First off, my Monday morning weigh in, then on to the adventures of yesterday.
I weighed this morning and was pleased (thrilled) to see the readout of 206.1. That's down 4.6 pounds from last week! Total lost on NS is now 68.9 pounds! Total lost since my heaviest (which was ~288) is 81.9 pounds! On NS I've averaged losing .57 pounds per day. Not. Too. Shabby. I'm now with sight of my first goal weight of 200, but I'm gonna go down to at least 190. So I'm very happy and ready to get to the gym to start another productive week on plan!
How I spent my Sunday.
Sunday was the day my sister scheduled her son's first birthday party. Kim and I loaded some of my photography gear into the Denali, picked up my grandmother, and drove in the nasty, foggy, icky weather to my sister's place for the party. We were greeted by the Amazing Screaming Oliver, who did not like how things were going as we were setting up for the party. He soon calmed down and everyone had a very nice time. I shot a couple of hundred frames and spent all night selecting and editing the photos. If your interested, here's a set from the day.
I was very well behaved, food wise at the party. Among the items I saw laid out to feed upon were little sausages wrapped in bacon, chicken salad, BIRTHDAY CAKE, fudge, etc. I had exactly 1 bacon wrapped sausage, a bite (not a piece, but a bite) of fudge, a taste (which is less than a bite) of chicken salad, and 1/2 a slice of birthday cake. The cake was amazing. Cream cheese icing! Before NS I'd have eaten no fewer than 4 huge slices. I'm impressed with my new self control and mindset concerning food.
After the party wrapped up Kim and I headed to Pappadeux for a little meal. We had some oysters (raw), large shrimp, and crab claws. We also split a lobster salad. We managed to eat less than 1/2 the salad and brought the rest home. After our meal we drove to the Whole Foods market to grab a few items needed for Kim's upcoming cooking extravaganza. The main things I found were a wedge of mushroom infused cheese that I love, a little Brie to try, and a Blue Hill blue cheese. Unfortunately, I loved all of the new cheeses. Now to exercise moderation and self control. We also had to find some chocolate covered espresso beans and we were shocked to find bags and bags of them in the chocolate covered nut area of the store. I sampled a couple once we were home and they are delicious. 7.2 calories each! I also found a new peanut butter. It is an organic peanut butter with white chocolate. Less calories than normal peanut butter (only by 10, but that IS less) and delicious! I'm a hot tea drinker and I was delighted to find a chocolate tea. It is caffeinated (which is fine with me) and when served with a little fat free 1/2 & 1/2 and some zero calorie sweetener, it's just magical. It is called Double Dark Chocolate Mate'. I also grabbed some new 7 spice chai and a sampling of Darjeeling.
One final note. If you're in the Atlanta area, or just love reading about good food (I assume all of us do) I want to point you in the direction of The Blissful Glutton. She's a great food blogger, trained chef, and has NEVER disappointed when I try one of her reviewed restaurants. She just returned from her honeymoon in Paris and is detailing the meals from the trip. Enjoy.
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