Long day today. Work, workout, cardio, meals, then off to Atlanta to see Lenny Kravitz @ the Tabernacle.
Meals first. Breakfast began with NutriFrosted Flakes Cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of multigrain bread. Morning snack was yogurt. Lunch was a fudge graham bar with a large salad. My afternoon snack was a chocolatey noogat bar with peanuts and caramel. Dinner was macaroni & cheese along with cauliflower in cheese sauce. Dessert was a chocolate crunch bar.
Once Kim got in from work we changed clothes and headed South to Atlanta. The concert was scheduled to start at 8 (which means Lenny won't take the stage until 9:30 or so) and ordinarily I wouldn't think of arriving before 9:15 or so. But the concert was at the Tabernacle (a 100 year old church converted into a concert hall) which usually doesn't have any reserved seating. I'm to old to stand up in a crowd of people so I wanted to arrive early and grab a seat in the balcony. We lucked up and got a front row seat in the 3rd floor balcony stage left. I've seen Lenny a time or two before about 10 years ago. He was great. The crowd at those shows were something else as well. I think every strip club in Atlanta had to have been closed during those shows because all of the strippers were at the concerts. The crowd at this concert was different. Same hoochie mamas, only they had aged about 10 years (so have I, but I wasn't dressed like a 24 year old). Anyway, the show was great. Lenny was great. We had a blast. I have come to realize that concerts are just WAY to loud. As we walked out of the Tabernacle Kim tried to tell me that if the volume had been 1/2 as loud it would have still been to loud. I never heard her though. All I could hear was a high pitched ringing in my ears. Let Love Rule, yall.

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