This post of for Tuesday September 29th. I fell asleep before I could post last night. I've also added some non food pics again. The first is another image of the lake I walk the dogs around. The second is our Jack Russell, creatively named Jumping Jack Flash Gordon County. Don't ask. Finally, there is a sorta spoiler below for last night's episode of "The Biggest Loser", so you've been warned.
I've turned into Mr. Mom, only we don't have children. Well, we have lots of children but they all have 4 legs and tails. Anyway, with Kim having to work late almost every evening I've slowly acquired some of the errands she used to handle. Grocery shopping, picking up dry cleaning, dish washing (to a certain extent), laundry (I can't do Kim's because most of her clothes require a little more attention than mine do - I just throw my stuff in the washer followed by the dryer, no special items get to line dry) etc. I realized while shopping yesterday that I didn't have our "green bags" to put the groceries in and thought I'd better get home and hide the plastic ones before the militant environmentalist sees that I used plastic. I almost pulled it off. I put all of the bags from the first grocery store I

went to deep in the recycling container out of view, but I had to stop at a second store and I forgot about those until it was to late. Busted. She handled it well. She told me since I was now the grocery shopper I needed to start keeping the "green bags" in my car. It wasn't a request, it was a statement of fact.
Outside of my newly reacquired errands and chores (I actually did all the household responsibilities before Kim moved in & took over 7+ years ago) I managed to work for a little bit in the office yesterday, attend a meeting at the bank, and reach a job site before the end of the day and give our friend Robein a ride home (we act as Robein's taxi so he doesn't have to give up any of his pay for a real taxi). I also manged to train with my mother before lunch. We trained

shoulders. We started with 3 sets of military presses, then 3 sets of cable side lateral raises, next was 3 sets of front raises, and finishing up with 3 sets of rear delts. I wanted to get in a few sets of shoulder shrugs but the group of 19 year old guys that train upper body EVERY day had camped out on the equipment I needed so I decided to do cardio first & then try my shrugs. After I finished my 35 minutes on the treadmill, incline 12.2, speed 3.9, the guys were still on the same exercise, thus still occupying the equipment I needed. So in the time it took my mother and I to do 24 sets and 35 minutes of cardio, these numnuts were still on the same exercise. Now I'm a very quiet, relatively kind person. I don't bother others in they gym, I try to be very courteous and not get in someones way while they are training. But I have no patience for people who do not know how to train and get in my way. If it takes you over an hour to do one exercise, you're doing it wrong. If you weigh a buck 'o five and your trying to pull 405, you're crazy. If you're doing sets of 1 or two reps (and you're not a world class power-lifter) you're a fool. Either way, you don't know what you're doing and I hate you. I would have told them as much, but I was spent after the treadmill, I was running late (already), and I don't speak Spanish and they don't speak enough English for my insults to be effective. This is in now way about the guys being Latino because just as many stupid white kids do the same thing. I just don't like younger macho males who feel the need to stick out their chests and strut around the gym like some type of inbred chicken. Ok, finished with that rant. Before dinner I walked my little Jack Russell for about two miles and just as we returned home Kim had arrived and was about to start her evening walk. I decided to go on a second walk and visit with her. We lost Jack at the barn so he missed out on the second 2 miles. I think I got in close to 6.5 miles yesterday. The weather here has been wonderful in the mornings and evenings, so maybe I'll add an extra walk in everyday.

Meals were 100% on plan for the day. Breakfast was apple cinnamon oatmeal with a banana, and facon. My morning snack was the other half of the banana from breakfast and some yogurt. Lunch was a salad, cauliflower with cheese sauce, and cheesy home-style potatoes (which were very good). My afternoon snack was a piece of NS golden pound cake warmed up nicely in the microwave. Dinner was chicken pasta parmsean, a salad with olives & peppers & spinach, cauliflower with cheese sauce, and a slice of whole wheat bread. Dessert last night was a chocolate chip cookie.

Tuesday evenings now mean we get to watch Fat People Crying, I mean "The Biggest Loser." We both came to the conclusion that wild eyed Tracy is crazy as bat shit. Her eyes crack me up. She looks from left to right and I think they're gonna jump right out of he skull. She' lucky Coach Mo didn't reach out and choke her when she stepped across the line for a 2 pound advantage. The funniest part of the night was Jillian's reaction when Tracy weighed in. Perfect response. Really the only thing that could be said, and I'm sure it's what everyone was thinking. The Red team rocks for doing what they knew they had to do. I was so happy to see both of those guys had done so well at home. LOVED that Sean is planning to name his daughter Jillian. I hope the show offers a scenario where Tracy can get voted off while Coach Mo gets to stay.
Tomorrow is back day at the gym and my chance to add more pull ups to the workout!