I had a great weigh in this morning (-5 pounds for the week) and launched happily into my second month. My second order should arrive within the next few days (along with a least one NutriBear!) so I'm gonna make it until then on what amounts to my free week of food.

For breakfast this morning I had apple cinimian oatmeal with raspberries, egg whites, and a slice of multigrain bread. Morning snack was again the usual yogurt and grapes. Lunch today was one of my favorites, bean and ham soup, & broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce. My afternoon snack was 2 servings of sugar free jello pudding. Dinner tonight was the NS hamburger with some 2% cheese along with 3 servings of broccoli with cheese sauce. I realized after dinner I forgot to add a fat, so I ate 5 olives as an after dinner pre-dessert snack. For dessert I had the white chocolate chunk cookie. I LOVE those heated up and served warm.

Awesome job! :)