Exhausted. That's how I feel. I had an extended workout (I trained arms today) and increased the intensity of my cardio today and I've felt worn out all day. What's sad is that I have to train legs on Friday. I fell asleep in my car at a job site this afternoon. It was only for a few minutes, but I didn't intend to. Guess I'll sleep well tonight.
I have been accidentally adding exercises to my workouts over the past few weeks but today I planned to add a few extra sets to my triceps routine. I did 3 sets of press downs, 3 sets of overhead presses, 3 sets of rope press downs, and 3 sets of machine (weighted) dips. For biceps I did 3 sets of incline curls, 3 sets of hammer strength preacher curls, and 3 sets of cable curl 21's (7 reps from the bottom to midway, 7 from midway to top, and 7 reps full reps each set). Cardio was the treadmill on incline 12, speed 3.7, for 33 minutes. Cardio again this evening was our usual 2 mile walk around the lake. We had to hoof it tonight to beat the approaching rain (still not here 4 hours later).

Leg workout in the morning. Yippee!
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