I did get in quite a bit of walking on a couple of days, but after I realized I couldn't train beyond the walks, I decided to just rest my body and eat off plan for a few days. Hopefully I satisfied all the cravings I've been suffering from during the past two weeks. Back to my normal routine Monday (however I have managed to catch some type of cold during the drive home on Sunday). Other pics below are of Kim & I, Kim & Belle, and a couple from the Xmas regatta Saturday night.
Monday, November 30, 2009
My Vacation Summed Up In One Photo (Plus Some Other Photos - Days 104 & 105)
The following photo more or less sums up my entire experience in Myrtle Beach during Thanksgiving.

I did get in quite a bit of walking on a couple of days, but after I realized I couldn't train beyond the walks, I decided to just rest my body and eat off plan for a few days. Hopefully I satisfied all the cravings I've been suffering from during the past two weeks. Back to my normal routine Monday (however I have managed to catch some type of cold during the drive home on Sunday). Other pics below are of Kim & I, Kim & Belle, and a couple from the Xmas regatta Saturday night.

I did get in quite a bit of walking on a couple of days, but after I realized I couldn't train beyond the walks, I decided to just rest my body and eat off plan for a few days. Hopefully I satisfied all the cravings I've been suffering from during the past two weeks. Back to my normal routine Monday (however I have managed to catch some type of cold during the drive home on Sunday). Other pics below are of Kim & I, Kim & Belle, and a couple from the Xmas regatta Saturday night.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Day After Turkey (Day 103)
We're still on vacation so this will be brief. Lots of walking. So much so I had to carry the Pug at one point. I did really well eating all day until dinner. We ate at The Parson's Table in Little River, SC. I've been once before and it was as good as I remember. We finished up the day with more walking (it was COLD) after dark around our condo. More walking and eating planned for tomorrow. I'm gonna enjoy the food and rest while I'm gone, back to the grind once we leave the condo.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Quick Turkey Day Post (Day 102)
So my plan to go out of town so I could stay on plan failed, terribly. I did eat much healthier than I would have otherwise, only I ate enough for 5 healthy people. I ended up eating a plate load, followed by a second much smaller plate of food, followed by a piece of butter nut squash pie, followed by a second equally as delicious piece of butter nut squash pie. I am now MISERABLE. I physically hurt. My stomach hurts from all of the stuff I've crammed in to it. I need to walk all the way home from the beach I ate so much. We finally ended up getting in another 1:20 minute walk this evening, on top of the hour plus walk this morning. So for the day we did almost 2 1/2 hours worth of walking. It was all very low intensity, but some exercise nonetheless. Back to NS tomorrow. While I liked the change in my routine, I LOVE my routine.
Finally, this evening Kim surprised me with a couple of canolies she found while shopping today. WTF!!!???? One for her parents and one for us. I ate a couple of bite and so did she. I left the last for her to finish and have moved to our bedroom to hide from the food. #foodtastesgoodbutifeelterrible
Finally, this evening Kim surprised me with a couple of canolies she found while shopping today. WTF!!!???? One for her parents and one for us. I ate a couple of bite and so did she. I left the last for her to finish and have moved to our bedroom to hide from the food. #foodtastesgoodbutifeelterrible
Day of the Drive (Day 101)
This post is for Wednesday, November 25th, 2009. Drove all night last night and was unable to post.
Wednesday began with me trying to sleep as late as possible. I made it about an hour later than normal. I made my way to the gym a little late and trained back before doing any cardio. I began with 9 pull-ups, followed by 3 sets of pull downs, then 3 sets of t-bar rows, then on to 3 sets of y-bar rows, and finally 3 sets of iso-hammer strength crank row type things. I moved to the treadmill for about 57 minutes of cardio, incline 13, speed 4.0. From now on I'll be splitting the cardio 1/2 before & 1/2 after the workout. I didn't enjoy doing a full 60 after the workout today. I also got in a unexpected walk through our farm just before we left out for the beach. One of our tractors became stuck and I had to walk about a mile to where it was (to wet to drive my SUV). We unstuck it and I drove a tractor home. Yay for unexpected cardio!
I had a crazy food day. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a banana-yogurt smoothie. Lunch was pasta with beef and a veggie burger. Afternoon snack was a double chocolate almond cookie. Dinner was sausage and rice. Here is where the rest of my day went crazy. We left a more or less on time to drive to Myrtle Beach, but a wreck in North Atlanta had traffic slowed somewhat. So we didn't arrive until after 3AM. Kim kept handing me small amounts of nuts to eat while driving. I also had a few bites of a chocolate bar she had brought along as well. Finally, when I stopped to buy gas, coffee (the truck stop had an "Intense-Energy Drink Brew"), and a couple of energy drinks I also purchased a tiny bag of Chili-Cheese Fritos. We ate a few bites after we arrived and then threw the bag away. Not a great day, but not bad for a night of driving. The saving grace for the day was the 1600 calories worth of exercise.
