Saturday, January 16, 2010

Great Leg Workout, Food Porn, Ice Cream, & Gulab Jamun With Pics (Day 153)

Kim and I have had a great, solid 5 days worth of training so far this week. I've gotten in at least 90 minutes of cardio per day, plus that day's workout. Friday fell in with the rest of the days. I trained for 30 minutes on the spin bike at home early for my first cardio session. We arrived at the gym just after lunch and began with the treadmill for 30 more minutes. For the first time ever, I think, I did the entire 30 minutes jogging. I did an interval of one minute at 5 mph and then one minute at 6 mph, then repeat the interval. I think this is the first time I've ever tried to go the full 30 without a walk, so I was very pleased I didn't have to stop or reduce the speed. AFTER the cardio we trained legs. 3 sets of smith machine squats (all sets were 15 reps), followed by 3 sets on the true squat rack, then 3 sets in the horizontal leg press, and finally 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings followed with 3 sets of leg curls, then 3 sets of seated leg curls, and finally 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. One FANTASTIC moment during the workout was when I put on my lifting belt. I buckled it into the 4th hole. Wow. When I started NS the belt was a few inches from being able to reach around me. I need to measure the total distance one day. My last bit of exercise for the day was 30 more minutes on the bike late last night after we returned home.

Once home from the gym I cleaned up and went to bed for about 45 minutes while Kim took a shower and got ready to leave. Earlier in the day my dad had come by with and asked us to drop by one of our properties and look something up for him to relay to the electrician (Dad was headed to play golf since Friday was one of the first nice days we've had in some time). We decided going to the property gave us a great reason to continue driving North to Chattanooga and have dinner. We've been craving oysters and crabs, so this worked out perfectly.

In-store made chorizo

We arrived at the property and looked up the info on the electrical panel around 5 PM. The store it was in is rented to a Latino Grocery. Kim (who doesn't eat meat, nor does she like the smell) was OVERWHELMED by the sights and smells of the butcher shop in back where we were looking at the panel. We did see some lovely looking, made in store, chorizo hanging up to dry/cure while we were there. I thought it all looked & smelled great.

nom, nom, nom, raw meat, nom, nom

cheese glorious cheese!

le grand

Once we found what we needed, recorded it, & photoed it, we were on our way to Chattanooga. Our restaurant for the evening was Easy Bistro. Our intention was only to eat the Le Grand (oysters, crabs, muscles, shrimp, and lobster), but they were out of lobster. So we decided to add a cheese plate and an order of steak tartare. The cheese plate was good overall, but the maytag blue along with a small amount of preserves it was served with was outstanding (I love blue). The steak tartare (served with an egg yolk) was pretty good too. This was my first experience with this dish. It makes sense that I'd like it. High quality, raw beef, marinated, spiced, and served with an egg yolk. I like my steaks nearly raw anyway. I like fried eggs with very runny yolks. So add steak tartare to the list of stuff I like (the ever growing list). After the cheese and raw meat plates were cleared away our Le Grand was brought to the table. I downed most of the oysters (I LOVE the tiny West Coast Oysters) as Kim ate most of the crab. We each had a few muscles and shrimp. Pretty healthy meal, cheese and all. This is where the healthy part of the evening ended.

Kim's martini

Inside Easy Bistro

Easy Bistro

We walked out of Easy Bistro, made a left turn, walked 50', and walked into a Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream Shop. We did this intentionally. I wanted to prove to my self I could order and enjoy a small cup of ice cream. 6 months ago I'd have ordered a gallon. So we went in, made our selections (I had a cup of chocolate peanut butter swirl and Kim had a cup of butter pecan) and sat down to enjoy the deleciousness that is Ben & Jerry's. It was wonderful. I have a seriousness weakness for anything chocolate-peanut buttery. So now to exercise self control. I only ate the part of the ice cream that was ABOVE the rim of the cup, then threw away the rest. That means I threw away an entire cup full of ice cream. Kim was stunned. I was pleased, in more ways than one. I was happy I exercised self control, and I was happy I ate some wonderful ice cream. We strolled back to the parking deck, walked up a few flights of stairs to our car, and drove straight to our favorite Indian place to order takeout to eat on Saturday.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Swirl Ice Cream! (I only ate the top)

At Sitar we placed our order to go, got an order of Chai Tea each, and then I decided to get an order of Gulab Jamun for us to share (I hated to sit down, dirty up a table, and order nothing more than tea). Gulab Jamun is a fantastic dessert. Basically little doghnut-ish type balls in a syrup. Kim had about 1 1/2 of the balls and I ate the rest. Not very healthy, but very delicious. Our to go order was Chana Sag (chickpeas and spinach) and a plate of rice. I meant to order Puri (puffy delicious bread, but I forgot, Kim was pissed). Chana Sag is one of our favorite meals in the world. It's just perfect.

After the hour ride home (yes, no matter if we head South to Atlanta or North to Chattanooga, we live an hour drive either way, we goto Chattanooga for food not because the city has better restaurants, because it doesn't, we go because you NEVER have to have reservation nor wait for a table) I changed into some workout clothes and climbed onto the spin bike for my final 30 minute ride of the day.

Saturday is ab day at the gym. 9 easy sets and we're out. Cardio for this weekend will be all on the bike or walking the dogs. I'm taking a break from the treadmill for two days. Plus my Jack Russell looks like he might cry if we don't go on a walk before the rain gets here.

BodyBugg Info:

Calories In (wild guess after lunch) = 2502
Calories Burned = 4190
Calorie Deficit = 1688

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