Again I'm posting a day late. This is for Saturday, October 3rd.

I decided to take the day off from my usual cardio workout at the gym today. My hip flexors are constantly sore from all of the up hill treadmill work I've been doing. So this morning Kim and I woke up rather early (for a Saturday) and walked Jack around the lake in a heavy fog. Later in the day we took a second walk just before sunset. So I still managed around an hour of cardio for the day (totaling about 4 miles).

We spent the rest of the day watching UGA loose a heart-breaker to LSU (terrible officiating both ways in the game), going to the grocery store, and relaxing (Kim napped for a bit after our second walk and I edited some photos from the wedding I shot). I noticed at the grocery store again how vastly different the items I'm buying now are compared to what I purchased say at the beginning of August. Previously I would have filled the shopping cart with frozen pizza, pizza rolls, hot pockets, hot dogs, doughnuts, ice cream, steaks, steaks, steaks, some sorta boxed mashed potatoes, the occasional case of Twinkies, and every now and again a bag of kettle potato chips. Now looking at the cart I see a beautiful array of brightly colored vegetables, fruits, dozens of lite yogurt containers, olives, peppers, and lots of my favorite two new foods (romaine lettuce & spinach)! The only frozen foods we buy anymore are facon (fake bacon) and frozen veggies. The ladies checking out behind us had a shopping cart full of bratwurst, hot dogs, chips, sodas (not diet), and a boat load of desserts/candies/treats/ice creams/etc. They both were considerably larger than me. I got a visual reference to what I've been thinking and telling my self since the beginning of this program (longer really), the decisions you make concerning your diet have an enormous impact on how you look, how you feel, and most importantly - your health. I'm just as happy now, well happier really, as I was while eating all the junk before NS. I feel better now. I don't look like a bloated whale anymore. I'm in much better shape. Why would I ever go back to eating/living that way again? I'm no longer craving any of the junk that got me in such bad shape to begin with. I think/hope my change in eating/shopping/decision making has become a lifestyle instead of simply a program to follow for a period of time. Yahoo!

I had another 100% on plan day. For breakfast Kim made me some NS pancakes, facon, a banana, and a slice of whole wheat bread. Morning snack was yogurt and grapes. Lunch was one of my new favorite things. Kim prepared her creation of, well we really don't know what to call it. I'm gonna go with "Black Beans & Rice Salad." She prepares the NS black beans and rice and then chills it. She adds a veggie chicken patty (as one of our veggies), and chopped cilantro, red peppers, cucumbers, radishes, and jalapenos. Mix it all together and serve on a bed of lettuce. I topped my serving with Cholula. Wonderful. My afternoon snack was a white chocolate chunk cookie. Dinner was pasta fagioli, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese, a salad with spinach, olive and peppers, and a slice of whole grain bread. Dessert was an oatmeal raisin cookie.
Sunday is my "last chance workout day" before I weigh in on Monday morning. I think I will get to the gym and train calves and cardio and then get another walk in at home in the evening.
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