I was up to late playing with my camera last night to post, so this is for Wednesday.

I had an amazing discovery today while preparing for my cardio at the gym. See, for a couple of months (since I bought a new pair of shoes to train in) I've had this constant problem of my shoes untying themselves. I had reached the conclusion that the shoe laces were to long. As I was about to jump on the treadmill I decided to make sure the laces were as secure as possible when I noticed a little speck on the side of one shoe. I looked closer and realized it was one final shoe lace hole that I'd NEVER seen before. I laced the shoes up as far as possible and for all three cardio workouts I did yesterday I only had to retie one shoe a single time. Usually I'd have to tie each a couple of times per workout. Sadly, this made my day. So yes, I'm a college educated, somewhat successful person who at age 34, took 3 months to figure out how to tie his shoes.
The weather here has finally cooled off just a bit (we live in Georgia where it's usually hot and humid from March through October) so I decided to shoot a picture of the house last night. I wanted something a little different so I setup a shot to capture some star trails over the house. Total exposure time was 55 minutes (broken up into 99 separate 30 second shots).
I accomplished one of my short term training goals today. I completed 6 pull ups to start my back workout. The first four were very good form and easy. The last two were ugly, but I did manage to complete them. Hopefully I'll be able to add number seven before to much longer. After my glorious set of pull ups I moved on to 3 sets of relatively heavy pull downs, 3 sets of T-bar rows, 3 sets of hammer strength front rows, followed by 3 sets of seated rows, and finishing with 3 sets of straight arm push downs (the last is for the serratus muscles). After my back workout I made my shoe discovery and then completed 35 minutes on the treadmill, incline 12.2 & speed of 3.9. A little later in the afternoon my father and I walked Jack around the lake and then Kim and I took a little faster paced walk around the lake when she returned from work.

I had another 100% on plan day. For breakfast I had an apple strudle scone, 1/2 a banana, facon, and a slice of whole wheat bread. My morning snack was the rest of my banana & yogurt. Lunch was a salad and red beans and rice with sausage. My afternoon snack was a chocolate peanut butter bar. Dinner was
Stroganoff Sauce with Beef and Noodles, a spinach salad with olives and peppers, broccoli and cauliflower with cheese sauce and a slice of whole grain bread. Dessert was a white chocolate chunk cookie served warm. Yumm.
One more day to Leg Day!
You've got to give me dummy directions for how to shoot that....I have a D90 as well and I've never even attempted a star trail...ISO? Shutter? Is this a batch deal...what? I'm a virgin in terms of doing anything other than Priority mode and shooting for Aperture blur. Most importantly...nice pics.
ReplyDeleteThank Adam. I'd love to have you come shoot with me one night. I'll send you a link and some info on FB. The most important thing you need is a cable release (so the camera will shoot continuously without you having to hold the shutter release down), a tripod, and a clear night. I think the ISO on this was about 400. Shutter speed was 30 seconds per exposure. This is a stack of 99 photos to create the trails. I would like to shoot more than 99 but the D90 will only shoot 100 at a time (I was in the first frame so I threw it out). I shoot most of my stuff in Manual. You have so much more control of how you want the image to look. Speed, motion, amount of ambient light, depth of field, bokeh. I tend to light a lot of my photos with speed lights and became very comfortable using manual mode as a result. I'll try to get a link to you about some of this stuff this morning.