This post is for Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Kim had various errands to run so I was off to the gym alone today. I began with 30 minutes on the treadmill, incline 13.5, speed 4. My workout today was biceps and triceps. Triceps were first up. 3 sets of press downs, 3 sets of overhead presses, and finishing up with 3 sets of rope press downs. Biceps began with 3 sets of standing dumbbell curls, followed by 3 sets of seated incline curls, and finally 3 sets of straight bar pulley curls (I did what we call 21's for the final 3 sets, 7 from the bottom to the mid-point, 7 from mid-point to top, and 7 full reps). Back to the treadmill for 30 more minutes of the same before heading home.

I had a very good food day, until about 10PM. Breakfast was a chocolate chip scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was yogurt. Lunch was vegetarian chili with a Morning Star Original Chick'n Patty. My afternoon snack was a chocolate chip cookie with a tiny about of peanut butter. For dinner I tried one of the new meals. Swedish Style Meatballs with Pasta. Not to bad. Not really Swedish Meatballs, but not to bad. Along with the NS meal I had corn, peas, and cauliflower in cheese sauce. My dessert was a coconut almond bar, with a little peanut butter. I really like the new bar. Kinda creamy on the inside. I'll most definitely order more. Kim got home late from a meeting in Chattanooga and brought home 1/2 a slice of pizza. It had pesto, spinach, black olives, and onions. It was delicious. I think this is the first taste of real pizza I've had in months. 1/2 a slice is so much better than the WHOLE pizza I used to get her to bring home to me. Not to mention this had no meat, before it would have been no veggie!

Kim had a practice run with some items she is going to cook for Xmas yesterday. One was a tart which had olives, smoked cheese, and other savory goodies. Another was zucchini rolls stuffed with a cream cheese. The final (my favorite) was a cheese pastry stuffed with an olive. Delicious. Thankfully she took all of the with her to her meeting in Chattanooga and everything was consumed there. I did snap a few pics though.
Leg day tomorrow. Get ready Kim.
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