This post is from Friday, October 16th, 2009. I was tired and fell asleep before posting last night.

Friday is of course my favorite day of the week at the gym. It's LEG DAY. Before I get to the gym I've gone over the workout in my head a few times and planned out exactly what I want to do, the order of the exercises, the number of reps, etc. I usually train with my headphones in my ears so I don't have to listen to other people in the gym and can get lost in my workout. After warming up I walked back to the corner of the gym where most of the leg equipment is hidden and to my shock there are three people I've never seen camped out on ALL of the leg machines. I've trained at the same time of day for about 3 years. I know everyone (by sight anyway) who trains at the same time I do and we've all adapted our training schedules so that we almost never train the same thing on the same day. If we do we are all courteous and make sure that we're not in each others way (for the most part). We NEVER drape our towels, sweatshirts, etc. on equipment we're not using and more or less pay attention to each other to make sure no one is waiting on us to finish up so they can use the equipment next. Well, the NEWBS that were simultaneously using the leg press, true squat, and hack squat were oblivious to everyone else in the gym. I call them NEWBS because they were clueless as to how to train or how behave in a gym. Now I'm not one of the gym people that hate all new comers, not at all. I just don't like rude people. Also I can't stand guys that train in cut-off blue jeans and wear steel toed work boots in the gym. So I politely sit down and check my Facebook updates on my iPhone, answer a phone call, wait, reply to an email, wait, post a Facebook message about the NEWBS being in my way, wait, wait, post a reply to a comment on Facebook, wait, wait. wait, get irritated, wait, wait, & wait a little more. Finally I decided to alter my workout (pisses me off) and begin with what I would ordinarilly finish with. I knock out 3 sets of leg extensions and the NEWBS are still on the same thing as when I began waiting. So instead of finding somewhere to sit & wait some more I take my towel and sweat shirt and drop them near the leg press and begin pacing back and forth behind the NEWBS. They were in a different world. Never saw me. Finally they finished with the leg press (and left their weights on the rack, how rude) and wondered off to the leg extension machine. I knocked out 9 sets, loaded and unloaded all the weights, rested, and moved on to train hamstrings before the NEWBS finished 3 sets of leg extensions. Unreal. If you're a new person to a gym, please don't be intimidated. If you don't know what you're doing, ask for help. I would have gladly helped these folks if they'd asked. The best thing to do if you've never really worked out before and join a gym is hire a trainer for a few days. They can help you set up a good, safe workout plan, teach you how to use the machines, and you can follow their clues as to the proper way to act in your particular gym. Some gyms I've trained at were so clean and bright that I thought it might by against the rules to sweat or actually train hard. Others were so dark and nasty it's customary to spit on the walls (Coffee's Gym in the ATL). Anyway, I guess this rant is me trying (not very clearly now that I think about it) to say train hard, but be aware and courteous to those who train along side of you.

My workout (which is what the first paragraph was supposed to be about) began with 3 sets of leg extensions, then 3 sets of heavy leg presses, followed by 3 sets of true squats, and finally 3 sets of hack squats. For hamstrings I did 3 sets of standing leg curls, 3 sets of seated leg curls, and finally 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. 21 total sets in less than an hour (excluding waiting to get started.
I had a 100% on plan day with my meals. Breakfast was maple brown sugar oatmeal with raspberries, blackberries, facon, and a slice of multigrain bread. My morning snack was yogurt with a banana. Lunch was a salad & vegetable beef soup. The afternoon snack was chocolate cake. Dinner of beef & noodles in teryaki sauce with 3 serving of broccoli with cheese sauce. Dessert was a chocolate crunch bar.
Kim had to work late so we didn't get to walk any of our hounds last night. I did get to go visit with my parents, sister, and nephew though. I got to see someone else take a walk.
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