Saturday, November 7, 2009

Mini Goal & One Terrible Workout (Day 83)

This post is for Saturday, November 7th, 2009. We got home way to late to finish this post last night.

This morning I decided to try on my old Cardillo lifting belt. When I started NS the belt wouldn't even reach all the way around my waist. Today it fit. I decided to measure the distance from the tip of the belt to the first hole in the belt and found the distance to be 9 inches. That means I've lost more than 9 inches (since the belt didn't even touch when I started).

Other than being able to fit in the belt, the rest of the day workout wise was a bust. Kim, Jumping Jack Flash and I had a nice walk around lunch. I went to the gym later in the day and it was awful. Maybe the worst exercise experience I've had in months. I began wanting to do 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the treadmill. I only managed 16. I moved on the calves and had a nice quick 6 set workout. I returned to the treadmill planning on doing about 30 minutes of walking @ incline 12.9, speed 3.9. I managed a total of 12 minutes. It sucked. I was shaking, freezing cold. and exhausted. I thought I'd been walking about 25 minutes and checked the timer to find I'd been walking only 5. I tried to grind through it, but at 12 I was spent. Maybe it was because I was training about 5 hours later than normal, maybe because I'd already had lunch (that doesn't make any sense), maybe because I'd already walked earlier, maybe because I trained legs yesterday, I don't know. Whatever the reason, I had to give up, come home, eat a snack, and rest. I sorta salvaged the day by going on a second walk with Kim late this evening. We brought the Pug along instead of the JJF. I think I ended up with about 88 minutes of cardio on the day.

I had an "on" plan day, for the most part. Breakfast was blueberry pancakes, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was a veggie fajita Kim prepared a couple of days ago but never ate. I had some fake chorizo and a fake grilled chicken patty with it (Kim ate a little of the fake chicken with me). My afternoon snack was a NS chocolate cake. Dinner this evening was a large salad along with rotini & meatballs, broccoli & cauliflower in cheese sauce, and a slice of bread. Dessert this evening was a chocolate crunch bar.

I'm laying off of the gym tomorrow. Maybe a walk or two around the lake is all I think I've got in me. Beyond that I'm gonna rest, watch some TV, eat my meals, and get ready for another weigh in on Monday.

Last night we went to Mr. & Mrs. K's house for "game" night. Kim loves to play board games, especially a game called "Cranium." I'm not so big on games. Video games sure, knowledge based, trivia, current events sorta questions I'm good with. Not so much with board games. I actually did pretty well, only EVERYONE else playing was to drunk to hear me when I said the answers (they were all shouting answers at the same time). We always play guys vs. gals. Sadly, guys typically loose, badly. I did however with the most important game of the night. Find Kim's missing iPhone. We realized it was missing at about 2:30 this morning (when we got home from game night). I remembered Kim dropping the Cranium box as we were getting in the car. We drove one town South on the interstate and I spotted the iPhone resting on a curb near where we parked. WOOHOO! Kim's a happy girl to have her precious phone back, & I won a game for the guys!

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