Friday. Leg day. I woke feeling weak (thanks so much sushi...) so I opted for a double chocolate muffing for breakfast. Not the low fat version, thank you very much. 480 calories later I was ready for the gym. I ran 3 miles on the random hill setting, then walked for about 5 minutes to cool down. That 35 minutes was the warm up to my leg routine. 3 sets of 20 reps on the leg press, followed by 3 sets of 20 on the true squat, then 3 sets of 12-15 reps of leg extensions. Hamstrings started with 3 sets of 12 on the seated leg curl machine, and ended with 3 sets of 20 reps on the hyper-extension contraption. I limped back to the car and home for a protein shake.
After completing some more bookwork I hit the spin bike for 30 minutes before having a turkey sandwich. A little more rest then it was time to get Insane with the Power & Resistance workout. 45 minutes later and I grabbed a towel (after collapsing in the floor and being liked non stop by Pug Pugglesworth for about 5 minutes) and jumped into my dad's truck to head to one of our properties. We were on Bed Bug patrol. Some of our tenants bed have been infested with bed bugs, and the tenants just threw the beds out by the dumpster. Of course the waste services company refused to collect the discarded bedding, so we had the pleasure of loading a few box springs and mattress sets onto the truck. They'll make it to the dump on Saturday. I don't think I got bit by anything (including some of the largest ants I've ever seen).
Once back home I joined Kim & JJF for our nightly walk. 2+ miles later I was finished with my cardio for the day. 4444 calories burned (according to the BodyBugg)! My final meal, after the walk, was a serving of Jasmine rice and a piece of grilled, jerked chicken. I did try a cup of OJ Ninjaed with some vanilla Greek yogurt a little later. Yummy! A little under 2000 calories on the day.
Tomorrow I'll run, spin, do a very few sets of abs at the gym, get Insane (plyo circuit), and try to walk. Not sure about the walk. Kim and I are gonna try to go out for dinner (either Indian or oysters) and then see a movie. We'll see how it goes...
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