Friday Kim had a morning meeting concerning her new job so we trained in the afternoon. Since we were running a day behind we trained arms. We had to train quickly so we could head to the next town over for her to get a TB test, have her fingerprints taken, and get a new Social Security Card for her(she lost her old one). 3 sets of heavy overhead presses and 3 sets of heavy press downs for triceps. Biceps were similar with 3 sets of heavy cable curls with a straight bar and 3 heavy sets of single arm cable curls (at the same time). Before the workout we did 30 minutes on the treadmill. I tried a new running routine, increasing the speed by .5mph each 5 minutes. The first 20 minutes were great, but I decided to slow down for about 3 minutes somewhere around 22 minutes in. I picked the pace back up for the final 5 minutes. I also did the usual 60 minutes on the bike at home as well.
Food Friday was a 100% NS day. I don't recall everything I ate, but I do remember having a delicious NS pizza withe veggie chorizo and a salad for dinner.
Saturday found us training legs. I knew it was a bad sign when I woke up Saturday morning and my legs were already sore. I don't know if they were sore because it was Saturday and they knew they were supposed to be sore ('cause we always train legs on Friday) or if they were sore from the running and biking on Friday. My morning bike ride ended up being the only cardio of the day because after training I felt fatigued all over. I decided to rest after the workout. The workout was a departure from our normal routine. We did sets of 30 reps for quads. 3 sets on the true squat machine, 3 sets on the leg press, and 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings were 3 sets of seated leg curls (for around 15 reps), 3 sets of hyper-extensions, and 3 sets of stiff leg dead lifts (for me) while Kim did 3 sets on the glute master. All the reps just added to the fatigue I already felt and made the decision to drop my other cardio for the day easy. As we trained a guy walked up to where we were working on the leg press (as Kim finished and I was about to begin after my sets on the true squat) and wanted to know if he could use the machine since Kim was finished. I was so out of breath I just nodded yes and waved him on. After Kim did her first set on the true squat machine I could breathe and talk again so I asked if I could work in with him on the leg press. He said sure. I noticed he had been stretching before his set and was kinda huffing and puffing as he did his reps. I glanced at the weight on the machine (about 400#'s) which was about what I wanted to use for my 30 rep sets. This was great because I wouldn't have to load and unload the weights between my sets and his sets. So I jumped in and banged out my 30 reps quickly and jumped out of the machine. I didn't notice until the guy's second set that he was only doing sets of like 8 reps and struggling to get those. If I'd known I would have just waited until he finished. I didn't want him to think I was trying to show him up or embarrass him. He did one more set and then left the gym. That's part of what I hate about training at a different time and day from our normal routine. Usually (for the past few months anyway) people that train at the same time as we do kinda adapt to our routines as we do to theirs and we stay out of each others way. Anyway, I kinda felt bad and wished I'd paid more attention to his first set and just waited another minute until he finished.
I had a good food day Saturday, until after dinner. I decided to have my popcorn I didn't get last weekend. We stopped by Popcorn Haven, the largest gourmet popcorn store in the world which inexplicably is located in our tiny town, and got a mini bag of Loaded Baked Potato popcorn. I noticed some of the new flavors including Snickers, Twix, Kit Kat, a few dark chocolates, and FRIED CHICKEN! I gotta try the fried chicken next time. I poured a bowl of popcorn at home and took a photo of it for the blog. I then walked into my office for something and returned to the kitchen to discover the bowl of popcorn empty. I was shocked that Kim had eaten my popcorn. I wasn't upset, just surprised. I politely asked her about it, really to make fun of her a bit for sneaking and eating it all, but she told me she hadn't touched it. I walked back in the kitchen and the PUG was standing on a bar stool looking at me. The PUG ate my popcorn! That was over 1/2 of the tiny bag of DELICIOUS popcorn I was going to enjoy, gone. She licked her lips and cried for some more. BAD DOG! I ate the remaining tiny bag of popcorn and was left utterly depressed. The Pug wouldn't even sit in my lap or give me any Pug kisses/snots (snots are a pug sign of love, she gets in your face and kinda blows her nose on you, it takes some getting used to). After the popcorn tragedy I decided that since I was resting this evening & since I didn't get to eat my popcorn I wanted that I'd have some chocolate. I ate way too much chocolate. So much so that my stomach hurt as I went to bed. I moaned and groaned as I tossed and turned trying to get to sleep. At least I won't crave any chocolate for a long time now.
The bowl of popcorn that I didn't get to enjoy!
The reason I didn't get to enjoy the bowl of popcorn!
Sunday is back to usual on the bike and treadmill, plus an ab workout that will get us back on schedule for Monday.BodyBugg Info for Friday was great - over a 2000 calorie deficit. Saturday sucked. They probably canceled each other out. I'll get back to posting BB data on Sunday's post. I've been busy again (working on tax prep and research for a potential upcoming surprise, I'll know more on Monday and maybe share then) but hopefully I'll be back to regular posts again tomorrow.
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