So today is my sister's 31st birthday & I joined the family for a early dinner celebration. She picked Houston's for her birthday meal. Mom and my brother-in-law had the amazing French Dip Sandwich. My sister had (and I nearly died when she ordered) the pork ribs. My dad had grilled red snapper & shrimp, which were swimming in a lemon butter sauce. I had 2 slices of tomatoes, 1/2 an order of couscous, and seared tuna. It appeared to be the best possible choice on the menu and it was WONDERFUL.
The rest of my day was pretty normal food wise. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, yogurt, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a yogurt banana smoothie. Lunch was a fake chick'n patty and fudge graham bar. The next meal was my meal out at Houston's. Dessert was a chocolate crunch bar. I'm planning on one more thing this evening. A large double latte (made with nonfat milk). I've gotta stay up late tonight so I can sleep late tomorrow in preparation for my all night drive tomorrow night.
I was able to train today before our early dinner. I knocked out 60 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, speed 4.0, incline 13. I trained shoulders as well. Kinda in reverse order today. I began with 3 sets of rear delts, then 3 sets of lateral raises, followed by 3 sets of military pressed, and finally 3 sets of shoulder shrugs. I also managed to walk JJF quickly around the lake before leaving this afternoon. So I got in 6+ miles (~90 minutes) of cardio today.
Tomorrow I'm gonna sleep late, train, sleep some more, do some cardio, pack, eat, sleep, then DRIVE ALL FREAKING NIGHT so Kim & I can spend a lovely Turkey Day in Myrtle Beach with her parents.
I wanted to post some of the wonderful comments I recieved overnight from the NS blog site (a mirror of this blog).
liliyarn said:
be safe have fun and in between talking to people cough *bodybug* cough....and ask them is that a BUG on your BODY? Wonder aloud..."Geee I wonder how many calories I've burned today? If only there was a device to give me that info instantly..." Print out info from the web site and leave it in their luggage. Get creative.
November 25, 2009 06:56 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
gail_in_mi said:
Good going, you are an inspiration to me. Have a safe trip.
November 25, 2009 07:02 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
lambjr said:
Congratulations on your weight loss! Keep it going!!
November 25, 2009 08:18 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
Christine23 said:
Good job! I have been trying to build up the desire to get back to the gym. You remind me of my husband, all jazzed up about his Shoulder Day or Back and Bi Day (that doesn't sound right, tho..) We used to work out together and I liked it. Maybe that will be my goal next week. Thanks for the inspiration (and just what does your girlfriend do to look so fantastical? I need to know her workout routine!)
November 25, 2009 08:35 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
valeriawoods123 said:
Myrtle Beach! No fair! That's exactly where I want to be!!!!! Good job on Houstons! It would have been really tough for me to eat tuna while others were eating ribs! You go guy! Stay strong and God bless!
November 25, 2009 08:59 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
Summergirl59 said:
With all that food around, you made it through it - you are truly an inspiration! And where do you find all those "FAKE" foods? Fake bacon and now fake chicken patty? What is that?
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and congrats to your weight loss!
November 25, 2009 09:22 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
DanW1966 said:
You are a great inspiration to all of us, even more so to those of us just starting out on this journey! Thanks
November 25, 2009 09:32 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
Cristie777 said:
Wow...I just started the NS program today and am so very impressed with you. You are beautiful! :-)
November 25, 2009 10:42 AM EST [Remove this Comment]
zaneh said:
Wow! Thanks for all the kind words everyone!
@Lili - Good ideas. I've been planning on setting Kim's computer to display the Amazon page that sells the bug every time she turns on her computer.
@gail_in_mi & @lambjr - Thanks so much!
@Christine23 - I may get a little to excited about the gym. I'm gonna share some of Kim's secrets with you and I think you'll all hate her for it. Her workouts consist a dog walk per day (2 miles), & a love of wine. She hasn't set foot in a gym in years. Not really fair, is it?
@valeriawoods123 - Thanks. I thought going to our condo and dodging my family's feast would be a wise choice for me this year.
@Summergirl59 - Thanks. It was painful watching the foods being delivered to the table until my order arrived. My tuna and tomatoes looked so delicioius and healthy. Fake bacon (facon) and the fake chik'n patties are made by Morning Star. They are in the frozen section of our local grocer (Kroger). We also love fake chorrizo (a Mexican sausage). We buy the Yves Veggie Chorrizo and use it in fajitas, eggs, etc. Yummy!
@DanW1966 & Cristie777 - Thanks guys! Good luck on your programs. Stick to the plan, get some exercise, and you'll be amazed with the results!
Thanks again everyone!