Wednesday began with me trying to sleep as late as possible. I made it about an hour later than normal. I made my way to the gym a little late and trained back before doing any cardio. I began with 9 pull-ups, followed by 3 sets of pull downs, then 3 sets of t-bar rows, then on to 3 sets of y-bar rows, and finally 3 sets of iso-hammer strength crank row type things. I moved to the treadmill for about 57 minutes of cardio, incline 13, speed 4.0. From now on I'll be splitting the cardio 1/2 before & 1/2 after the workout. I didn't enjoy doing a full 60 after the workout today. I also got in a unexpected walk through our farm just before we left out for the beach. One of our tractors became stuck and I had to walk about a mile to where it was (to wet to drive my SUV). We unstuck it and I drove a tractor home. Yay for unexpected cardio!
I had a crazy food day. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a banana-yogurt smoothie. Lunch was pasta with beef and a veggie burger. Afternoon snack was a double chocolate almond cookie. Dinner was sausage and rice. Here is where the rest of my day went crazy. We left a more or less on time to drive to Myrtle Beach, but a wreck in North Atlanta had traffic slowed somewhat. So we didn't arrive until after 3AM. Kim kept handing me small amounts of nuts to eat while driving. I also had a few bites of a chocolate bar she had brought along as well. Finally, when I stopped to buy gas, coffee (the truck stop had an "Intense-Energy Drink Brew"), and a couple of energy drinks I also purchased a tiny bag of Chili-Cheese Fritos. We ate a few bites after we arrived and then threw the bag away. Not a great day, but not bad for a night of driving. The saving grace for the day was the 1600 calories worth of exercise.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Day 100 & I Had to Eat at Houston's
Today is my 100th day on NS! For the record, I've lost 64.7 pounds! I never dreamed it would be so easy, so fun, and honestly, taste so good.
So today is my sister's 31st birthday & I joined the family for a early dinner celebration. She picked Houston's for her birthday meal. Mom and my brother-in-law had the amazing French Dip Sandwich. My sister had (and I nearly died when she ordered) the pork ribs. My dad had grilled red snapper & shrimp, which were swimming in a lemon butter sauce. I had 2 slices of tomatoes, 1/2 an order of couscous, and seared tuna. It appeared to be the best possible choice on the menu and it was WONDERFUL.
The rest of my day was pretty normal food wise. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, yogurt, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a yogurt banana smoothie. Lunch was a fake chick'n patty and fudge graham bar. The next meal was my meal out at Houston's. Dessert was a chocolate crunch bar. I'm planning on one more thing this evening. A large double latte (made with nonfat milk). I've gotta stay up late tonight so I can sleep late tomorrow in preparation for my all night drive tomorrow night.

I was able to train today before our early dinner. I knocked out 60 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, speed 4.0, incline 13. I trained shoulders as well. Kinda in reverse order today. I began with 3 sets of rear delts, then 3 sets of lateral raises, followed by 3 sets of military pressed, and finally 3 sets of shoulder shrugs. I also managed to walk JJF quickly around the lake before leaving this afternoon. So I got in 6+ miles (~90 minutes) of cardio today.
Tomorrow I'm gonna sleep late, train, sleep some more, do some cardio, pack, eat, sleep, then DRIVE ALL FREAKING NIGHT so Kim & I can spend a lovely Turkey Day in Myrtle Beach with her parents.
So today is my sister's 31st birthday & I joined the family for a early dinner celebration. She picked Houston's for her birthday meal. Mom and my brother-in-law had the amazing French Dip Sandwich. My sister had (and I nearly died when she ordered) the pork ribs. My dad had grilled red snapper & shrimp, which were swimming in a lemon butter sauce. I had 2 slices of tomatoes, 1/2 an order of couscous, and seared tuna. It appeared to be the best possible choice on the menu and it was WONDERFUL.
The rest of my day was pretty normal food wise. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, yogurt, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a yogurt banana smoothie. Lunch was a fake chick'n patty and fudge graham bar. The next meal was my meal out at Houston's. Dessert was a chocolate crunch bar. I'm planning on one more thing this evening. A large double latte (made with nonfat milk). I've gotta stay up late tonight so I can sleep late tomorrow in preparation for my all night drive tomorrow night.
I was able to train today before our early dinner. I knocked out 60 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, speed 4.0, incline 13. I trained shoulders as well. Kinda in reverse order today. I began with 3 sets of rear delts, then 3 sets of lateral raises, followed by 3 sets of military pressed, and finally 3 sets of shoulder shrugs. I also managed to walk JJF quickly around the lake before leaving this afternoon. So I got in 6+ miles (~90 minutes) of cardio today.
Tomorrow I'm gonna sleep late, train, sleep some more, do some cardio, pack, eat, sleep, then DRIVE ALL FREAKING NIGHT so Kim & I can spend a lovely Turkey Day in Myrtle Beach with her parents.
Beginning Week 15 (Day 99)
This post is for Monday, November 23rd, 2009. No excuse really, I was just lazy and didn't post last night.
