Monday, October 12, 2009

8th Weigh In

Today is my 8th weigh in since beginning the NS program. Over the past week I lost another 3.4 pounds. This allowed me to reach my Columbus Day Challenge goal of at least a 12 pound loss over the past 3 weeks. I lost 12.6 pounds over the three weeks! Over the 8 week period since starting the plan I've lost 41.9 pounds (from 275 start down to 233.1 today). That's 5.2375 pounds per week (.75 pounds per day) average loss. With this weeks loss I also qualify for a 40 pound NutriBear! I lost to much weight this month to get a 30 pound bear. Maybe over the next month I'll loose enough to skip the 50 pound bear and go directly to a 60! Maybe by next week I'll be in the 220's again for the first time in at least 5 years. Crazy. Kim and I are gonna try to take an updated picture today and if we do I'll post it with today's regular post.