This post is for Thursday Oct 1st.

For the first time in recent memory I was tired before I even started my first round of cardio. So tired I didn't want to do it. I don't know if I just didn't rest well the night before (thought I did), or I was tired from my workout (I only trained arms so that shouldn't have been it), or if all of the cardio I've been doing finally caught up with me. I tried to up the intensity on the treadmill, but after a few minutes I had to back off to the level I'd used the day before. After about 10 minutes I kinda got into a groove and finished up the morning session without any problem, but it was a battle to get started. The rest of my training for the day was as good as usual. My arm workout consisted of 3 sets of overhead presses, 3 sets of press downs, 3 sets of weighted dips, and 3 sets of rope press downs for triceps. For biceps I started with 3 sets of seated incline curls, followed by 3 sets of hammer strength preacher curls, and finishing up with 3 sets of rope curls. My second round of cardio was much more pleasant. Kim and I walked Jack around the lake at a relatively good pace.

For dinner we had one of our favorite meals, veggie fajitas with soy chorizo! I've read on the blogs that quite a few people hate this meal. Maybe we love it so much because we get to eat a tortilla. Anyway, I was stuffed after dinner and barely could stay awake to watch "The Office." The day as a whole was another 100% on plan day, even with the soy/veggie chorizo. For breakfast I had maple brown sugar oatmeal with raspberries, facon, and a slice of whole grain bread. My morning snack was yogurt and 1/2 of a banana. Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich with banana pepper mustard (which is OUTSTANDING by the way), a salad with spinach, and instead of a second veggie I ate the other 1/2 of the banana so it wouldn't go bad. My afternoon snack was nacho crisps (I was craving something with a little salt). Dinner was the veggie fajita, a salad with pepper, spinach, and olives, soy/veggie chorizo as a vegetable, and broccoli with cheese sauce. Fore dessert I had a white chocolate chunk cookie.
Friday is LEG day at they gym, then crashing on the sofa to recover for the rest of the day (I hope).
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