I had a great day both food and workout wise. I began my workout with 20 minutes of run/walk on the treadmill. I walked at speed 4 & ran at speed 8. I was still waiting on my mother to arrive at this point so I moved to the elliptical and got in about 12 more minutes before she was ready to train. We did a chest workout using only Bodymasters equipment. 3 sets of iso-chest presses, 3 sets of flies, 3 sets of incline presses, 3 sets of seated chest presses, and finally 3 sets of dips (mom decided not to try any dips, one day I'll have her doing dips!). Back to the treadmill for 35 more minutes of speed 4, incline 13 to finish up my day at the gym. After Kim got in from work we took a shortened 20-25 minute walk (it was almost dark). I think I burned about 1600-1700 calories via exercise yesterday.

Over the past two weeks I've found that on days that I do a considerable amount of cardio I'm still hungry after my dessert each night. I've been adding either a small amount of cheese, 'cause I love cheese, or a protein bar. I had to add a protein bar tonight. Breakfast was lowfat granola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a yogurt banana blended smoothie. Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich and a spinach pancake. My afternoon snack was a chocolatey nougat bar. Dinner was rotini with meatballs, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce, and a slice of bread. Dessert was an oatmeal cookie with a cup of chai tea. Later I had the Supreme Protein bar. I think I had about 1700 calories on the day. If my math is anywhere near correct that puts me ~ 2200 calorie deficit on the day (assuming I burn around 2200 from being alive and doing normal activities).

Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. We'll be headed down to Atlanta to eat dinner somewhere to celebrate. I'd wanted the family to let me know where we are going to eat so I could try to look at the menu, post a link and see if any of my NS friends had any suggestions, but as of 8:30 AM the day of we still don't know where we are going. So this WILL be a good opportunity for me to eat at a restaurant and practice my new-found self control. I think we'll also do some shopping, both Xmas and try to find some new clothes for me that actually fit.
I had a great day both food and workout wise. I began my workout with 20 minutes of run/walk on the treadmill. I walked at speed 4 & ran at speed 8. I was still waiting on my mother to arrive at this point so I moved to the elliptical and got in about 12 more minutes before she was ready to train. We did a chest workout using only Bodymasters equipment. 3 sets of iso-chest presses, 3 sets of flies, 3 sets of incline presses, 3 sets of seated chest presses, and finally 3 sets of dips (mom decided not to try any dips, one day I'll have her doing dips!). Back to the treadmill for 35 more minutes of speed 4, incline 13 to finish up my day at the gym. After Kim got in from work we took a shortened 20-25 minute walk (it was almost dark). I think I burned about 1600-1700 calories via exercise yesterday.
Over the past two weeks I've found that on days that I do a considerable amount of cardio I'm still hungry after my dessert each night. I've been adding either a small amount of cheese, 'cause I love cheese, or a protein bar. I had to add a protein bar tonight. Breakfast was lowfat granola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a yogurt banana blended smoothie. Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich and a spinach pancake. My afternoon snack was a chocolatey nougat bar. Dinner was rotini with meatballs, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce, and a slice of bread. Dessert was an oatmeal cookie with a cup of chai tea. Later I had the Supreme Protein bar. I think I had about 1700 calories on the day. If my math is anywhere near correct that puts me ~ 2200 calorie deficit on the day (assuming I burn around 2200 from being alive and doing normal activities).
Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. We'll be headed down to Atlanta to eat dinner somewhere to celebrate. I'd wanted the family to let me know where we are going to eat so I could try to look at the menu, post a link and see if any of my NS friends had any suggestions, but as of 8:30 AM the day of we still don't know where we are going. So this WILL be a good opportunity for me to eat at a restaurant and practice my new-found self control. I think we'll also do some shopping, both Xmas and try to find some new clothes for me that actually fit.
Monday, November 23, 2009
14th Weigh In
Despite eating Indian food (which I think I did very well with) and the meal at the raw bar I had a great Weigh In. -4.3 pounds during the last week down to 210.3. I've now lost a total of 64.7 pounds through 98 days. I'm now only 10.3 pounds away from my original stated goal of 200. Unfortunately I don't think I'll get to stop there. 200 was just a number I made up, honestly not believing I'd ever reach it so easily (I hope). I need to do some additional research to determine what an appropriate goal weight should be. Height weight charts and BMI info still has me very much overweight. These indexes don't take muscularity into account so I'm not going to pay much attention to either. The idea that sounds best now is to simply continue along with NS and the training/cardio just as I have been and see what fitness level I'm at when I reach any 10# milestone (200, 190, etc.). Just an idea. Anyway, WOOHOO! -4.3!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Back To The Grind On The Treadmill (Day 98)
Today was a cold, rainy day in Georgia. No dog walking at all today. Instead I went to the gym and did an hour on the treadmill. After I finished I ran into my long time training partner, the guy who taught me how to train (one of the crazy bodybuilders). He and I had a good little laugh and talked about diets. He commented how the thrive diet is basically a bodybuilder's pre-contest diet, packaged and sold to the masses. He was ill at himself for not writing a book about it 20 years ago.

I returned to NS foods today, after our day out yesterday. For breakfast I had one of Kim's new favorite meals. Egg Beaters, veggie chorrizo, OJ, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a banana yogurt smoothie (1/2 frozen banana & vanilla yogurt run through the blender for a bit). Lunch today was cheesy homestyle potatoes and a veggie chik'n patty. My afternoon snack was a chocolatey nougat bar. Dinner was ravioli with cheese and spinach in meat sauce, a new spinach pancake (which was super delicious, but looked like a green hockey puck), and broccoli and cheese. Dessert this evening was a double chocolate almond cookie. I added a supreme protein bar this evening as well because I was still hungry.

