Monday is typically my weigh in day. Since I only trained 3 days last week and was off diet for 3-4 days, I decided to omit the WI this week. I'll return to my WI schedule next Monday morning.
I made my return to the gym, head cold and all. I felt much better by the time I arrived at the gym and suffered no ill effects from feeling so bad Sunday night. I began with 30 minutes on the treadmill, incline 13, speed 4. After the first round of cardio ended mom and I trained chest. We began with 3 sets of hammer strength incline presses, then 3 sets of body masters seated chest presses, followed by 3 sets of machine flies, and finally finishing with 3 sets of dips. I returned to the treadmill for 30 more minutes of the same intensity as before. I burned around 1100 calories on the treadmill during my time at the gym, and around 300 more during the workout (estimated). I'm glad to be back after a few days away!
I had a 100% ON plan day. Breakfast was lowfat granola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a cup of yogurt. Lunch was bean and ham soup and a Morning Star fake chick'n patty. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Dinner was beef stroganof, a spinach pancake, and another chick'n patty. Dessert was a white chocolate chunk cookie.
More of the same planned for Tuesday. Gym, NS, and nothing to get in my way.
PS. More pics and a video from thanksgiving on my personal blog here.
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