Again, I'm posting a day late. This is for Friday September 25, 2009.
I had another hectic day. Woke up and attacked the bookwork that had arrived overnight in my inbox and then off to train legs. I knew I didn't have time to spare so I only did 18 sets for legs. My plan was to have everything finished by 2:00 or 2:30 and be ready to leave out on our quick little trip into North Georgia (Helen, to be exact). Helen is a strange little place. It's an alpine village about an hour north of Atlanta. Think German inspired (copied) architecture, October Fest that runs for months, and lots of older white people drinking WAY to much. Like I said, strange. Anyway, my plan was to be ready to leave early. I didn't even make it to the job site until after 2:30 so my plans were shot. Add the time we spent having to repair some leaky roofs and not only was I not ready to go early, I actually arrived home late, tired, and covered with roofing tar. I think the next time I'm gonna be around roofing material, I'm just gonna start by pouring some all over myself and who ever is working with me so we don't waste time trying to keep it off of us as we work. By the way, if you've never been on top of a huge, flat, modified rubber roof in 90+ degree weather, it's REALLY hot. The roof acts as a type of frying pan and cooks you as you try to work. The bad thing is I just got a call from the bowling alley (one of the tenants with a leak) and they have already discovered a new leak. So back on the roof I'll go on Monday.
We finally were able to leave and the only meals I had to worry about eating away from home was dinner and my dessert. We met our newly wed friends, K & K, at a little restaurant as we arrived in Helen. As I looked at the menu I wanted to cry. Lots of lovely sounding German sausages, and a double pan fried pork chop. I had a side salad with six steamed shrimp. Never got a chance for my dessert last night so I know I came in low on my calories. Gotta do better today.

As I said before I had a good day on plan until dinner and dessert. Breakfast was cluster crunch cereal with blackberries, facon, and a slice of multigrain bread. Morning snack was yogurt and a banana. Lunch was a salad with spinach & a fudge graham bar. My afternoon snack was a chocolate chip cookie. Dinner I mentioned above.
The flooding in Georgia continues, so we're gonna try to wade our way into downtown Helen and look around/shop a little. Maybe find Kim some more coffee and then I'm sure she'll have to try some fake German Beer. I'll go drool at the candy store (chocolate peanut butter fudge) and fantasize about wienerschnitzel.
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