My weekly weigh in is in the morning. Interested to see how things go after having an off meal yesterday (still think I did OK).
I returned to NS foods today, after our day out yesterday. For breakfast I had one of Kim's new favorite meals. Egg Beaters, veggie chorrizo, OJ, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a banana yogurt smoothie (1/2 frozen banana & vanilla yogurt run through the blender for a bit). Lunch today was cheesy homestyle potatoes and a veggie chik'n patty. My afternoon snack was a chocolatey nougat bar. Dinner was ravioli with cheese and spinach in meat sauce, a new spinach pancake (which was super delicious, but looked like a green hockey puck), and broccoli and cheese. Dessert this evening was a double chocolate almond cookie. I added a supreme protein bar this evening as well because I was still hungry.
My weekly weigh in is in the morning. Interested to see how things go after having an off meal yesterday (still think I did OK).
Le Grand, Malai Kafta, & Chana Saag (Day 97)
This post is for Saturday, November 21st, 2009. I was so disgusted I couldn't post anything after watching UGA loose to Kentucky at home for the first time in 30+ years. Worst. QB. Ever.
Kim and I had a photo shoot/date afternoon-night on Saturday. We began the day by gathering our recycling and taking it to the city sponsored recycling center (WISH we had a service that came by and picked up recycling from the curb). How romantic, right? Next we gathered two of our five hounds (the two smallest, Belle the Pug & Jumping Jack Flash) and went to the local pet rescue for a photo shoot with a Santa, all proceeds to go to the rescue. So prepare yourselves for the uber cuteness that is to come of Kim, Santa, the little dogs & I. Next we headed North about an hour to Chattanooga. We drove down town to a little restaurant called Easy Bistro. We ordered the "Le Grand" which is a raw plate of 15 various oysters (including Kusshi from the West Coast, YUM), a few mussels, 1/4 pound of shrimp, and crab legs. We also ordered 1/2 a grilled lobster. I ate all with either lemon juice or a vinegar dip. Very little calories and DELICIOUS. Afterward we went to a movie theater next door to see "The Men Who Stare At Goats." Funny. Well, funny to us anyway. If your sense of humor isn't as twisted as ours you many not enjoy so much. Lots of subtle Star Wars references, a shout out to Psych (on of my favorite TV shows) & Silence of the Lambs. During the movie I had a NS Chocolate Crunch bar. After the movie we went to our favorite Indian restaurant in Chattanooga, Sitar. We ordered Channa Saag, spinach and chick peas, and Malai Kofta , homemade cheese stuffed in vegetable balls, cooked in a mild spices & creamy almond sauce. I also had two cups of chai tea. Lovely. We (read that to say I) ordered a bread called Puri. Deep fried puff of bread filled with air. Delicious. We ate about 1/2 of the food and brought the rest home, with the exception of the bread which I forgot. I was very pleased with the amount of food I consumed and my overall behavior during our meals out. Typically I'd have eaten much, much more at each of the restaurants, plus about 20,000 calories worth of pop corn at the movie theater.
Not much exercise yesterday. We walked up and down a flight of stairs in a parking deck. Unfortunately that was about it. I'm actually ok with that. I've had a pretty intense week of training so a day off is nice. I might do some cardio on Sunday. I haven't decided yet.
I had another NSV (non scale victory) yesterday. I wore the smallest size jeans I own, size 33. When I started NS I wore size 40.
Next week I have a quite a few opportunities to eat out well. My sister's birthday is Tuesday & I'll go out to eat with the family somewhere in Atlanta to celebrate. Don't know where yet, but I'll post about it if I find out before hand and maybe get some help from everyone if I can get an online copy of the menu. Same thing for my trip to Myrtle Beach. I plan to eat lots of fish for dinner, NS during the day. Good luck to everyone next week. Hope you all do well.
I had another NSV (non scale victory) yesterday. I wore the smallest size jeans I own, size 33. When I started NS I wore size 40.
Next week I have a quite a few opportunities to eat out well. My sister's birthday is Tuesday & I'll go out to eat with the family somewhere in Atlanta to celebrate. Don't know where yet, but I'll post about it if I find out before hand and maybe get some help from everyone if I can get an online copy of the menu. Same thing for my trip to Myrtle Beach. I plan to eat lots of fish for dinner, NS during the day. Good luck to everyone next week. Hope you all do well.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Leg Day & Plans For the Weekend (Day 96)
This post is for Friday, November 20th, 2009. I never got around to processing my photos from yesterday, much less writing a post last night.
