meat hamburger helper and a NS Brownie. After finishing some bookwork and a little more rest I rode the spin bike for 30 minutes. That was the end of my cardio for the day. Storm clouds moved in and I didn't get to walk.
My other meals on the day were a NS Lunch Entree of Pasta with Beef (I'm trying to eat as much of the NS stuff as I can, just so we can finally get rid of it all) and a LC Lasagna dinner.
Tomorrow is leg day.....I'm gonna try to do a split cardio thing again. 30 before, train, 30 after. Not sure how my legs will cooperate. I'm trying to get myself used to doing more than 30 minutes of running at a time. Just in case I ever want to try to run something longer than a 5k. Like the USMC Mud Run, or the Tough Mudder....
I decided to do something different with my cardio. Instead of just 30 minutes and then training, I'd do 30, train, then 30 more. I started off doing 1/2 of the 10K personal training program on the treadmill before training arms. The lifting started with 3 sets of overhead presses, then 3 sets of dumbbell overhead presses, and finally 3 sets of press downs for triceps. Biceps began with 3 sets of seated incline curls and ended with 3 sets of standing hammer curls. I returned to the treadmill for 10 minutes, then moved on to the elliptical for 20 more.
Once back at home I had my lunch of a turkey sandwich and a NS oatmeal cookie before resting for a bit. Then it was time for Insanity. Today's Insanity Workout was Max Recovery. ~ 50 minutes of stretching, light cardio, and somewhat difficult plank/push-up/squat work. The most difficult part of any of the workouts for me (other than the initial shock of the workout in general) has been trying to do push-ups while already being sore, and being sure of my footing/hand positions while jumping/pushing on the floor. I've caught myself twice falling (almost face/nose first) because I've perspired so much my hands are slick while doing push-ups. I need a yoga mat or something.
After Insanity I had some left over veggie meat hamburger helper and a NS Brownie. After finishing some bookwork and a little more rest I rode the spin bike for 30 minutes. That was the end of my cardio for the day. Storm clouds moved in and I didn't get to walk.
My other meals on the day were a NS Lunch Entree of Pasta with Beef (I'm trying to eat as much of the NS stuff as I can, just so we can finally get rid of it all) and a LC Lasagna dinner.
Tomorrow is leg day.....I'm gonna try to do a split cardio thing again. 30 before, train, 30 after. Not sure how my legs will cooperate. I'm trying to get myself used to doing more than 30 minutes of running at a time. Just in case I ever want to try to run something longer than a 5k. Like the USMC Mud Run, or the Tough Mudder....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Max Cardio
Today began much like yesterday, with me oversleeping. I guess I'm just exhausted and need the rest. I have been staying up a little late as Kim works on her computer, but not much past midnight. Anyway, once I got up and had some coffee I had my first meal of the day, a muffing and a half, and a cup of yogurt. I think it was around 400 calories total.
My workouts for the day began at the gym with a flat, faster paced run. I varied the pace constantly and finished 3 miles in 24:25. Not bad considering I'm only doing quicker paced runs once or twice a week. After the run I cooled down by walking for the rest of my 30 minutes of allotted treadmill time and then got ready to train shoulders. 3 sets of hammer strength military presses, 3 sets of cable upright rows, 3 sets of Bodymaster's machine side lateral raises, 3 sets of shoulder shrugs, and finally 3 sets of Bodymaster's rear delts.
After the gym I returned home for a protein shake and some rest before having to help my family move more furniture. After loading a moving van/trailer full of furniture (in 95 degree/105 degree heat index temps) I came home and had a turkey sandwich. Once I finished my sandwich I began pacing the floor, trying to get motivated to start today's Insanity Workout, which is Max Cardio & Conditioning. It was AWFUL. I failed out on every exercise following the warm up. Some were kinda easy, but because of the other KILLER exercises, I failed out on the easy ones as well. I hope I react to it like I did after the first time I did the Pure Cardio workout. I had a lot of trouble at first with Pure Cardio, but it ended up being my favorite workout from month 1. I don't know that Max Cardio will ever by my fav. Following the workout I collapsed onto the floor where the Pug attacked me with her incessant licking of my face (she loves sweat). Once I was able to stand I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge, drank a few long gulps, and thew up. Cool, I know. I actually kinda almost passed out during one of the water breaks in the middle of the workout. I had to grab the side of the sofa and hang on for a sec. Like I've always said, if you're vomiting and passing out during/after a workout, that's a sure sing of a decent workout.
