Friday, August 20, 2010


Today's plan was to do my Insanity workout this morning, then go to the gym to run and train, then home to rest and watch the Braves play. It wasn't even close.

This morning I spent a few hours doing bookwork instead of Insanity. I readjusted my plan and went to the gym around lunch. I began the workout with a 3.5 barefoot hill run. My arm workout followed the run. 3 sets of overhead presses, and 3 sets of triceps press downs. Biceps began with 3 sets of seated incline dumbbell curls and ended with 3 sets of hammer curls.

Back at home I rested for an hour or so before I attempted Insanity. I didn't make it through the warm up. I felt tired, weak, and knew I just didn't have it in me to do the workout. At the time I thought maybe it was because it is the end of the week & I'm tired, or tired from running extra earlier in the week, or maybe because I knew there was a baseball game on, but for whatever reason, I was very unimpressed with myself for not pushing and getting the workout in. An hour later the reason became obvious. I have some sorta stomach virus (guessing). I've been nauseous, sick to my stomach, weak, and unable to eat. I'm also not thirsty, which is usually a sign that I'm sick. I'm forcing down water, but I know I need more. Hopefully I'll be better in the morning and can have a good weekend. I'll be in a horrible mood if I can't run, workout, and find something fun for Kim and I to do tomorrow because of this....

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