Friday means leg day for me at the gym. My mom took up the challenge and trained with me. We decided that as she did one exercise I'd do another so we wouldn't have to load and unload weights after each set. She did the same exercises as me, just in a different order. I began with 3 sets of leg presses (I usually do these later in the workout after I'm sufficiently warmed up and into the workout, I was so shocked by how heavy the ~ 600#'s felt I actually checked to make sure an elephant hadn't jumped onto the sled without me noticing). Next I moved to the true squat for 3 sets (I used my Cardillo belt, almost in the 3 set of holes, so close!), then on to hack squats for 3 sets, and finally finished quads up with 3 sets of leg extensions. This is the point where mom unapologetically bailed on me. I had to finish hamstrings alone. I began with 3 sets of standing leg curls, then 3 sets of seated leg curls, and finished with 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. Pretty good leg workout. I realized as I finished I wasn't nearly as sweaty as usual. I was actually freezing cold. The gym had the AC going full blast. Nice, but odd since it was about 45 degrees outside. Finished with weight training I made my way to the treadmill. Before the workout I had warmed up for about 10 minutes on a stationary bike. Now it was time for some more intense cardio. Usually on leg days I don't attempt any more cardio for hours, but with the extra cardio work I've done this week I felt I could handle it. I began and caught a string of good songs on my iPhone and before I knew it I had knocked out 51 minutes of incline 13, speed 3.9 for a total of about 950 calories burned (3 1/4+ miles, I think). Kim and I walked JJF after she got home from work for my final cardio of the day. I think I had a 2000+ calorie burn day (from exercise alone). Not bad at all for a leg day.
I had a relatively good food day. Breakfast was a blueberry muffin, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was yogurt. Lunch was chili and a fake chicken patty. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner was a thick crust pizza with fake chorrizo & a fake chicken patty on the side. Dessert was a white chocolate chunk cookie. After my dessert I caved and had a couple of small bites of a double creamed gouda (I justified this because I didn't have any calories from carbs with dinner, weak, I know). Damn, cheese is good.
Saturday Kim and I have a fun day planned. Recycle in the AM. Take some of the hounds to have their photo made with Santa at the local pet rescue. Later we're gonna head North to the great city of Chattanooga to see "The Men Who Stare At Goats." I'm trying to plan my meals so that we have breakfast and a morning snack at home, eat lunch before the movie (I'm gonna have some raw oysters & pray they have some from the West Coast), have a NS snack during the movie, and then have a veggie dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant afterward (Chana Sag for me which is spinach and chick peas!!!!!!). My biggest decision now is whether to order my dessert from the Indian place (I love their cheese balls in honey, the order is of four and I'll only eat 1/2 of it if I end up eating dessert there) or just wait and have a NS dessert once we get home. Decisions, decisions.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Sorry, I have to say it: GO DAWGS. And on a very sad note, RIP UGA VII.
Saturday Kim and I have a fun day planned. Recycle in the AM. Take some of the hounds to have their photo made with Santa at the local pet rescue. Later we're gonna head North to the great city of Chattanooga to see "The Men Who Stare At Goats." I'm trying to plan my meals so that we have breakfast and a morning snack at home, eat lunch before the movie (I'm gonna have some raw oysters & pray they have some from the West Coast), have a NS snack during the movie, and then have a veggie dinner at our favorite Indian restaurant afterward (Chana Sag for me which is spinach and chick peas!!!!!!). My biggest decision now is whether to order my dessert from the Indian place (I love their cheese balls in honey, the order is of four and I'll only eat 1/2 of it if I end up eating dessert there) or just wait and have a NS dessert once we get home. Decisions, decisions.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. Sorry, I have to say it: GO DAWGS. And on a very sad note, RIP UGA VII.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tragedy During Breakfast (Day 95)
Leg day tomorrow. My mom has promised to come in and train with me. Wish her luck! I did have another NSV this week in the gym. I used my Cardillo weight belt to train back with on Wednesday and I have moved from the first set of holes in the belt to the second set. I think the smallest I ever wore the belt was on the third set back in 1998 or so.
Sweat Till You Bleed (Day 94)
This post is for November 18th, 2009. I had a late night and didn't attempt to post anything last night.
Today was a much better food day for me. No wild cravings late in the day. No desire to attack a box of Krispy Kremes. Breakfast was lowfat granola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a Supreme Protein Bar. Lunch was fettuccine alfredo & and a Morning Star Fake Grilled Chicken Breast. My afternoon snack was a double chocolate almond cookie. Dinner was one of my favorites. Veggie fajitas with veggie chorizo! My dessert was a chocolate chip cookie dipped in a cup of vanilla caramel tea.
I had a great workout and cardio workout at the gym. My old training partner DJ returned and trained back with me. Before the workout I did 15 minutes of HIIT cardio on the treadmill and got my run speed up to 8.0! We began the workout with a set of pull-ups (9 reps again this week, maybe I'll get 10 next week). We moved on to 3 sets of pull downs, 3 sets of t-bar rows, 3 sets of y-bar rows, and finally 3 sets of straight arm press downs. We were joined by a friend who is one of the owners/trainers of our gym for some more cardio afterward. I knocked out another 35 minutes on the treadmill. Part of the time I did my usual uphill walking, and the rest of the time I tried to keep up with everyone else jogging. I didn't do great, but much better that I thought I would. I burned about 650 calories in the 35 minutes of final cardio. When I returned home I changed out of my sweat soaked clothes to discover I had done so much cardio I was bleeding. My shirt was so wet that as I jogged and the material moved on my body it eventually scratched my chest and caused me to bleed. So I pulled a "sweat till you bleed" move (wasn't that from an old C+C Music Factory song?). Good sign of a workout. Later in the day Jumping Jack Flash and I took a quick 2 mile walk around the lake to wrap up my workouts for the day.