Once the sun began to set a little Kim and I called for JJF and took off on a walk. Did I mention it's crazy hot here? Just a little humid too. I was soaked (my 3rd change of clothes on the day) after about 1/2 a mile. I can't wait for some cooler weather. I may jog all day long once the temps stay in the 60's.
Dinner tonight was feat. Fake meat mixed into hamburger helper. Plus a small salad and some pineapple. Dessert this evening was a muffin and a NS cookie!
Tomorrow is arm day and Max Recovery. I feel like I need some recovery....
My workouts for the day began at the gym with a flat, faster paced run. I varied the pace constantly and finished 3 miles in 24:25. Not bad considering I'm only doing quicker paced runs once or twice a week. After the run I cooled down by walking for the rest of my 30 minutes of allotted treadmill time and then got ready to train shoulders. 3 sets of hammer strength military presses, 3 sets of cable upright rows, 3 sets of Bodymaster's machine side lateral raises, 3 sets of shoulder shrugs, and finally 3 sets of Bodymaster's rear delts.
After the gym I returned home for a protein shake and some rest before having to help my family move more furniture. After loading a moving van/trailer full of furniture (in 95 degree/105 degree heat index temps) I came home and had a turkey sandwich. Once I finished my sandwich I began pacing the floor, trying to get motivated to start today's Insanity Workout, which is Max Cardio & Conditioning. It was AWFUL. I failed out on every exercise following the warm up. Some were kinda easy, but because of the other KILLER exercises, I failed out on the easy ones as well. I hope I react to it like I did after the first time I did the Pure Cardio workout. I had a lot of trouble at first with Pure Cardio, but it ended up being my favorite workout from month 1. I don't know that Max Cardio will ever by my fav. Following the workout I collapsed onto the floor where the Pug attacked me with her incessant licking of my face (she loves sweat). Once I was able to stand I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge, drank a few long gulps, and thew up. Cool, I know. I actually kinda almost passed out during one of the water breaks in the middle of the workout. I had to grab the side of the sofa and hang on for a sec. Like I've always said, if you're vomiting and passing out during/after a workout, that's a sure sing of a decent workout.
Once the sun began to set a little Kim and I called for JJF and took off on a walk. Did I mention it's crazy hot here? Just a little humid too. I was soaked (my 3rd change of clothes on the day) after about 1/2 a mile. I can't wait for some cooler weather. I may jog all day long once the temps stay in the 60's.
Dinner tonight was feat. Fake meat mixed into hamburger helper. Plus a small salad and some pineapple. Dessert this evening was a muffin and a NS cookie!
Tomorrow is arm day and Max Recovery. I feel like I need some recovery....
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Max Plyo
The day began with me oversleeping a bit. I was exhasuted from yesterday. Once awake and coffee'd up, I had granola cereal and yogurt for breakfast.
Since I arrived at the gym a little late (like 45 minutes) mom had already finished up her cardio. We jumped right into a back workout. 2 sets of pathetic pull-ups, 3 sets of pull downs, 3 sets of hammer iso-lateral pull downs, 3 sets of hammer rows, and 3 sets of t-bar rows. THEN I jumped on the treadmill. I ran the Hill program again. 6mph until the program more or less was over and then 7mph for the final few minutes of the 30 minute run.
