I got it to the house yesterday, unboxed it and completed the assembly in under an hour. After dinner I had about a 30 minute ride and Kim got in 20 minutes. This morning I had my first actual spinning workout. I watched the included DVD and rode one of the interval programs (accidentally, I wanted to ride the weight loss ride, but selected the wrong icon on the DVD menu). The nice British lady on the DVD began with an easy warm up, then moved on to some moderate riding. I was feeling pretty good at this point and thought I could complete the workout exactly as the instructor did. This is when then nice British lady handed me my ass. Doing "Jumps" and "Standing Climbs" was significantly more difficult than what I'm ready to do. I did finish the workout, but without the standing jumping stuff. So now I've got a goal anyway.
I'm very happy with the quality of the bike and onboard computer/heart rate monitor. The handle bars are slightly wobbly, which I read about in some customer reviews. This really doesn't bother me though. If it were a real bike I would be concerned, but not so much with an indoor bike. The seat is killing me. I'm not accustomed to riding on a real bicycle seat (I'm use to the huge seats on the life cycles at the gym). Supposedly I'll adapt to it quickly, but I've ordered a more cushy, gel filled seat cover to use. My bottom is so sore/bruised it hurts to sit on our sofa. I got in a second ride this evening. I made up my own workout. Quite a few intervals and seated climbs left me soaking wet with sweat.
We trained legs at the gym today. Before the workout we got in 30 minutes on the treadmill. I jogged most of the time, with intervals toward the end. We began the workout with 3 sets of true squats, 3 sets of leg presses, then 3 sets of leg extensions. Before training hamstring we did 2 sets of squat and hold with a ball against the wall. Hamstrings began with 3 sets of leg curls, then 3 sets of seated leg curls, and finally 3 sets of hyper-extensions. Kim was WRECKED after this workout. We did 20 reps per set and trained relatively quickly. Typically we do 15-20 more minutes of cardio after the workout, but not today. We went home to lick our wounds. I REALLY wanted to take a nap I was so tired, but it never worked out. Kim ended up going to bed around 8:30 this evening and I wasn't far behind. Another sign of a decent workout, Friday night and we're in bed super early.
I had an easy food day. Breakfast was a blueberry muffing, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. Today's morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was fettuccine alfredo with a veggie basil pizza burger. My afternoon snack was a white chocolate chunk cookie. Dinner was cheese ravioli with broccoli & cauliflower in cheese sauce and a slice of bread. Dessert tonight was a chocolate chip cookie with a cup of vanilla caramel tea (yes, I did add about 20 calories worth of Fat Free 1/2 & 1/2 to my tea, I'm a very weak, pathetic man).
Snow and super cold temps are still with us here in the South. My poor hounds are having to stay inside most of the day. My birds outside are eating bird seed at an alarming rate (kinda expensive trying to feed then ALL). I even had a red-bellied woodpecker (worst named bird ever, it has a red head and no noticeable red belly - adults do have a red wash on their belly, but you have to be at the perfect angle using binoculars to see it) put in an appearance at the house. He (guessing) was a good bit bigger than the usual red headed woodpecker that we see. Blue Jays have taken over our feeders too. They're so much larger than most other birds in our area and dominate the food.
BodyBugg Info:
Calories In = 1527
Calories Burned = 3860
Calorie Deficit = 2333
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