Last night found me driving to a property to check for a water leak at about 11PM. Out utility bill for the property was about $1000 more than usual. I couldn't find the leak, but I could hear water rushing through the main line coming into the propterty so I know we've got a problem somewhere. So at least I know what I'm gonna be doing for the next few days. Guess I better find my plumbers pants and get ready.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Crazy Cravings After Dinner (Day 93)
This post is for Tuesday November 17th, 2009.
Cooler, rainy weather returned to our area so no dog walking today. All of my cardio would have to be done in the gym. I began my workout with 10 minutes of HIIT cardio on the treadmill. I again increased my run speed to 7.8 headed to 8.0 tomorrow. I trained shoulders next. I'm trying to use different exercises this week so I started with a military press machine for 3 sets, then on to a lateral raise machine for 3, next I did 3 sets of upright cable rows, followed by 3 sets of rear delts, and finally finishing with 3 sets of shoulder shrugs. I returned to the treadmill for 35 minutes of incline 13, speed 3.9 to finish my cardio for the day.
Today was the most difficult day I've had food wise since beginning NutriSystem. Everything went well all day until dinner. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was bean & ham soup and a fake grilled chicken breast. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner was lasagna, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots in a cheese sauce, and a slice of bread. After dinner I began to crave all kinds of foods. It began with a crazy craving for deep fried super salty catfish. Then the cravings morphed into a desire for any number of foods ranging from chicken strips, chicken wings, chicken livers, cheese burgers, hot dogs, tacos, red velvet cup cakes (where did that come from?), brownies, cream cheese brownies, ribs, Reese's, and finally Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Kim was working late so I dealt with all of these things alone. I was sitting on the sofa in the dark sweating, dreaming of this when she got home. Ultimately I didn't freak and eat any of it.
Instead I made a cup of tea and had a Supreme Protein Peanut Butter Chocolate Bar. It has a little more calories than most NS desserts, but only about 40 or so. I also ate a handful of arugula while watching The Biggest Loser. This was the first time I've suffered from a mass onset of wild cravings. Most, if not all, of those things would have made me sick if I'd actually eaten them, so I don't think I really wanted them. I just wanted the taste. Mainly the taste of nasty hot salty fried goodness, or something super sweet. I left out my 2 second ice cream craving in between the Reese's and KK's. Anyway, I more or less did well and hope I don't have to go through that again any time soon.
Today was the most difficult day I've had food wise since beginning NutriSystem. Everything went well all day until dinner. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was bean & ham soup and a fake grilled chicken breast. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner was lasagna, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots in a cheese sauce, and a slice of bread. After dinner I began to crave all kinds of foods. It began with a crazy craving for deep fried super salty catfish. Then the cravings morphed into a desire for any number of foods ranging from chicken strips, chicken wings, chicken livers, cheese burgers, hot dogs, tacos, red velvet cup cakes (where did that come from?), brownies, cream cheese brownies, ribs, Reese's, and finally Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Kim was working late so I dealt with all of these things alone. I was sitting on the sofa in the dark sweating, dreaming of this when she got home. Ultimately I didn't freak and eat any of it.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Shooting Stars (Day 92)
I'm up late tonight waiting on Kim to get home from work. Tonight is her dreaded "on call" coverage night. While waiting I might as well get today's blog entry ready and posted.
After my WI this morning Jumping Jack Flash & I had a nice 2 mile walk around the very foggy lake. Afterward I made my way to the gym and began with a 15 minute HIIT workout on the treadmill. I managed to keep my run speed at 7.5 today without feeling tired during the rest of my workout. Mom arrived just in time to train chest with me today. We changed things up a bit and began with incline dumbbell presses. I can remember the days when I used to press 120#'s in each hand. Today I tentatively began with 70#'s in each hand. I worked my way up to 75#'s for the final two sets. After the presses we moved on to the hammer strength decline machine for 3 sets, then on to a different chest press machine for 3 sets, next was the fly machine for 3 sets, and finally I finished up with 3 sets of dips. After the chest work we returned to the treadmills where I knocked out another 35 minutes. 80 minutes of cardio for the day.
I had a pretty good day eating wise. I did sneak and eat a bite of smoked gouda cheese late this evening. Maybe that was okay since I didn't have any olives on my dinner salad tonight. Breakfast began with lowfat granola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a Morning Star fake grilled chicken breast. Lunch today was a salad and a fudge graham bar. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner (which I ate with Belle, the pug, instead of Kim since she had to work late, boo!) was maccaroni and cheese with beef, 2 servings of cauliflower with cheese, a salad, and a slice of bread. Dessert this evening was a double chocolate almond cookie along with 2 cups of Indian Chai Tea!