After the gym I had a turkey sandwich before heading out for some errands and a trip to the grocery store. I needed to stock up on chicken and turkey. Back home again I chilled for a minute while trying to get mentally prepared for the Max Plyo Insanity Workout. For me, it was the most difficult workout so far. I actually had to stop and rest at the end. As luck would have it, my mom dropped by just when I needed the rest. We had a Ninjaed Ice Crystal Light Thingy. She liked it so much she ordered a Ninja this evening! I finished the final few minutes of the workout a little later. Not my finest exercise moment, having to take a break. I realized that while the people on the DVD were jumping in the air during an exercise, I was not. I was trying, I just wasn't really leaving the ground on my jump. Kinda pathetic.
After recovering from Insanity, I had a NS lunch meal of cheese tortellini and a blueberry muffin. Sounds great, I know. I just was still very hungry after the NS. Following the meal I turned on the TV and watched an episode of The West Wing (currently being replayed on Bravo) as I rode the spin bike for half an hour.
Dinner this evening was a LC Baja Wrap of some sort. Pretty good. After dinner I grabbed JJF and took off on our evening walk. Kim had to work late, so again it was just the dog and I.
Later, while watching the Braves game I had my final meal of the day. Another muffin and some jello pudding!
Since I arrived at the gym a little late (like 45 minutes) mom had already finished up her cardio. We jumped right into a back workout. 2 sets of pathetic pull-ups, 3 sets of pull downs, 3 sets of hammer iso-lateral pull downs, 3 sets of hammer rows, and 3 sets of t-bar rows. THEN I jumped on the treadmill. I ran the Hill program again. 6mph until the program more or less was over and then 7mph for the final few minutes of the 30 minute run.
After the gym I had a turkey sandwich before heading out for some errands and a trip to the grocery store. I needed to stock up on chicken and turkey. Back home again I chilled for a minute while trying to get mentally prepared for the Max Plyo Insanity Workout. For me, it was the most difficult workout so far. I actually had to stop and rest at the end. As luck would have it, my mom dropped by just when I needed the rest. We had a Ninjaed Ice Crystal Light Thingy. She liked it so much she ordered a Ninja this evening! I finished the final few minutes of the workout a little later. Not my finest exercise moment, having to take a break. I realized that while the people on the DVD were jumping in the air during an exercise, I was not. I was trying, I just wasn't really leaving the ground on my jump. Kinda pathetic.
After recovering from Insanity, I had a NS lunch meal of cheese tortellini and a blueberry muffin. Sounds great, I know. I just was still very hungry after the NS. Following the meal I turned on the TV and watched an episode of The West Wing (currently being replayed on Bravo) as I rode the spin bike for half an hour.
Dinner this evening was a LC Baja Wrap of some sort. Pretty good. After dinner I grabbed JJF and took off on our evening walk. Kim had to work late, so again it was just the dog and I.
Later, while watching the Braves game I had my final meal of the day. Another muffin and some jello pudding!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Fit Test Number 3
Sunday = REST. I had planned to run & do Insanity. My right foot was sore (from the 6 mile run) late Saturday night and all day Sunday. Rest was required.
Monday began my 6th week of Insanity. This week everything moves to the MAX portion of the workouts. Max circuit, max recovery, etc. My Insanity workout this afternoon began with the Fit Test. This is my 3rd time going through the test. I again did better on each exercise. I'm actually doing better than the numbers indicate. The first time I took the test, it was the only thing I did that day. Today I had already run, trained, and moved some furniture with my parents. So here's the latest fit test results:
I made the mistake of doing the Max Circuit workout immediately following the Fit Test. Doh! The first month's workouts are around 40 minutes each. This one was 60. I was dead by the end. Actually, I was in pretty bad shape during the warm up....During the workout I drank over 70 ounces of water. That's over 4 pounds of water. Crazy.
Prior to the Insanity Workout this afternoon, I trained around 11AM this morning. I began the workout with an easy 3 mile run using the Hill Program on the treadmill. Next I moved on to my chest workout. 3 sets of flat presses, 3 set of incline presses, and 3 sets of decline presses.
