Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Celebrating With a 10 Mile Run.

To celebrate my 1 year anniversary of The Diet I decided to do something I've never done before....I ran 10 miles.

Before the run I had a quick chest workout with mom. 3 sets of flat bench, 3 sets of incline bench, 3 sets of decline bench, and 3 sets of machine flies. Then I made my way to the treadmill. I've never attempted to run much more than 6 miles before. I've run 6 quite a few times, and then would walk the remaining time I had on the treadmill (until I hit 60 minutes). The first 7 miles were easy. I finished in under 60 minutes. I then had to stop and reset the treadmill (it will only allow you to use it for a max of 60 minutes). I then started my final 3 miles. No problem at all. I did slow my pace somewhat during the last 3 miles, finishing the entire run in around 86 minutes. So that was 7 miles in just under 60 (like 59:40 or something) and then the final 3 miles in around 26 minutes. The only bad part of the run was during the last mile and a half. My socks and shoes were soaked with sweat and I could feel my feet sloshing around in my shoes. But overall it was great. Very rewarding. Last year, I would have been unable to do anything near 10 miles. If someone was chasing me with a gun and was going to shoot me if I quit running, I'd be dead. I don't think I could have run a VERY slow mile last year. So again, very rewarding...

As a result of the longer run, I'm skipping Insanity today. Well, not skipping it, just pushing it to tomorrow. I've felt pretty good all afternoon, I just know there's no way I could possibly do one of the workouts with good form. Plus I'm scheduled to do a Fit Test as well. No thanks. I am gonna walk around the lake with JJF when it cools off a bit.

Food on the day has been good. Muffin and a NS scone for breakfast. Protein shake after the run. A NS lunch soup a little later. Dinner was a frozen Indian entree. Snacks were a sugar free jello pudding and a small cup of Greek yogurt. My last meal of the day was a bowl of granola and a muffin (I made a fresh batch and had to try one).


  1. congrats on a year! I think I would bore myself on the treadmill that long! I remember running on it for nearly 2 hours one time. I always prefered running outside but I know it is too hot to do right now.

  2. thanks. i watched sports center and listened to some music on my headphone. i usually manually vary the pace or the incline once every minute or two, so that kinda keeps you from getting bored or losing concentration. i can't wait for the temps to cool off just a little so i can get out and run in the morning and then in afternoon once i'm home from the gym.