I had thoughts of either staying up very late or getting up very early to see/photograph the meteor shower that is going to occur early in the morning, but since I just saw a shooting star I think I'm gonna go to bed instead. If I stay up all night I will be useless all day tomorrow. If I was somewhere it was VERY dark, like say a dessert somewhere maybe I'd stay up and try to get a great view, but since I'm in the light pollution capital of the South I don't think I'll worry with it. I guess I'll just stay up waiting to make sure Kim gets home safely. Good night all.
13th Weigh In
I weighed in this morning at 214.7! I've now lost 60.3 pounds in 91 days on NS. I lost 2.9 pounds during the past week. My next goal is to make it below 210 by December 1st. That might be a little difficult since we will be out of town the weekend before the weigh in on the 30th, but a good goal none the less. Time to grab a dog and get in a morning walk.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
End of Week 13 (Day 91)
Kim and I have had a very nice, calm, quiet, restful weekend. Today we walked over 6 miles, during which we walked 4 of our 5 dogs. The dog who didn't get to walk, Barkley, doesn't do well on a leash and is still a very timid dog (he arrived at our house as an abused dog about a year ago). Anyway, other than our walks the only productive thing I managed to do was shoot some photos this afternoon and evening. One of my favorite types of photography is night photography. Digital cameras are capable of capturing light that is not visible by the naked eye making night photography very exciting (to me anyway). I didn't spend to long shooting after dark tonight, but managed a couple of interesting landscape and astronomy shots.

I had a good "on" plan day. Breakfast was pancakes, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a veggie chicken patty. Lunch today was a salad, and pasta with beef. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner this evening was a large salad, a thick crust pizza with black olives, fake chorizzo, and a little extra low fat cheese. Dessert tonight was a chocolate chip cookie with a cup of tea.

My weigh in (#13, I think) is in the morning. Hopefully I will come in around 215 or so bringing my total loss to 60 pounds.
I had a good "on" plan day. Breakfast was pancakes, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a veggie chicken patty. Lunch today was a salad, and pasta with beef. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner this evening was a large salad, a thick crust pizza with black olives, fake chorizzo, and a little extra low fat cheese. Dessert tonight was a chocolate chip cookie with a cup of tea.
My weigh in (#13, I think) is in the morning. Hopefully I will come in around 215 or so bringing my total loss to 60 pounds.
Oh My God UGA Won A Game & My Entry In the Nutrisystem Fall Contest Along With New Pics (Day 90)
We spent a little time setting up and shooting a new photo of me to use in the Nutrisystem Fall Contest. Worked out OK. We also snuck in a quick photo of Kim and I both (now my avatar). Kim also helped me (she proof read and edited out all of my mistakes, I have a degree in Finance, not English) prepare a short essay to accompony the photos submitted for the contest. Photos and essay below.
During the past summer, I experienced a few incidents which made me realize that I was significantly overweight and desperately needed to do something about it. When my girlfriend, Kim, and I departed for our summer vacation, I was embarrassed to learn that I could barely fasten the lap belt on our flight. At one point during our trip, Kim carried some of our bags up trail from a secluded beach near the Golden Gate Bridge for fear that I would collapse and die from exertion. Finally, later in the summer, I took a photograph of my father and I standing on a pier at the beach. Dad looked like dad, and I didn’t recognize myself. At that moment, I decided to do something about my weight. When I returned home, I ordered Nutrisystem and began the program. I have been successful beyond my dreams. Nutrisystem has helped me learn portion control, reintroduced me to fruits and yogurts, and has made me realize how much I love salads. I no longer look at foods that are not part of the system and long for the day when I can eat them again. I now look at the healthy foods and choices that I make on a daily basis and realize how much happier and healthier I am by not eating the things that got me in such bad shape to begin with. I have lost over 60 pounds, and I now fit into clothes I used to wear 10 years ago in college. Prior to beginning the Nutrisystem program, I would typically eat a couple of high calorie, low nutrient meals every day. Now, with the help of Nutrisystem, I eat multiple, nutritious meals throughout the day, and I never get hungry. After losing a significant amount of weight, I no longer suffer the knee pain which has, for years, limited my ability to enjoy life. I can now keep up with Kim on our evening walks, and she doesn’t have to worry about me having a heart attack while walking our dogs. Thanks to the Nutrisystem program, I’m in much better shape and overall health, and I look forward to a long, happy, healthy life with Kim. Thanks Nutrisystem.
So I'm officially entered into the contest. It's nice to be able to say I entered. The sad thing is I would have happily paid $10k to loose this much weight, so easily and quickly.
Almost forgot, here's the photo of Kim and I.
Today was a good food day. I wasn't "on" plan exactly. Breakfast was pancakes, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was Kim's take on black beans and rice (she makes it into a salad ki
Looking forward to walking the hounds a few times tomorrow, resting, watching some football, and most def playing Modern Warfare 2 until my eyes BURN!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Leg Day & Photos of the Lake (Day 89)
This post is for Friday, November 13th, 2009. Again, I'm posting a day late.

