Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Stupid Cold (Day 142)

This post is for Monday, January 4th, 2010.

It's stupid cold here (way down in Georgia). We can't walk the dogs, they really don't enjoy being outside more than a few minutes at a time. Snow is foretasted for later in the week, which means the entire state will descend into chaos. Yippee!

We trained chest at the gym today. Of course we did our cardio first. 30 minutes on the treadmill, incline 14.3, speed 4.2. We intended to do 15 more minutes or so of cardio afterward, but we were both starving and tired so we skipped round 2 of the cardio. Our workout was fast paced and relatively intense. We began with 3 sets of flat hammer strength presses, then 3 sets of incline presses, next was 3 sets of decline presses, and finally 3 sets of the bodymasters fly machine. Kim is still wrecked from our Sunday leg workout, and my hamstrings are kinda sore. Maybe we'll recover in time to train legs hard again on Friday.

I've joined Marie's January challenge on the NS blogs. My goal during this month's challenge is to loose 8.4 pounds and weigh in under 200! Additionally, a side goal is to train 5 days a week, cardio 7 times a week, and have 1000+ calorie deficits each day. I've ordered a spinning bike for the house so I can get in extra cardio in the morning/evenings. I'm really excited about being able to ride as soon as I get up in the mornings (instead of screwing around on the internet for an hour).

I've finally found some almond butter at a local grocery store. Lili raves about it, so I had to try it. Kim opened it up on the way home and mentioned something about a layer of oil on top. When I opened the bottle at home I discovered exactly what she was talking about as the top 20% of the bottle spilled out onto the floor. The pug loved it. Once I stirred it up and tried a bite so did I. I added about 2 tsp's to a cookie last night and it was great. We also found some white chocolate peanut butter, which is delicious.

Belle after eating some of the almond butter that spilled.

The display for my BodyBugg arrived late in the day. I synced it up and it worked perfectly. I can't wait to try it out in the gym and see how much I'm burning as we train. I'll have a pic of it tomorrow.

For breakfast yesterday I had a blueberry muffin, facon, a slice of bread and a banana. Lunch was red beans and rice and a veggie burger. My afternoon snack was a coconut almond bar with a tsp of peanut butter. Dinner was Rotini, cauliflower with cheese sauce and a veggie burger. Dessert was a chocolate chip cookie with almond butter. My morning snack which I pushed until after dessert was an oz of blue cheese.

BodyBugg Info:
Calories In - 1601
Calories Burned - 3270
Calorie Deficit - 1669

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