Kim and I trained shoulders at the gym today. Her chest is a little sore from her first workout yesterday, but nothing to bad. Before the shoulder workout we began with 30 minutes on the treadmill, incline 13, speed 4 (for me anyway, I'm not sure what intensity Kim was at). Shoulders began with Kim doing standing dumbbell military presses while I did seated dumbbell presses for 3 sets. Next was 3 sets of side lateral raises, followed by 3 sets of front dumbbell raises, and finally 3 sets of rear delts to finish our shoulder workout. Back to the treadmill for 30 minutes of the same as before to finish up our trip to the gym.

I had a very good "on" plan day. Breakfast was an apple strudel scone, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich and a Morning Star Chick'n Griller. My afternoon snack was an oatmeal cookie. My next meal ended up being my dessert which was a chocolate crunch bar (I was in Atlanta shooting photos of my nephew for my parents' Xmas card). Dinner was a sourdough pizza with veggie chorrizo, a salad, a few olives, and a little cheese. Later in the evening while entering my food into the NS website I realized I forgot to eat my morning snack and was low on calories for the day. I added a sugar free jello as a final dessert and got my calories up to around 1500 for the day.

The photo shoot was interesting. Anyone who makes a living shooting pictures of children earns their money. It was very difficult to light the photo (my dad holding a small softbox with a strobe in it) as a baby walks around. It was also nearly impossible to keep my mother out of the frame (which she wanted) because she would not get more than 6 inches away from the baby for 95% of the time. But in the end we got a few decent images and I think Mom will be happy with one or two and we can order her some cards.

After returning home from ATL and eating dinner, Kim and I watched the season finale of The Biggest Looser. What a great show in general. I was so happy to see all of the contestants do so well. Even crazy Tracey did well, I'm just glad she didn't win.
Tomorrow we head back to the gym to train back, & get in another hour on the treadmill. More rain in our area so no hound walking for a few days. I took the plunge and ordered a Turducken for the family to try this Xmas. Fortunately all of the gonads have been removed from said turkey/duck/chicken monster so no one should worry about me eating anything uni-like. Our Turducken will be stuffed with seafood jambalaya as well. Wonder if there will be any roe in there?????
One last photo of the Grandparents with Oliver. This shot was just something for them to have as they did not want to be on the card. Next year they will be in the card (it made the entire process so much more simple).
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