My meals began with a screw up on my part. I intended to prepare maple brown sugar oatmeal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. When I took my first bite of oatmeal I realized I had inadvertently made apple cinnamon oatmeal. Quite a shock to what my taste buds were expecting. I forgot to eat my morning snack before training so after I returned from the gym I had 1oz of cheese. Lunch was home-style cheesy potatoes and a Morning Star fake grilled chicken breast. My afternoon snack was a double chocolate almond cookie. Dinner was veggie fajitas with fake chorizo along with peas and corn. Dessert was a chocolate chip cookie and a cup of tea.

Kim and I are gonna try to shoot a new pic of me tomorrow to use in the upcoming NS fall contest. If it turns out well I'll probably use it as my new image on NS.
Friday is my leg day at the gym. I decided to get in a walk with Jumping Jack Flash this morning before making my way to the gym. He and I had a quick, quite cool 2 mile walk. At the gym I began with a little warm up on the recumbent bike and then moved on to Smith Squats. This week I got to train in my Cardillo Weight Belt (which was one of my mini goals). It felt like a tight glove was holding me together while squatting. I completed 3 sets of Smith Squats, then 3 sets of true squats, then 3 sets of hack squats, and finally 3 sets of leg extensions. For hamstrings I started with 3 sets of standing leg curls, then on to 3 sets of seated leg curls, and finished with 3 sets of hyper-extensions. Once home JJF and I walked again in the early afternoon & he and I both walked with Kim when she got home from work. A little less than 6 miles of walking on leg day!
My meals began with a screw up on my part. I intended to prepare maple brown sugar oatmeal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. When I took my first bite of oatmeal I realized I had inadvertently made apple cinnamon oatmeal. Quite a shock to what my taste buds were expecting. I forgot to eat my morning snack before training so after I returned from the gym I had 1oz of cheese. Lunch was home-style cheesy potatoes and a Morning Star fake grilled chicken breast. My afternoon snack was a double chocolate almond cookie. Dinner was veggie fajitas with fake chorizo along with peas and corn. Dessert was a chocolate chip cookie and a cup of tea.
Kim and I are gonna try to shoot a new pic of me tomorrow to use in the upcoming NS fall contest. If it turns out well I'll probably use it as my new image on NS.
Friday, November 13, 2009
FOCUS Bear (Day 88)
My next NS box (BBB, right?) arrived late yesterday evening. It really seems like these things arrive more quickly after the second box. #'s 3 & 4 seem like they were only like about a week or so apart. Anyway, a box filled with my favs & a new little friend. #60 "Focus Bear" was hiding in the bottom of the box. Kim laughed and said the ten pound bear should have been called focus, not the sixty. Maybe sixty should have been called the "Hell Yes" bear.

Good day at the gym. Well, it started even before the gym. Jumping Jack Flash & I took a 2 mile hike early as Kim was preparing to leave for work. I made my way to the gym afterward and knocked out over 15 minutes of HIIT cardio on the treadmill before moving on to my arm workout. Mom and our friend P trained arms with me. Triceps first. 3 sets of press downs, 3 sets of overhead presses, and 3 sets of rope press downs. Biceps next beginning with 3 sets of standing dumbbell curls, and finishing with 3 sets of rope curls. I returned to the treadmill for what was supposed to be 30 minutes of incline walking but ended up being only 25 minutes because I could feel a blister forming on the heel of my left foot. I bought some new shoes the other day and was worried they might cause some issues as I get acclimated to wearing them, but this problem was not related to the shoes, I wore some ancient socks that were so loose they were causing the blister. That's what I get for trying to find socks to wear in the dark. I had planned on walking again with Kim after she got home from work but she was "on call" last night and didn't make it home before 10 PM, so no second walk for me and JJF. I did get a great eyeball and finger/thumb workout playing the new Call Of Duty Modern Warfare game yesterday. I'm gonna limit my play time and make myself leave the house at least once each day over the next few days.
Another good day with my meals today. Breakfast was an apple strudel scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was parmesan pasta and a grilled fake chicken veggie thing (Morning Star). My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner was spaghetti, broccoli & cauliflower in cheese sauce, and a large salad. Dessert was a fudge brownie.
This week has been weird for me. I've been exhausted once or twice after workouts and I think that has left me feeling like I haven't done "well" this week. After recovering (read that to say waking from a nap) I'm left with the feeling that I've gained about 20 pounds back. Going back and looking over my food intake and training routine I know that's illogical, but I still feel weird. Alright, enough weirdness from me. LEG DAY TOMORROW. That should end any weird feelings I have 'cause I'll be numb.
This week has been weird for me. I've been exhausted once or twice after workouts and I think that has left me feeling like I haven't done "well" this week. After recovering (read that to say waking from a nap) I'm left with the feeling that I've gained about 20 pounds back. Going back and looking over my food intake and training routine I know that's illogical, but I still feel weird. Alright, enough weirdness from me. LEG DAY TOMORROW. That should end any weird feelings I have 'cause I'll be numb.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Routine (Day 87)
Off to bed and up early to get back on my routine and have a good workout in the morning!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Rain Filled Day (Day 86)
Hopefully the rain will move on sometime tomorrow and Kim and I can walk/wade around the lake late in the afternoon.
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