Friday. Leg day. My favorite, yet most dreaded workout of the week. The past few weeks have found me having to wait in line to train, which is not cool. Years ago (when I trained with some bodybuilders) people knew not to train the same thing as we were training because if you got in the way the bodybuilders would eat you. Actually, we would drive to another town to train legs, so no one would bother us during the workouts (we were all trainers at our home gym and there was always something going on that needed attention). Anyway, today I trained later than usual (after lunch) and only had one other guy training at the same time. It went so smoothly. We stayed out of each others way. We left weights on the machines we knew the other was going to use. Perfect. Except I felt weird training so late. Out of sorts is the best way to describe it. I was able to concentrate on each exercise, and had a relatively good workout, I just felt like I was not there the entire time. Weird. As I sat trying to recover a moment before leaving the gym and taking the long walk to my car in the parking lot I was kinda upset and mad at myself for not having a good workout. I was thinking what a waste of time. I was here, I shoulda pushed harder. Typing this 3 hours later I'm not worried about that anymore. I tried to walk upstairs to my bedroom a little bit ago and I actually fell up the stairs. 'Nuff said, good workout in my book.

The actual workout was fairly quick, for a leg workout. I began with 6 minutes on the bike to loosen up my legs and knees. I began my quads workout with 3 sets of true squats, followed by 3 sets of leg presses, next up was 3 sets of hack squats, and finally 3 sets of leg extensions. Hamstrings started off with 3 sets of seated leg curls, followed by 3 sets of standing leg curls, and ending with 3 sets of weighted hyper-extensions. The only cardio at the gym other than the bike was the hurt legged stumble to my car after it was over.

Again I had another "on plan" day. I began with lowfat gronola cereal, facon, a banana, and a slice of multigrain bread. My morning snack was yogurt & some banana. Lunch was 3 servings of broccoli with cheese sauce & a chocolate graham fudge bar. I forgot how good those are (heated up). Gotta remember that. My afternoon snack was a chocolate crunch bar (I like chocolate). For dinner I had the zesty cajun chicken rice and sausage. Tonight's dessert was a white chocolate chunk cookie along with a cup of tea.
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