Yesterday I had a decent day training. I began the morning with an Insanity Workout, Core Cardio and Balance. It was easy, as far as Insanity goes. I didn't remember which particular workout I had to do, so it was a nice surprise to discover it was a milder workout for the day.
After the Insanity, I went to the gym to train arms and run. The arm workout was typical, maybe just a little heavier than usual. 3 sets of close grip triceps press downs, 3 sets of heavy overhead presses, and 3 sets of rope press downs began the workout. I finished up with 3 sets of rope curls, 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls (heavy), and ended the biceps workout with 3 sets of very heavy standing dumbbell curls. I had planned on running 6 miles when I left the house. By the time I got on the treadmill I had decided I'd just run 60 minutes and see how far that got me. I had a decent pace (for me) and had 6 miles in just under 50 minutes. I was gonna keep going, but I had developed a NEW blister from the Terra Plana shoes on my left heel. So I slowed at about 51 minutes, walked another minute or so, and then stopped altogether. The run in the TP's felt good. Occasionally I could tell I was landing to much on one side or the other of one foot, but I almost immediately corrected it. A day later, other than the blister(s) the only issue I have is possibly some tenderness (bruising) on the pinky toe side of my foot. I think I ran about 10 miles in the TP's in a 24 hour period, so I guess the blister and tenderness are to be expected. Here's a pic of the new Terra Plana shoes below.
Food on the day was great, until dinner. Breakfast was a bowl of cereal, lunch was some left over chana masala (chick peas) and chana sag (chick peas in spinach). Dinner was a bust. I had a small, meaty pizza from this new FANTASTIC pizza place, which is unfortunately very close to our house. Like the closest restaurant in existence to our house. I can see having a small pizza during UGA games happening a lot this fall. Damn. Anyway, small, delicious pizza for dinner along with a couple of bread sticks. Then I really ruined the day with some ice cream for dessert. The sign outside the ice cream place said it all, "Treat Yourself". I saw the sing and agreed wholeheartedly. In actuality (the past week would be an exception due to the fact I was out of town in Atlanta two days) I follow a very good, healthy diet Monday through Friday. I do relax it on the weekends to keep my sanity. Once we set a date for our wedding I'll go back to full time "on" diet.
Sunday is leg day. I think I'm only gonna run about 3 miles of hills at a relatively slow pace to start the workout. It's supposed to be my off day from Insanity, but I'm thinking about pushing ahead and starting the final week a day early. If I do (and I skip the ever hated Max Recovery workout) I can FINISH the program sometime Thursday! I desperately want to be done with it then because I think we're headed out of town for the weekend and I don't want to bring Shaun T. and his Insanity along with us. No offense, but I need some time apart from him and his crazy, that was bananas stupid hard workouts.
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