Late this evening JJF and I headed out on our evening walk. Kim has been feeling a little under the weather, so she didn't join us for the stroll.
I did get in some other non-training exercise today. I helped move an old bedroom suite that belonged to my grandmother. We loaded it up, moved it across town, then carried it up a flight of stairs at my parents' house. Later in the afternoon I was surprised to discover my father and our friend Robein cutting down an old, dead tree in my back yard. I gathered the hounds and brought them inside, and went out to help them get rid of the fallen tree. The work wasn't hard on either occasion, it's just very humid and warm here.
Food today has been terrific. Granola and yogurt early this morning, A turkey sandwich with a single slice of cheese for lunch (I've now given up low-fat mayo). For snacks I had some chocolate PB, a NS cookie, and 1/2 a NS granola bar. Dinner was a LC Thai Style Chicken and Noodle dinner. I also had some granola later to get in enough calories for the day.
Tomorrow I'll train back at the gym, Insanity during the afternoon, walk and spin as usual. I'm excited (terrified) to see what the next Insanity workout is. As I'm finishing up this post, my BodyBugg has me already burning over 5000 calories and it's not quite 11PM. I blew past my goal of reaching 5K one day this week. Maybe I'll get close every day!
Monday began my 6th week of Insanity. This week everything moves to the MAX portion of the workouts. Max circuit, max recovery, etc. My Insanity workout this afternoon began with the Fit Test. This is my 3rd time going through the test. I again did better on each exercise. I'm actually doing better than the numbers indicate. The first time I took the test, it was the only thing I did that day. Today I had already run, trained, and moved some furniture with my parents. So here's the latest fit test results:
Exercise | Day 1 | Day 15 | Day 36 |
Switch Kicks | 59 | 68 | 76 |
Power Jacyk | 56 | 69 | 71 |
Power Knees | 85 | 120 | 125 |
Power Jumps | 35 | 57 | 65 |
Globe Jumps | 7 | 12 | 13 |
Suicide Jumps | 13 | 21 | 23 |
Push Up Jacks | 35 | 45 | 55 |
Low Plank Oblique | 40 | 60 | 72 |
I made the mistake of doing the Max Circuit workout immediately following the Fit Test. Doh! The first month's workouts are around 40 minutes each. This one was 60. I was dead by the end. Actually, I was in pretty bad shape during the warm up....During the workout I drank over 70 ounces of water. That's over 4 pounds of water. Crazy.
Prior to the Insanity Workout this afternoon, I trained around 11AM this morning. I began the workout with an easy 3 mile run using the Hill Program on the treadmill. Next I moved on to my chest workout. 3 sets of flat presses, 3 set of incline presses, and 3 sets of decline presses.
Late this evening JJF and I headed out on our evening walk. Kim has been feeling a little under the weather, so she didn't join us for the stroll.
I did get in some other non-training exercise today. I helped move an old bedroom suite that belonged to my grandmother. We loaded it up, moved it across town, then carried it up a flight of stairs at my parents' house. Later in the afternoon I was surprised to discover my father and our friend Robein cutting down an old, dead tree in my back yard. I gathered the hounds and brought them inside, and went out to help them get rid of the fallen tree. The work wasn't hard on either occasion, it's just very humid and warm here.
Food today has been terrific. Granola and yogurt early this morning, A turkey sandwich with a single slice of cheese for lunch (I've now given up low-fat mayo). For snacks I had some chocolate PB, a NS cookie, and 1/2 a NS granola bar. Dinner was a LC Thai Style Chicken and Noodle dinner. I also had some granola later to get in enough calories for the day.
Tomorrow I'll train back at the gym, Insanity during the afternoon, walk and spin as usual. I'm excited (terrified) to see what the next Insanity workout is. As I'm finishing up this post, my BodyBugg has me already burning over 5000 calories and it's not quite 11PM. I blew past my goal of reaching 5K one day this week. Maybe I'll get close every day!
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