I consider myself to be somewhat of a hot dog enthusiast. I've loved hot dogs since I was a child. Terrible red hot dogs from the old Super D in town. Nasty foot longs form the local Sonic Drive In. Even nastier Polish Sausages from any hot dog cart I can find. Some of the best were from the Hot Dog Man in Athens while I was at UGA (he was open almost all night). I used to frequent a local place that had hot dogs (how ever you wanted them, chili, slaw, onions, whatever) for a quarter each. I ate hot dogs from that place every day (they finally raised their price to 75 cents each, damn inflation). So what I'm trying to say is I've eaten lots of hot dogs and I really like them. Today I tried the new NS "Turkey Hot Dog". It was not a hot dog. The consistency was all wrong. Think mushy, non solid, not even firm, tube of warm meat-ish material. It smelled and tasted very similar to a vienna sausage. That's all well in good if you wanted a vienna sausage. But if you had it in your head that you were gonna get a "hot dog", well you're gonna be greatly disappointed. The overall experience wasn't terrible, but they should have called it a jumbo vienna sausage. The worst part of the entire meal is now I'm FIENDING for a real hot dog. Like my mouth is watering while I sit here dreaming of a juicy, well grilled hot dog. Maybe a stadium dog from any MLB ball park would do. How long is it until opening day?

Friday is our leg day at the gym. It is sorta like a religious experience for me. Over the years the workout has mellowed somewhat, but it would still bury most folks. I usually don't get to fancy, I stick to a good bread and butter type workout of squats, presses, extensions, etc. I also follow a very regimented routine (as I do most days, but especially on leg days) concerning my pre-workout meals, rest, activities, etc. I love my routine. It keeps me comfortable, focused, and all in all a happy camper. If my routine gets altered (which is unavoidable sometimes, I understand) I'm upset. My timing is thrown, my meals are off, my rest is gone, my day becomes a mass of confusion. Today, just before I was about to prepare to leave for the gym my father calls and I have to head to meet him in at one of our properties. So Kim and I go meet, check out what we needed to see, and then head back to the gym. Ordinarily this would have just pushed us back by about 45 minutes or so, but today we had to be home in time to meet an appliance repair person (who is still a no show at this point) to fix one of our two ovens (Kim is about to begin the great cooking fest of 2009). So we have to really alter our workout. The usual workout begins with 30 minutes of cardio, then we train legs for about an hour, followed by 30 more very pitiful minutes of cardio. Today we had exactly 1 hour to train and get home. I decided we'd train hard and fast for an hour. No cardio at all. We'd changed up the exercises, # of reps, order of exercises, and go hard. Instead of 4 exercises with 3 sets each, today we did 3 exercises with 4 sets each. We began with leg extensions (which we usually finish with). Kim asked after the 2nd set, "Are we doing 4 of these bitches?" That would be yes. Then we did 4 sets of lunges, fun. Finally we jumped (no we didn't, we did good not to fall out of it) on the horizontal leg press for 4 sets. We kept our reps reasonably high and knocked out all 12 sets (for each person) in less than 25 minutes. Hamstrings came next. We kinda fell back towards the old routine for 'hams doing 3 sets of leg curls, then 3 sets of standing leg curls, and finally 3 sets of hyper-extensions. I nearly blacked out after each set of hyper-extensions. Some might think this is a little strange, I think it's a sign of a decent workout. Vomiting is a sign of a great workout.

I've had a relatively good food day. Breakfast was lowfat granola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of bread. My morning snack was a chocolate crunch bar. Lunch was the aforementioned "hot dog" along with a spinach pancake. I also had about 4 steamed shrimp as a snack. My afternoon snack was a chocolate peanut butter bar with a little real peanut butter. Dinner was lasagna, cauliflower with cheese sauce, and a curry veggie burger. Dessert tonight was a white chocolate chunk cookie with peanut butter. During the evening I also had a little cheese and a few shrimp.
Kim has started the great bake/cooking fest '09 today. Made from scratch croissants, bacon/liver pate', and cream puffs all for the dinner we are going to tomorrow evening. I got to taste the pate' and have a bite of bacon. BACON TASTES GOOD.
Tomorrow I'm gonna get to the gym rather early to get in plenty of cardio (since I missed all of it today). I'm already a little sore from the workout this morning, so cardio might be an adventure.
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