This is for Friday, October 23rd.

Today I woke with a plan for the day. I was gonna have a "on plan" day, I was going to have a great workout (which I had been thinking about all evening yesterday), and I was NOT going to sneak and have any (no matter how thin) slices of goat or sheep cheese. My plan didn't make it past breakfast. As I was preparing my pancakes my father called and informed me that I was going to help hm move some appliances around from some of our apartments to the repair shop and back. So now I'm gonna have to train later in the day, alter my eating (I wanted to train within 25 minutes of breakfast), and hope nothing else altered my day.
Dad and I load an old refigerator and take it to the shop and on the way home we get pulled over by a sheriff's deputy (in another county). Of course Dad doesn't have a tag on the small trailer we were using, nor any lights. Unbelievably, dad only gets a warning. Had it been just me in the truck with my bad luck I'd have been pulled out through the window, tazed, cuffed, made to lie on the side of the road in the mud, watch as the K-9 officer and dog destroy all of our gear in the truck, observe the dismantling of the trailer and truck, and then given a ticket for no tag/lights on the trailer. Dad has incredible luck. I used up all of my luck by dad living long enough for me to be born. To quote dad, "If it wasn't for BAD luck, Zane wouldn't have any." How true.

After returning from our short appliance run I ate my morning snack, changed clothes, and headed to the gym. Being Friday and Leg day I have to train alone. I always Tweet/FB an open invitation for anyone in the area to join me, but I never have any takers. I began the workout with a 15 minute HIIT workout on the treadmill followed by about 3 more minutes on the bike to make sure my knees were warmed up. My first quad exercise today was something I haven't done in years. A variation of Smith Squats. I loaded some weight on the Smith Machine, put the bar on my shoulders to squat like usual, but today I placed my feet far out in front of me and very close together. I only squatted to parallel (I usually squat very deep, as in my ankles sometimes hit my butt) and concentrated on keeping all of the weight on my quads. I did 3 sets on the Smith Machine. This was where my workout ground to a halt. A couple of lovely Latino ladies were training on two machines at the same time, exactly where I need to be next. Back and forth, back and forth. They did train reasonably quickly & hard, but they did a crazy number of sets. 3 sets with both legs, 3 sets with 1 leg, 3 sets of a modified lunge, etc. Finally (about 15 minutes) they moved on and I was able to continue my workout. 3 sets of relatively heavy true squats, then 3 sets of horizontal leg press, and finally 3 sets of leg extensions. The weird thing is after I train quads, no one even looks at the machines for the rest of my workout. I think there is a conspiracy of people training in my way just to annoy me. Next I trained hamstrings (no one is ever in my way training hams, weird). 3 sets of seated leg curls, 3 sets of standing leg curls, and 3 sets of hyper-extensions while holding a medicine ball. I made it home and managed to walk upstairs to the bedroom where I (and the Pug) collapsed into the bed for some much needed rest.

I had another on plan day meal wise. I began with my pancakes, facon, banana, and a slice of multigrain bread. My morning snack was yogurt and a banana. Lunch was home-style potatoes with a morningstar chicken patty. My afternoon snack was a double chocolate almond cookie. Dinner was beef and noodles in teryaki sauce along with carrots, broccoli and cauliflower in cheese sauce with a slice of multigrain bread. Dessert was a chocolate crunch bar. I managed not to eat any cheese until I was preparing my dinner, so I counted it as a fat (I know it's not a fat, but I'm sure it has enough fat in it!).
I finished my evening visiting with my parents and nephew. Shot some video and photos of the baby and also shot a few frames of a very nice rainbow. Enjoy.
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